Nobody Told You: Karma that makes me think and rethinking

Discover the essence of Karma in "Nobody Told You," a poignant poem reflecting on life's trials, joys, and the pursuit of inner peace amid the cycle of rebirth and learning.

I wrote this Poem, because it always caught my attention to read so many times that everything we experience is the cause of Karma.

Nobody Told You: Karma that makes me think and rethinking.

First, what is Karma? According to many scholars, Karma is the mistakes we make in other lives, which make us reborn to see if we can change it and ascend the soul towards the light. The truth is, it is difficult to remove Karma, since when we are born and fold our wings we forget everything, we start our journey again and very possibly we will fall into the same mistakes.

In truth, life itself is full of surprises, every day that dawns, we learn something, a new path is born and we still make mistakes, or perhaps, that new day, turns us into that pure being of the new birth. Karma is every moment lived in our lives, it is cause, effect, receiving what you gave, bad or good.

Karma is that thinking that suddenly tells you!

No, don't do this!, and without knowing it, something reminds you that you once did it and they returned broken dreams, or joy in it.

Karma is living with a calm heart and calm soul, like when we are born without even contaminating our paths, with darkness or clarity, like singing rivers that go happy (or perhaps sad) to the sea. Karma is ultimately the cause of what we receive in this life, according to what we sowed previously, it is to receive the gentle or brave waves of new living.

That's why I wrote this Poem, I titled it, Nobody Told You, why fear brings us more pain, sadness and crying, and steals joy and brings brokenness. In reality, our birth is to live again, but no one tells us how hard it is to learn when being born again. Let's let fears flee from us and instead, let's attract peace.

Poem: No one told you.

They don't tell us that being born hurts and that crying comes to the pain when you leave your mother's womb, when she is protected.Oh my God.

Nobody tells us how painful it is to grow up, what it costs to study (to get a job), and then to search and find, what we study for.Nobody tells us how heavy the pain is, how much we have to cry because laughter comes and takes away that cry of birth, that tear that weighs so much.

They don't tell us that pain breaks you, when you lose a loved one or a friend, nor the pain that makes your soul tremble, when you lose your food and job.

But I say loud and clear, at this moment in my life that after crying and laughter comes a calm and peaceful life.Because your soul understands that at birth, you bear the seal of the Universe, you have an immortal life and a feeling and discernment.

And with this that I learned on a thousand paths, I understood that life is made up of feelings that we manage from the soul, and we decide who hurts us or who we lack.Crying does not come if we do not consent, laughter dances with us if we want it, because within the Mantle of Heaven that covers us, is the torch of Light of the Father who loves us and wants us.

And Faith and Hope seals the soul, and times no longer hurt, because we put our path in clear light, and The Creator helps us as we walk.If we take Him by our side as a friend, judge, lawyer and defender, who will we fear?

Julia Orozco