Learning seems effortlessly from the gunny of love poems by Rumi. He showed us how to love this universe and its forms through his poetic mind.
You can call Rumi a preacher, a saint, or promoter of the creator of this universe. He was born to a clergyman of a Persian family (30 Sep 1207 – 17 Dec 1273) in Afghanistan. His real name was Jalal ad-din Muhammad Balkhi. There was no doubt that he was not a Muslim, but he never confined himself to a particular religion. He means there is a single light that every human and their religion belongs to and has the same origin. And the meaning of his name is “Glory of The Faith”. He was a well-known Sufi master and famous for his ecstatic poetry.
Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form.

and Shams-e Tabrizi
His poetry talks all about Love and according to Rumi, the definition of love he incorporated into his verses. Those books are still anyone would love to read which are timeless poetry.
“That flame which when it blazes up, burns away everything except the everlasting beloved.”
Reading it quickly reminds us a famous saying, “everything is fair in love and war” it is likely more similar in terms but Rumi put it in very precise way.
The below poetry of Rumi explains extremely well. He put himself into different states of life and educate readers. This verse is from his one of the well-known works “The Masnavi”.
I died to the mineral state and became a plant,
I died to the vegetal state and reached animality,
I died to the animal state and became a man,
Then what should I fear? I have never become less from dying.
At the next charge (forward) I will die to human nature,
So, that I may lift (my) head and wings (and soar) among the angels,
And I must (also) jump from the river of (the state of) the angel,
Everything perishes except His Face,
Once again I will become sacrificed from (the state of) the angel,
I will become that which cannot come into the imagination,
Then I will become non-existent; non-existence says to me (in tones) like an organ,
Truly, to Him, is our return.
His micro thinking in this poetry earned high value by placing his powerful imagination to overcome the fear of human. The poem states simply flow of energy from one object to another. It is a process of nature. He and his verses well explained the way to reach god and it is possible through poetry, songs, dance which awakes our consciousness and lead us through a bright light to the Devine power.
His other great work “Diwan-e Shams-e Tabriz” after reading his love poems by Rumi, It appears that he wanted to dissolve all the lovers and awake human awareness.
The Poet, Nanao Sakaki, Well Said,
When you hear dirty story,
Wash your ear.
When you see ugly stuff,
Wash your eyes,
When you get bad thoughts,
Wash your mind.

Readers would get a question on its last line that how to wash mind and the simple answer is read Rumi, his human cultivating thoughts and harmonious, intriguing mystical poetry which are valued for lifetime.
Rumi Poem: "In Your Light I Learn How To Love"
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest
where no one sees you,
but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art.
The above poem of Rumi says that what I create from my thoughts that is all about you. It is a love inside his chest that no one could see, but he could sometimes see and reveal the identity of the perception to the lovers through his writings and that is called Art by Rumi.
One of the love poems by Rumi: There is nothing ahead
Lovers think they’re looking for each other,
but there’s only one search: wandering
this world is wandering that,
both inside one
transparent sky.
In here there is
no dogma and no heresy.
The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what he said
or did about the future.
Forget the future.
I’d worship someone who could do that.
On the way you may want to look back, or not.
But if you can say, There’s nothing ahead,
there will be nothing there.
Stretch your arms
and take hold the cloth of your clothes
with both hands.
The cure for pain is in the pain.
Good and bad are mixed.If you don’t have both,
you don’t belong with us.
When one of us gets lost,
is not here, he must be inside us.
There’s no place like that anywhere in the world.
The poet said that there is nothing apart from this holy earth where the pain, love, and cure are present. If there is pain, there is cure inside itself. Finding cure of pain is a job of Ambitious man.
- Kabir Das: searching For Crook I Met Nobody And When I Search Myself, I Found The One.
- Learn from Abay what is Desire of Soul from his finest collection of poetry.