Lacey also talked about the important aspect of writing skills—when a writer should stop writing and step away from the laptop. She has also explained the most famous bad habit of most aspiring writers.

Lacey London well known for her books, "The Clare Andrews series" talked about aspect of writing skills

Lacey London is well known for her books, "The Clare Andrews series," While speaking to i'mBiking (formerly i'mBiking Magazine), Lacey shared an idea for turning her books into bestsellers. Therefore, read how her experience of rewriting helps her as well as others.
Lacey London is the bestselling author of the Clara Andrews series, the Anxiety Girl series, and the Mollie McQueen series. Lacey London lives in Cheshire, England, with her husband and their Yorkshire Terrier. When she is not writing, she can usually be found enjoying the countryside or with her nose in a book. Failing that, she is probably sleeping.
Interview with Lacey London
What, in your opinion, comes first when you start a new book? Creating characters, creating a story, or beginning to gather ideas?
Begin with a simple idea
All of my books began with a simple idea that grew into something more as I put pen to paper. I am a big believer in allowing the characters to take the story in whichever direction feels natural at the time of writing. Often, I begin writing a book and discover halfway through that I have gone completely off-piste, but if it feels right, go with it.
Could you please tell us more about the "Clara Andrews series," one of your most popular books?
the Clara series explores the minefields of dating, parenthood, mother-in-law chaos
The Clara series follows the life of a twenty-something woman as she finds her way through life and all the trials and tribulations that come with it. Spanning fifteen books, the Clara series explores the minefields of dating, parenthood, mother-in-law chaos, and much more. Fans of the Clara books have followed the series for many years and consider the characters to be good friends who they love catching up with.
What is the most challenging aspect of writing?
The most challenging aspect of writing skills
In my experience, the most challenging aspect of writing is knowing when to step away from the laptop. The desire to polish your manuscript into perfection is one I believe most writers have, however, there comes a point when you are simply tearing your work apart rather than pulling it together. Having faith in your ability to recognise that you have done all that needs to be done can be tricky, but I do think it gets easier with experience.
How does writing Clara differ from writing Anxiety Girl?
Aspect of writing skills | To write a book is to live and breathe it
As the Anxiety Girl series was inspired by my own battle against anxiety and depression, it came from a different place entirely to Clara Andrews and Mollie McQueen. To write a book is to live and breathe it, therefore, writing romantic comedies generally makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. At the other end of the spectrum, writing about your darkest moments is challenging, even when it is done through the eyes of a fictional character.
Many writers keep their work in rest for rewriting. However, what is the proportion of writing vs rewriting according to you?
Some books are a breeze to rewrite, aspect of writing skills
In my experience, it is usually 50/50, but it does vary from book to book. Some books are a breeze to rewrite as I am relatively happy with them from the first draft, others are a different story entirely. On average, I complete around three drafts of a manuscript before submitting to my editor for publication.