Dashdorjiin Natsagdorj was a Mongolian revolutionary poet who lived from 17 November 1906 to 13 June 1937. He was one of the luminaries in the country that most of the lisps of herdsmen could sing his poem. Dashdorjiin founded modern literature of Mongolia.
Most of his collection was published from 1935 to 1961. The young man had a short life—only 30 years—but he was able to write poetry that was full of rhythmic emotions, including those that were patriotic, educational, revolutionary, and romantic.

One of his poem, My Native Land, grabbed the attention of the country lover. The poet could easily and instantly evoke the feelings of a patriot in any country lover. The poem also takes readers through some history of Mongolia, and he invaded its beauty in his words.
Poem: “My Native Land” by Dashdorjiin Natsagdorj
The fertile virgin-lands between Altai and Khangai
Lands of our eternal destiny where ancestors lie
Land grown mellow under the golden rays of the sun
Land grown eternal under the silver moon.
This is my native land
Mongolia the beautiful!
Homeland of our ancestors since the day of the Hsiung-nu
Land of great might in the days of the Blue Mongols
Land we become more accustomed to every passing year
Land where now the crimson flags flutter
This is my native land
Mongolia the beautiful!
Beloved country of us all who were born and die here
The enemy who dares invade our soil shall perish
Let us build our democratic (revolutionary) state on the land ordained
Then let march head high toward the brave future new world.
This is my native land
Mongolia the beautiful.
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