Sabrina Hughes brings magic to you by experiencing God through common lives and give you lessons of lifelong teaching through the book “Experiencing God’s Power and Miracles”. So, here is, wait no more and grab a copy and find a way to live a life like a refined human being. Sabrina from her real life experiences bringing it together for humanity. Therefore, get yourself to the next level by unfolding the truth, miracles, and wonders of modern days
Author’s Bio

Sabrina R. Hughes is an ordained pastor and evangelist. Pastor Sabrina is married to her soul mate and, they have a wonderful son. She grew up on the east coast but considers herself to be a southern girl. Pastor Sabrina has lived in several states and abroad. She is blessed to have had an accomplished professional life in the world of health care, education, and the military. Her life focuses on her relationship and works with Jesus Christ and believes that only the things you do with Him will last. Sabrina’s partnership with the Lord has allowed her to see and be an active part of His power, miracles, and wonders in this century in unimaginable ways! She is a passionate orchid grower with many exotic orchid species in her collection. Pastor Sabrina R. Hughes loves to spend time with her family and friends, cook, create new recipes, and travel.

All about The Book, “Experiencing God’s Power and Miracles”
This book is a powerful memoir depicting real-life modern-day accounts of God performing miracles, and wonders, and releasing His power through ordinary people in the 21st Century! These breathtaking truths unfold dramatically, reveal the nature of God, and display the Holy Trinity in action. War with demonic forces is entrenched in this journey that magnifies the name of the Lord, strengthens faith, and promotes spiritual growth. Throughout this book, there are twists, turns, jaw-dropping moments, obstacles, laughter, and victories that will leave you speechless, and inspired, and will ignite your self-examination. As the plots thicken and unravel, the reader gets to feel and visualize ways to overcome adversities, the defeat of the enemy, the healing of the sick, the movement of mountains, and other phenomenal acts of the Holy Spirit. All genders and a wide range of age groups will relate to the themes in this book.
Chapter 1
Whom Shall I Use
Have you ever wondered why and how God chooses someone to be an instrument of His work? As a child and a young adult, I was glued to my seat and mesmerized by the ministers delivering God’s Word amid packed pews either on television (TV) or in a church building. Those ministers were able to glide through the pulpit, and the aisles and speak with authority concerning God’s power and miracles that manifested in their lives, while seamlessly connecting their manifestations to scripture. As I looked around the buildings, there was not a disengaged person present. It seemed as though these ministers were speaking directly to me and, I am sure that was true for others because, I could see and hear people weeping, clapping, shouting for joy, dancing, and praising the Lord with vigor.
Being the analytical thinker that I am, it dawned on me that the actions of these ministers led to the outcomes of those in the pews. Exactly what the ministers said and what they did through the Holy Spirit touched the audience in a way that made them bear witness to what was being said, and their emotions and thanksgiving to God poured like a river. I said to myself, these ministers have a straight line to God and are capable of entering into a Holy realm and those in the pews including myself could not. In my mind, they were divine beings and everyone else was measly mortals. But then,
I began to read the Holy Bible and realized this was not the truth. Moses, King David, Apostle Paul, Peter, John, and others committed many sins that were unpleasing to God. King David himself was a womanizer and a murderer. Yet, after his repentance, God said that David had a heart like His (1 Sam. 13:14). Despite their flaws and sin patterns, God used all of them as an instrument for His glory. God’s power was released, and His miracles were manifested through them for countless people to see (Acts 4:13).
My a-ha moment was realizing that the disciples, other great people in the Bible, and the world are no different than me. They are ordinary people that you interact with every day like your family member, next-door neighbors, grocery store clerks co-workers, friends, and me. Although my sin pattern differs from the prominent figures in the Bible, the point is that I am an imperfect being like them. Guess what? so are the ministers that amazed me. If God can use them, then, He can use me too. God’s power and miracles are infinite. The Bible, which is inspired by God Himself, tells us that He is not a respecter of a person (Rom. 2:11 and, Acts 10:34). What does that mean? Simply put, it means that God does not play the game of favoritism. He loves each one of us unconditionally and, we are all on equal footing with Him. What a Hallelujah!! This was surely not my belief forty years ago.
Chapter 2
When God Speaks
My Christian walk became less feeble at Fort Bragg. I felt God’s presence, but my maturation appeared to be a light-year away. Fellowship at a local church became an essential part and highlight of my week. Bible study continued and the group expanded. An opportunity to learn my role at a strategic base in Misawa, Japan was offered to me. If I said yes, I would be assigned to Misawa on an interim basis for three months. There was much to gain by going and nothing to lose. Going to Japan would mean that at last, I would get to learn the strategic component of my job that I yearned for since 1979. Going to Japan would also expand my quest to see the world so, I said yes! In January 1981, I boarded the aircraft bound for Misawa Japan which was 6,628 miles away from Fort Bragg and over a thirteen-hour flight. After the take-off, I got fairly comfortable in my seat while glancing out of the window periodically. About mid-way, God began to boldly speak to me. He called my name to get my attention. I was in tune and ready to listen. God said when you get to Misawa, Boom-Boom was going to be there and, you are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with her. As Christians, we are all called to do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5). There is no requirement to be an evangelist or a minister to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There was never any doubt that the Lord was speaking nor was there any doubt that Boom-Boom was going to be there. The Lord expects us to follow His instructions out of love for Him and obedience (Luke 6:46 and, 2 John 1:6). It was over three years since I had seen or spoken to Boom-Boom Washington. As my life progressed and new horizons developed, Boom-Boom Washington was forgotten. Nevertheless, she was on God’s heart and now rekindled in mine. After God finished giving me my instructions, I had flashbacks of our time at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. I was no longer the fly party girl, but a budding Christian seeking to follow and serve God. Was Boom-Boom going to be the same? A person’s life experiences have a way of shaping or reshaping belief systems and behavior. After putting my curiosity to bed, I relaxed and enjoyed the festivities on the flight. After a long flight that included an unexpected delay in Toyoko, the plane landed in Misawa and, it was the dead of winter. The military assigned someone to pick me up from the airport who was present when I arrived. It was bitterly cold when I went outside. The sky was hastily showering snow with razor-sharp wind gusts that could cut your skin. Korea was a very cold place, however, Misawa topped it considerably. Since it was the weekend, I was taken to my temporary quarters after checking in at their headquarters. My housing was suitable (Thank the Lord)! After unpacking my bags, I decided to venture outside with hopes of having a much-needed walk after sitting on the plane for a long time. In several areas, the snowdrifts were deeper than five feet. Do you know what would happen to me? It means that the snowdrifts would bury me alive. If I wanted to walk on the sidewalk or in principal areas, it was trial and error. At one point, the snow in my pathway was up to my neck. To survive, I walked on the edge of the street to get to my destination. Because I just arrived, no one knew me. If I were swallowed by a snowdrift, I would not have been missed. My buried little body would have resembled a snowman that some child made and remained unnoticed.