My experience of meeting strange people, internal and external communication and learning how they introduce to internal and external environment of human behaviours are strange but wonderful. It happens most of the time with everyone. However, mine was something behind friends like no one could imagine that how a strange turned a best friend.
Strange but true when we have internal and external communication with strangers

I was travelling back to Pune by train from my long holiday spent at my native place. While see off, my parents were so unhappy as they used to see my face once in five months or may be a year. Traditionally, they came with me to the broken, roofless bus stop of our village to give me a final goodbye of the month.
My backpack and a sack in my left hand were the companion for the rest of the day. I wouldn't know that someone in the journey I would meet my enemy and later a friend. I kept murmuring my favourite song and kept watching those greeneries of the farms through the window of the rickshaw. Continuous burping due to heavy lunch and alternate bumps as it is an everyday story of Indian supper duper roads. Those bumping were realizing my native existence and old days. As well as, sending away incoming sleep back.
Therefore, I arrived at the railway platform on time and stood in the queue waiting for the train in the crowd, wiping my sweat. Looking around, I could guess there were many other students on the platform waiting for the same train. However, none of them were looking for me as well as, each one of them were not talking and looking each other. Furthermore, instead some of them busy playing snake game on Nokia mobile in the crowd. Some others were speaking with their parents, and the rest of them were watching the moves.
I heard a siren and instant announcement, “Nagpur Pune superfast Express is arriving shortly” almost everyone got altered, started to inquire about the train with each other. However, others, including girls, were hearing what others are saying. I checked my ticket and stood near the allocated coach stop. I was waiting to see if I can make any friends before I climb the train. However, I found no one interested. But what happened later, you won’t believe that when I got on the train.
The train arrived, I was climbing the train, while my shoulder smashed on one of the passengers who was descending in hurry.
“Hey you! Aren't you aware that I am going down? Wait a moment.” He cried and gave me a hard look.
“I am sorry!” I politely said and waited for a moment to let him go.
Further, quickly settled on my allocated birth. I was feeling better and feeling comfortable since I was in the train. The AC was on and every person from Vidharbha are lovers of cold in the summer. When I turned my eyes around, I could see all familiar faces around my birth. It was evening and everyone were sitting on the lower birth, mine was the middle one. Now it was time to come up voluntary and be a conversation starter. But the question was: Who will break the silence?
I caught a glimpse of the same friend who was cried on me. I named him the strange friend. Surprisingly, he smiled when our eyes met. I returned him back his short and sweet smile (I could realize he gave me back my sorry). Half an hour passed looking here and there, hearing the conversation of the others and supporting on the jokes etc.
Furthermore, I felt hungry, looking at the others who were having dinner. I, too, pulled out my tiffin and made myself comfortable and waved my hand at my strange friend who was sitting opposite to me. At the starting, I found him hesitant, however, I again invited him to give me company and upon my request, he agreed. He came back with washed hands and sat beside me for dinner.

We had spent quality time discussing hobbies, interests and many other things. We exchanged our mobile numbers, we had also known each other’s native place and the current address of Pune. It sometimes takes long, but we become good friends in the journey. It takes times. However, I realized that how internal and external environment are interchangeable. Only chirping people can adjust into such environment and make their journey as fun-loving.
I am also confident that you must have very fantastic railway journey and there would be many friends in your contacts until now. However, I believe that this is one of the places where we meet many strangers. Some other people kept themselves calm and quiet throughout the entire journey. However, they aren't certain that we always get help from friends only. Therefore, if you haven’t yet encounter with such strangers in the journey, when you travel next time, make sure you have at least one.
We arrived to Pune in the morning at 09:45 am. We both got down, shook hands and promised to meet on weekends.
After ten years of friendship, still today, we go for shopping together, do weekend parties and many other things. Somewhere we have to overcome internal and external environment of the human behaviours or nature will balance it automatically. We are the same, but for sometimes we have to handle the situation mindfully.