Who has time to write? We all have busy lives filled with much higher priorities than writing, right? And how can we write if we’re away from our keyboards?
Stuck waiting for an appointment?
I wrote the inspiration for a 360-page book while waiting for a haircut.
Do you hike or walk
I hike on trails with my dog to let my brain percolate. If an idea comes into my muddled mind, I stop to make a note or record a voice memo — hiking and typing can lead to tripping and falling.
Stuck in rush hour traffic?
Dictate your ideas with the microphone, PLEASE! Do NOT type them
Chilling after work, a workout, or playing too hard?
Tell yourself that you have one minute to write something on your phone. Add a few plot points or whatever comes to mind. Stream-of-conscious writing is a real thing.
Camping out to get the best seats for a Billie Eilish concert?
Record your new scene in a selfie video. When your book hits the shelves, post it on Instagram
At a Bronco game?
While waiting for a TV timeout, pull out your phone and type a sentence or two. Any progress is progress.
Anytime you listen to music, a podcast, or click on social media du jour is the perfect time to write, even when you aren’t at home.