There are major conflicts and consequences regarding the chakras in human body and how it functions. Learn about how human chakras give unique information about human energy flow. The concept of chakras is rooted in traditional Indian medicine and is also used in various spiritual practices.
How many chakras in human body?
Ancient traditional Buddhist texts say there are five chakras, and Hindu culture says there are six or seven. The Chakra itself is a circle. A circle of life which has no escape from death.
However, there is a route from which we can escape this circle of rebirth. That chakra is the last one, which is located on the top of the head. After extensive studies, the modern chakra system now consists of mixing the study of old and new culture. Sapta Chakra, the book written by Charles W. Leadbeater in 1927. One of the illustrations from the manuscript, the esoteric correspondence between Tibetan psycho-physiology and subtle energy. In his book, Charles introduced seven colours, similar to the rainbow, for the Chakras.
Chakras in human body represent movements
These chakras represent the movements of our feelings, energy, and consciousness in the body. We have a lot of feelings and the major ones are jealousy, joy, greed, generosity, fear, hatred, and love. These seven chakras represent the energy level of the individual through their emotions. The seven chakra points are located exactly in the middle position, parallel to the vertical column.

The names of the 7 chakras in our body are Mulandhara Chakra, Swadishthana Chakra, Manipur Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddhi Chakra, Anna Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. The human body consists of nadis (blood vessels), and there are more than six trillion in our body, which ultimately form our body’s nervous system.
Furthermore, it is surrounded by hundreds of peripheral nerves that run through our body from one end to the other. The 31 pairs never leave the spinal cord and spread throughout the body, encircling the heart.
Studies of chakras in human body in Indian vedas is more than 600 years old
However, there are nine nerve centres that are considered prime and focused. But of these, in Indian methodology.
Each chakra is different and has different functions. However, according to Saint and many mystic gurus, the seventh chakra is a way to achieve a primordial state of self. It is the one thing that everyone tries to achieve in their life to get moksha. It is said that moksha is the goal of human life. However, humans are busy with other things. Some of them realised this later in life, and many others took their entire life. The one who achieves Moksha, meaning liberation from the cycle of rebirth,
Chakras in human body is one of the source of Moksha
There are years of studies on how to get the primordial self (Moksha) and there are many ways to achieve it. The everlasting truth of life is death, and no one has denied it. Every person has to pass through this phase. Everyone knows how difficult this life is. And nobody wants to live life in this evil world where nobody cares for anybody. Anyhow, everyone gets to know how short life is at old age and all the hard work goes in vain.
Thus, an old man wishes for nothing but good health and his inclination increases toward worship of the Gods. However, God has given happiness as well as sadness equally to human life. But, these mystic saints like Osho, as human beings, try to achieve their goal and get Moksha in life.
According to the traditional belief, each of the seven chakras is associated with a specific location in the body and has its own color, vibration, and characteristic. The chakras are also associated with different aspects of human life, such as emotions, relationships, creativity, and spirituality.
Furthermore, one of the ways to achieve primordial self is to do fasting on Ekadasi. Especially if Ekadasi falls in the month of Margashirsha, which is known as Moksha Ekadasi. Another way is “worship of God”. expressing our feelings for God through songs. However, Karma has given the first preference in this case, and once one’s consciousness reaches the final door (chakras), he will get Moksha. The chakra is called the Sahasrara chakra. It is also known as the crown chakra and is considered the seventh primary chakra in the Indian yoga tradition.