10 Must-know Reasons Why People Like Life in a Big City

Life in a big city has big dreams, some start living in a dream, the other dare to live the same life. I have seen people who left the family just because they want to grow in their life.

Everyone keeps ambition of live in a beautiful place, having good roads, hygienic place, big hospitals, film theatre, have entertainment hubs handy. And thus, leave the slow and dull life of villages behind. However, the reason behind leaving the native place could have been many reasons, but some of them in my research are as below.

Family disputes

The disputes in the family could be the reason a person decides to leave the home. He or she wanted to go away from the boring life and find some new energy, people, and friends around. Thus, they start a fresh new beginning.

Job opportunity

Everyone loves each other in the family when there is money. However, everything goes wrong, and peace from the family disappears when there is no cash and the family could not meet daily expectations. If you are an adult and sitting at home idle, there is a pressure from your parents when you have to seek another way to do a job. Therefore, life in a big city always a challenging and job vacancies are always available. One just need willingness to work.


When you are well grown up, completed your 12th grade, and you feel that you have stared developing feather and want to fly in the sky. You are in the midst to grab the opportunity and life in a big city attracts you and your thoughts. You wanted to get good changes in your life in terms of new college, friends, and quality of education. However, leading that, you want to earn money and meet you and your family's daily expectations. In this phase, everyone keeps waiting for these moments and grab the chance as soon as possible. Therefore, finally, you go to your dream City.

New Experiments

Everyone is tired of living boring life at home or around the family members. They want something new to try, new things to speak with strangers and build new relationship. Only in a big city, it is possible to do it all. Even though you are already a resident of metro city , and you still want to leave the house and find a new place to live and start exploring new places, things, ideas, and try out new experiments. All these are possible in a big metro city.

Family Responsibility

The responsibilities are one of the cores and the most important thing comes first in mind when expectations of the family goes beyond the limits. When there are disputes, these keep going due to lack of money. Therefore, the burdens on the head and the clouds of responsibility rose on the head of the elders in the family. One quickly decides to live a different life and get a good job in a metro city when he can meet all the prospects.

Love & relationships

When a shadow of sadness spread across the way of someone and relationships need to heal within the family. One better live his/her life away from the family or loved ones. Therefore, one has to increase love, retain a sustainable relationship to live the dealings longer and last forever. Therefore, a big city that gives us millions of thoughts to think over it. Give power, ambitions, and opportunities to live the life as we want.

Thus, life living in such a big city can gain all the things we have lost recently.


Within the four walls and spending the same time with the same people automatically reduces the care and love. To build the sustainable and long-lived relationship, one has to grab a long-distance relationship formula to live strong and longer. Life in a big city becomes another opportunity to heal the gap between the mother and son, daughter and father and husband and wife.


Typically, our friends adapt a new lifestyle, and they have invented from their travelling experiences or from someone who has good knowledge of current trends. One always to up-to-date with current affair and trends of the market. The one who lags, considered back benches. We see new ideas, new people and new lifestyle people lives. To overcome this fear, a new and big city could get the rid of all these.

Behaviours issue

Once in a life, everyone had behaviours issues. This is always found by someone else, but one day we understand that we need a change. One can get good suggestions for us and change us completely. There might be thousands of people you might have seen in your life that going to a new city, they have changed a lot. The person becomes a complete change.

Fear and weakness

Everybody wants to compete with another person. Almost every person posses fear and weakness and removing them is not an easy. It’s natural brain function. However, lack of fear may consider a serious biological problem. We always find new challenges in the big cities, therefore not in a small town. We meet new people, understand their thought process, and we try to build ourselves like them. Actually, we learn from their story of overcoming fears and weakness.

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