Monday, June 10, 2024
Where Olive Trees Weep (2024) is a documentary about Palestinians fighting for freedom and justice for 75 years. Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman interviews two people who appear in this film. Ashira Darwish is a Palestinian Journalist/Therapist and Dr. Gabor Mate is a Hungarian-Canadian Physician as well as an Anti-Zionist Jew and a Holocaust Survivor. They also talk about the loss and trauma that Palestinians have suffered as well as continue to suffer today.
Directed by Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo, this new documentary is being promoted worldwide on many videos. Zaya and Maurizio discuss their documentary by interviewing Ashira Darwish, Alex Kiss, Laura Harvey, Ola Nasser, Suzanne, Cyrus, and Abbas. They discuss Palestinians’ daily life, living in an open-air concentration camp, under Zionist Israel occupation. They also talk about many Palestinians being tortured in Zionist Israel prisons, which has led to trauma and loss.
Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo discuss their documentary with Ussama Makdisi, Sherene Seikaly, and Nathan Thrall, mostly about the dehumanization and the ongoing Nakba in Palestine. I don’t think the documentary will be on Youtube yet. But I found a site that lists all the film screenings at different countries, all over the world.
Meanwhile, many American officials have resigned from their positions because of their sudden realization to the destruction and mass murder in Palestine reminding them of the Holocaust. Harrison Mann, a Jewish-American who worked in the military as a US Army Major, has now resigned from the Defense Intelligence Agency. Democracy Now interviews Harrison Mann about his recent resignation. It is obvious that Zionist Israel is performing a similar Holocaust to the Palestinians in an open-air concentration camp as did Nazi Germany to many Jews in concentration camps throughout Europe. After the end of the Nazi Holocaust in 1945 to rid the Jews from Europe, Zionists continued a second Holocaust, which started in 1948 to rid Palestinians from their own native land and steal native Palestinians’ land. And, finally, in 2024, people have finally woken up to the truth.
I think this huge awakening actually happened when Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old US Air Force serviceman video-recorded immolating himself in front of the Embassy of Israel gate in Washington DC on February 25, 2024. He had received notice that he needed to get ready to go to Zionist Israel to fight for Israel and kill Palestinians, and he didn’t want to be a part of the Zionist-occupied US Government’s plan. He had decided to make a statement on video, in an extreme way, to sacrifice himself for Palestinians’ right and freedom to exist on their own land in peace. As he burns in the video, he shouts “FREE PALESTINE” a couple of times until he falls to the ground. In the video, he urges many people to act against America’s complicit actions to aid Zionist Israel in genocide. The disturbing video was traumatizing to watch, which finally woke up many people, especially young people, to the truth. Two police officers tried to extinguish the fire and save Aaron while the third police officer pointed a gun on a burning man. He was rushed to the hospital in order to save him, but he eventually died in his hospital bed at around nine o’clock at night.
Many colleges students all over the world created a college encampment to expose Zionist Israel and others who are complicit, as well as Free Palestine from Zionist Terrorists. Moreover, huge protests occurred worldwide, filling the streets, to support a Free Palestine and condemn Zionist Israel.