Morning Rituals Recommended by Monks

When you start your day, do not forget these four morning rituals that saints and monks have been doing for years. These habits will bring peace, money, and harmony into your life.

When you start your day, do not forget these four morning rituals that saints and monks have been doing for years. These habits will bring peace, money, and harmony into your life.

1. Do not use mobile phone


In our busy lifestyles, we have lost how to build things organically. We should start adjusting to the natural world.

However, instead of utilising something natural like a parrot, hen, or cow, 90% of the general people now sets alerts on their mobile devices.

2. When you wake up, your morning ritual should begin with looking at your your palm


In our busy lifestyles, we have lost how to build things organically. We should start adjusting to the natural world. However, instead of utilising something natural like a parrot, hen, or cow.

3. Monks in their morning ritual, follow to sunlight and prayer to 1st God


The sun is the first god for humans and other creatures on this planet, and Earth is their mother. However, our busy schedule does not allow us to even wake up on time and pray to our lord, the sun.

3. Monks in their morning ritual, follow to sunlight and prayer to 1st God


If sunlight is not reaching your house's door or windows, sit in a position and pretend you have sunlight. The best way to do, yoga, Suryanamaskar with a sprinkle of relaxing music.

4. Everyone in their morning rituals should Remember Goddess and it's element


The first goddess still exists; that is our mother, "Earth." Feel her around you. Also, it's air, temperature, fire, and all the other elements of the earth.

4. Everyone in their morning rituals should Remember Goddess and it's element


In the early days, mostly in villages, we used to burn wood to boil water for baths. In short, we were feeling early morning air, fire, and then water. These are the mother earth's elements.