The Everlasting Presence of God

In Christianity, God is the origin of the Universe and the light that created the human being.

The figure of the Creator has been the axis in cultures and religions throughout the history of Creation. The belief of a Creator being who gives rise to the world is the meaning of our existence and accompanies Christians through the paths they must walk on earth.
We speak of God as the One who brings us what we need to achieve happiness, the truth, we do not realize that God himself is within ourselves and we do not have to ask for it outside, but rather have that Faith, which makes us internalize ourselves and find it there, once achieved, is to speak (as for you), quietly, with tenderness and with that love that God himself offers us eternally.

In more recent times, scientific theory has also addressed the origin of the universe, from the Big Bang to the appearance of a great Mass that when expanding created everything we have today.
For me, God is the supreme Being who orders the entire Universe,
who unites the Divine and the earth, the light that erases the darkness that every human being carries with him, his own or inherited from his ancestors, He is that Being, who when sadness comes with a glance takes it away and brings us smiles in its place.
It is also said of Him, that nothing will ever happen to us that we cannot bear nor any test that humiliates us.
God is the One who kisses us when we come down and welcomes us when we return, the One who loves his children unconditionally and takes care of them in eternity.

Today, the concept of the Creator is still alive, even in a world increasingly marked by ambition and power, by the lack of awareness and loss of Faith.

For we can all remember those Words of Jesus Christ;
Time and the earth will pass but My Words Will Not Pass .

Julia Orozco


Christ of a thousand springs
come, with your white horse
and take away the miseries,
that are ravaging the world.

Let the illness that covers us go, beloved Christ,
and take away, my Father, the tears of every man…
for tears have already dried, from so much crying, oh Father.
And let the scarcity of feelings go away as well,
for when they flew through the air…
they changed the human being
and no one… no one is anymore…
as they were before.

Take away, O our Christ,
illness and misery.

take away also far away…
bitterness and sadness.

And bring on the horse's back
so much joy and love…
that neither lack nor pain exists in the Universe.

May all beings come to understand, O Lord, that the form of the soul, its cleanliness or dirtiness, is what makes men…
Your Word is Always There

Because You said this, O Father, Christ of Love;

Wherever you go, My children,
Wherever you go, I WILL GO,
and in Eternity I will be
The One Who will take care of you,
And the One Who for Eternity
with His Mantle of Light…
Cover you.

Bertrand Russell: “Love is wise and Hatred is Foolish”

Bertrand Russell in 1957

Bertrand Russell (18 May 1872–2 Feb 1970) was interviewed by John Freeman from BBC, where he was asked few questions. Russell brilliantly putted his thoughts on Love & Hatred and how they function together. And, why the human have placed together in such way embroiled with each other. And according to him, it has to be function that way. This interview happened on his 87th birthday. He was a political activist and logical philosopher. Russell founded the analytic philosophy. It mostly used in the western world and particularly Anglosphere (native English speakers). As well as, he was a co-author of Principia Mathematica.

The book has three volumes based on the foundations of mathematicians, Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. Both used logics in mathematics. Apart from that, he had also produced the book, “The history of Western Philosophy” a complete western culture thoughts that narrate the beginning of ancient Greek philosophy to the 20th century in the book successfully.

Bertrand Russell, Philosophy of Love & Hatred.

“Love is wise, hatred is foolish. In this world which is getting more and more closely, interconnected. We have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. Likewise, we can only live together in that way and if we are to live together and not die together. Not only that, but we must learn the kind of charity and kind of tolerance which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.”

Education and Interest of Bertrand Russell

Trinity College, Cambridge where Bertrand Russell completed his graduation iin 1894
Trinity College, Cambridge where Bertrand Russell completed his graduation iin 1894

Russell studied mathematics and philosophy at Trinity college in Cambridge. In 1894, he graduated. During those years he met George Edward Moore, a philosopher who was also assisted together with Russell and Alfred Whitehead who was also a mathematician and philosopher. These two were inspiration factors in his life. He blessed with commercial success of his book, Principia Mathematica, Russell became the world-famous mathematician and philosopher.

There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it.

Bertrand Russell

Unsuccessful in Getting Fellowship

Therefore, the student became professor of mathematics and philosophy at the same college, Trinity, in 1910. However, no one is perfect and this is the nature’s law. Russell was unable to obtain fellowship at the Trinity and due to lack of job security. He was dismissed in 1916 after four days. It had happened due to being convicted under the defence of the realm act (the act passed on 8th Aug 1914 in the UK), speaking against world war one.

The philosopher’s condition was very down financially, he couldn’t pay the fine of 100 quid and went to jail. Russell could pay his fine upon books sold at the auction. Later that incident, due to his personal problems, he resigned in 1920. However, he had also given almost a year before his resignation to sort the issues of his life. Therefore, he failed to solve. He thought that his resignation would be a fair decision and proceeded. Russell has also received Nobel Prize for literature in 1950


Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

Bertrand Russell

However, he lived a proactive and complexed life but one year he found his true love when he got married to his fourth wife Edith Finch, a 52-year-old American and Russell was 80. He left with all the satisfaction afterward. He was considered the Voltaire of his time. Russell almost spent his life from beginning to end searching for knowledge and love. He donated himself full-time, zest in great issues of the day.

In his life, he addressed and studied issues like trial marriage, pacifism, rights for women, nuclear wars and peace, etc. At 97, he died at his home, Wales.

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