The social issues are the main causes that becomes barriers in the development of any country. You must be thinking that why I'm (one human) talking bad about another? But this is a serious problem of the nations, cities and villages. And who is doing it, they must think twice before they do it again. It is a national as well as international issue, and their children do it proudly in the form of successor’s habits. However, it is radically wrong. I strongly believe that it is a problem of the education what we get in school. And an equal amount of cultural impact of the family.
Government is only posting a message on the place (like no parking, no toilet in public place etc...) but need to include it in kinder garden education because the fresh and new brain can adapt this ugly truth.
Tripping Sources of The Social Issues
Then the younger generation will teach their parents what is wrong and right. It is one of the big shames and government of the nation should take it seriously. Yes, I am talking about the law, adherence, rules and how to handle public property, example — urinals that we use publicly. People use gums, tobacco etc dump in it while peeing. When adults carry their kids to the washroom, they learn from their parents (it becomes dad tutoring) and the younger generation do the same mistakes in the future. How to avoid this?
You can ask those men who are professionally housekeeping and work in the toilet. They are genuinely frustrated over this matter.
In offices, public toilets everywhere are the same problem. What is the solution? The government is also worried about this. After placing several notice boards on the street that, in the park and other public places, are ruining their hard work.
Few of them listed Below
- “Do not toilet here.”
- “Do not park your vehicle in front of the gate.”
- “No Parking.”
But still, people do it often there only. And the same goes with parking issues. Many abandoned vehicles found on the streets knowingly where there is “No Parking” board issued.
Whatever the mistakes we do, from theses social issues, ultimately we have to suffer but no one else. Many foreign visitors keep visiting country to country and thus human learns from one another. And make jokes about our people, and I see hardly proud moments they could share with their friends and family. Why are we lagging particularly at this? This is not the problem of one or two countries. It is a big problem of human being. One good thing I can find in our developing country is that almost 90% of the people have built their toilet. Thank God, back in 90s it was such an awkward moment for visitors. When you visit any village in India, you have to first smell of what they had eaten last night. People used to sit for toilet early morning beside the road where the main try of the village starts. Therefore, on the farm or near the river you could find types, smell and different shapes of potties.
In the democrat of Modi, we are progressing in a right direction somehow (not 100%). There were days when you have to ride a motorbike on the third-class road where many gutters killed your loved one due to the accidents. However, this had also happened because there were no trained drivers (riding bikes without licence). They used to get a permit of motor-driving by paying the sum of the amount (bribe). Therefore, a big part of contribution of such condition of the country was due to corruption. The traffic police used to get money directly into their pocket if someone broke the rules. However, now, there are electronic gateways for paying the fines. So, there are fewer chances of bribes.
We are the only who gives a chance to spread the corruption. Therefore, if the citizen pays the fine to the government, that could have been contributed to repair the same road we did travel. There was development, but making pockets hot through corruption brings no development of the country. We are living a better life nowadays, but we are careless, to build a good nation first we have to change ourselves.