Everyone in life once face illiterate bossing day, and instantly we break the relationship with the bossing person, in fact, with the ruling person. Here is the example I have shared how to overcome this.
Most of us start our professional careers, and somewhere in the professional terms, we have a manager in life. Don’t worry, if you are a housewife, and you have been a great leader of the family that’s quite spectacular. However, most of the families have clashes between Mother in law and DIL daughter-in-law.
In my office, recently, one of my team leader said that never let illiterate bossing on you if you think you have more knowledge. Usually, an organization hires a TL and manager who have good knowledge of handling team members but have no product knowledge.
Therefore, many of them get fail at their task when they have less product idea. Imagine if you're a manager, keeps you shouting on the silly mistakes. Those mistakes that have less important, but then you're caught by your TL or manager who has no product knowledge. Imagine what would happen? What will you do, you think? You will give no importance because you complete your work every day you get an assign. As well as, do your production on time and at the end of the day. Furthermore, if your boss shouts at you on those silly mistakes then definitely you will get angry and next day onwards you will stop doing extra work.
Who would be the best manager according to you?
One who has complete product information and the one who has good people management skills? I believe, the one who has a grasp on both the side. In the service industry, it is equally influential.
In a family, if it is happening to a newly wedded woman trying to teach a mother-in-law who is well experienced then it is wrong, and I blame the mother-in-law for that reason. Therefore, without having knowledge shouting on someone who is respected in the family, bringing such a situation at home is the fault of the experienced one.
They failed to maintain the culture of the family, and couldn't hold on to convince the new person at home.
You must be confused about what I mean to say exactly? If the expert person does not know how to handle the situation, then illiterate definitely teach you irrespective of the position and power. Furthermore, every person in life has to pass this phase of leadership, some might work for long and on the other hand, few of them for very short time.
This has happened to one of my friend who was working in a XYZ company, He has been a subject-matter expert and doing his work with pride. Suddenly, his manager got a new job and all his efforts he had put for achieving the next level ruined. When his new manager taken his first meeting, he introduces his people management skills. He had been in the management field for seven years and received the best manager award in 2018.
My friend had observed that he got a different attitude and felt it was difficult to understand him. Once upon a time, while he was in the meeting, his mobile was not on the silent mode, and thus his manager shouted in front of all the team members.
He immediately left the meeting and send an email subjected, Resignation Letter he had felt a public shame and lost his credit he had built for years. He was sure that this new manager is not going to promote him to the next level.
The black clouds surrounded him, he couldn't meet his daily expectations.
What had happened to him? Furthermore, after he resigned, he was jobless for the next six months, and he had to join another company on the same level. What had happened with my friend? The situation created by only my friend, and ultimately, he suffered. He did not even get a chance to know his manager. Having product good knowledge does not help, you must have a grasp on management too. As he did not understand from the perspective of management, and thus, he couldn't control on his anger. It wasn't bossing day, instead the matter of adherence and etiquettes.
It has become a very crucial part of any corporate job. Therefore, because of this, many employees leave the organization. Maybe my friend had good knowledge of what he is doing but if he was unable to handle people, situation, and the client. However, it is difficult for someone to crack down on the next level.
Definition of rich Person is to control your desire
Substitute for Disturb and stressful Notification of life
Anger: The product of different understanding