Explore how Eckhart Tolle's wisdom from "The Power of Now" helps navigate life's uncertainties amidst Vladimir Putin's geopolitical threats. Understand the importance of living in the present and making decisions without fear of an uncertain future.

Picture:: De Volkskrant
According to many of us, life on earth should be like a "soft-boiled egg." Meanwhile, all the rules by which you can achieve success on earth should be clear to everyone. Many years of school and work experience with and for people should have yielded a lot of knowledge and "knowhow." Of course, there will always be things that go differently than we expected, but ok, "that's life." Others say, "Life is the way it is, take advantage of it."
But what to do with tomorrow's uncertainties?
There is an author who has a very nice answer to that: "Eckhart Tolle" is his name, and he is especially praised for his book: "The Power of Now." In this book, Mr. Tolle explains that there is only one time to think about and that is now. You can't change what happened before. The time after the now is not yet clear to anyone. So you can only behave well now, now is what you see, and now is the time when you can show who you are and what your plans are. Anyone who asks you questions about the future can be pushed away because no one will ever know what the future will bring. Nobody has "a monopoly on wisdom." If the tragedy has ever begun, there are few people who can change it. Many claim to be able to think strategically, but do not understand that this is only a form of overestimation, in which fear is a recognizable guideline.
Are we indeed on the eve of the "Third World War?"
Vladimir Putin is one of the people who envisions a future for everyone on our planet. He has something in his head that can't be extracted from his brain with a thousand horsepower. Putin once saw a map from a few centuries ago that depicted a much larger Russia. Many Baltic states that have now built up an independent existence without Russia were still part of Russia on this old map. But Putin has a haze in front of his eyes and only sees his future. According to him, there does not seem to be any other future. In his statements and actions, he continues to make assertions about that future, the future about a free and powerful Russia, a country that rules the world.

How should you make decisions with a war in mind?
Eckhart Tolle is right, we live in the now, but if we are lucky, there will be many new "nows" for us. Every new day is a new now! When coming up with your new life goals, do you always consider a possible unexpected now? Do Vladimir Putin's words keep running through your head when you think about your new now? After all, what dreams can you build when you know that a Russian bomb could fall in your garden at any time of the next day? I hope you don't think about having children these days, do you? Or are you already thinking about decorating your new home that you will move into at the beginning of next year according to your current wishes? And indeed, there are also children's rooms in your plans.
Is Putin going to thwart your plans?
What are the chances that Putin will be able to throw your plans in the trash or move them? According to many, Putin is very smart. Putin is shouting, and he is making others shout things to see what the reaction of his expected opponents is to this! Putin keeps threatening, and what do we do? We have already drifted far away from our NOW in our heads, we only think about those things that we want to secure when Putin declares the long-awaited war. But what's the point for Putin to declare that war? Will his Now always float in the future? If he looks at a dot on the horizon at all, does this dot ever shift? Does Putin know the thoughts of his opponents, or does Vladimir Putin also live in the Now, and is he sponsored by the war industry? Have you also noticed that the countries in the EU are talking more and more about the arms race? That more and more of these countries feel that they should expand their armaments into a war arsenal.
Putin a good minister of war economy?
Putin pushes the buttons and everyone in the rest of the world shakes their heads no, but everyone thinks: "But if it's going to happen anyway." No one is in the now in their head right now. Everyone tells us what's going to happen if Putin gets it on his hips, but as Eckhart Tolle said before, the only truth is the "NOW." Why does everyone remain relatively calm under the bombs and grenades? Why is no one killing Vladimir Putin, are there people on this earth who know what he can do, and will do with our future? Are there many people whose future since Putin's intervention is no longer as they had imagined it to be? Would we all invest in the pockets of the already far too rich and influential war industry? Would Putin get a profit share in the sales of all that war equipment? If not, stop these unnecessary money-consuming war projects, and put Putin's mind in a shelter for strategists traumatized by war.