Guest post price: Best estimate on strong factors

guest post price

Pricing for guest posts is determined by a variety of criteria. The one with a large number of social media followers may charge you more or less depending on the amount of traffic they can generate from the post.

In previous articles, we discussed a number of websites that offer guest writings. They may fee you based on the number of daily and monthly visits they receive.

guest post price
Guest post price

There are many websites, blogs and digital publications available online. They offer bloggers for free as well as paid guest post opportunity for the link building purposes. You can also check out the list of the guest blogging sites and include them into your blog and website.

You can either pay for guest posts or charge for guest blogging. However, you must consider Domain Authority (DA), Domain Rating (DR), Trust Flow (TF), and Traffic. This is an estimate of guest post payouts based on statistics.

Guest post price depend upon various factors

Below are the factors upon which guest post price get calculated.

  • Social media followers
  • Domain Rating
  • Domain Authority
  • Trust Flow

Guest post price estimates based on the factors discussed.

Domain AuthorityTrafficGuest Post Price
15+1,000 – 3,000$20–$50
21+4,000 – 10,000$50–$100
40+ or 60+100,000 – 60,000*$150-$300 or $10000
Get your guest post at just $5 in
Get your guest post at just $5 in