Her full name Savitribai Jyotiba Phule (b. 3 Jan 1831 — d. 10 March 1897) was one of the gods gifted Indian educationalist and wife of great social reformer Jyotiba Phule (she got married at the age of 9). Immense contribution of both husband and wife. Their work was countless to the Indian education system and traditional reformation. Both made people aware of unnecessary customs which were dangerous to humanity and their success.
The family of Phule had become the first who brought awareness of education system and its importance of girl's education in future. Savitri also joined hand-to-hand with her husband as social reformer. (you would love reading B R Ambedkar who was The Man Of Freedom, Religious Teacher, Liberty Lover And Believer In Equality And Fraternity).
She abolished unfavourable conservative treatments of the poor based on caste and gender. And also brought widow remarriage in the country. For all this comes true, she had sacrificed her personal life. And busy achieving her goals of her life to keep awaking people for better causes.
Devotion toward forming better, educated society and looking at the benefits of people, Mrs Phule faced many criticisms. Even people who opposed (higher caste) disrepute and disgrace her and abused her every time possible. It was a very hard time for her when she used to start going out collecting girls for classes. She had to carry, handy another piece of clothes as people used to throw mud or cow waste on her. Or some cruel used to pelting with stone or wooden cane (whichever they find).
Poor were becoming more poor
It was really difficult for Savitri to find a girl to get school and convince to their parents those days. Woman was hardly allowed to go out of house and education was so far from their reach. The reason behind their illiteracy was a simple, well-educated family becoming pawnbroker.
And used to give them loan and upon not able to meet deadlines of returning of money. Pawnbrokers (moneylenders) used to swallowed their farms, gold or auction house. Those people mostly marginalized and illiterate. The mission of Phule family was very difficult and unbearable but both worked hard for the nation.
Savitri considered the first woman student (educated) of Jyotiba Phule in India and became a teacher who had started teaching girls. When Jyotiba and Savitri moved out of their ancestral house (due to facing a lot of criticism) they went to Pune and started living in a Muslim family (Usman Sheikh, a close friend of Jyotiba).
The family became very close with each-other and colleague, Fatima Begum Sheikh (sister of Usman Sheikh and first Muslim women, teacher of modern India) became very closed to Savitribai (both graduated together). Mid of 18s Phule family first opened the schools for girls at Bhidewada in Pune city in 1848
Also read: Jyotiba Phule: “Lack Of Education Leads To Lag In Everything” the true man of society, reformer, origin of Indian education system for girls. A great thinker and seeker of social justice. Progressive participation in eradication of untouchables and anti-caste system.
Be self-reliant, be industrious
Work, gather wisdom and riches,
All gets lost without knowledge
We become animal without wisdom,
Sit idle no more, go, get education
End misery of the oppressed and forsaken,
You’ve got a golden chance to learn
So learn and break the chains of caste.
Throw away the Brahman’s scriptures fast.
— Go get education by Savitri Phule
Despite her career as educationalist and social reformer, Savitri was a Marathi writer and poet.
Poem: “The Greatest Wealth” by Savitribai Phule
Early in the morning,
Perform your ambulation,
Having become clean and tidy,
Pay your respects to parents and elders.
Remembering the name of God,
Immerse yourself in studies,
Waste not these precious days,
by insisting on going home.
Study hard, get educated,
Treat knowledge as your God,
Diligently take advantage of it,
Concentrating with all your heart.
Knowledge is wealth,
Greater than all riches,
Wise is considered he,
Who acquires it.
Savitribai Phule
Also read: “No Man Or Woman Should Depend Upon Another.” The first Marathi Woman, Dr Anandi Gopal Joshi From The Bombay Presidency, Graduated Medical Science In 1887 From The United States.