This might look surprising that how to release anger in one minute to the one who works in corporate. You must have had many meetings with your manager and team leader. And angry people have done many fights over the conversation and many ended in resigning the job on the spot. When two angry people meet, the topic of conversation keeps on going until you achieved the depth of the solution.
Nobody likes bossing, no one yet loved their managers, somewhere someone by now must-have in your head. It had also happened to one of my friends. Therefore, I was working in one of the offices during my college time. His manager was a drinker, fat-like buffalo and always takes the side of his favourite people, looking at his face I always sensed a fear of short-tempered from all his activities. Few newly joined folks and many things had started expecting from us right after our training period finished.
In our organization, we are not supposed to take leaves for the next six months. That was a rule announced during the offer letter.
However, he already had worked for more than six months, and I had joined the office late so the next month, I supposed to complete the confirmation. It was a Diwali in the next two days, and he had already planned his leaves in advance. The mail circulated to every TL and managers one month in advance about the cancellation of the leaves. The patience and anger were fighting in the head of everyone. However, no one were aware about it.
Before two days starting Diwali holiday, a sudden call from AVP hit my mailbox and the entire floor gathered too. It was an announcement of no leaves on Diwali. Before, the favourite people used to get weekend working and were earning double amount.
It was too much of pain when someone had already planned the leaves. And sudden you received an email from your TL that your leaves cancelled.

How to release anger in one minute?
I was sure about favouritism there. How to release anger was easy as cherry on cake, we just have to find the way my friend did. He said that he got up from his desk. Went straight to his TL and asked the reason his leaves cancelled. He suddenly got up from the chair and started shouting,
“You guys are not doing production, you're leaving the work undone. It was not expected, and you have to finish the work today and then go home.”
Also, I could hear the voice of his team leader from my desk. His voice was too loud that what he wanted to discuss had kept aside, and he kept shouting. What he did? It will be surprised you. In Front of him, he simply closed his eyes, listen to him carefully nodding my head he came back to his desk.
I can’t tell you how he was frustrated and irritated when I met him.
Immediately he came to my desk and composed a letter, his resignation letter. But then he got a call from his parents and asked him to transfer urgent cash. He realized right there that this job is so important to him.
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Therefore, he said to me over the lunch that he closed his eyes and imagined his awkward face looked like a joker and his ugly yellow teeth looked like a blond cow. And grumbling pronunciation that did not suit at all. Within a minute, he laughed out loud. How can one send away terrible frustration in one go? He got a refreshed and his anger vanished to normal. All-day he continued to imagine watching face of his boss like that and laughing. That time passed, he took it positively, and things changed.