There are many institutions in countries, often founded in the past with a predetermined goal. When it was founded, many procedures were drawn up that everything that happened had to comply with. All employees were put through a dust comb and trained and coached to the utmost, so that they remained neatly within the pre-colored lines in the performance of their work. Over time, some hairline cracks appeared in those procedures, but yes, everyone pays attention to that.

With new training and coaching, they teach employees how to deal with criticism of the hairline cracks, and thus an almost untouchable culture grows in which everyone does their own thing. The responsible external supervisors in the country who must monitor the institutes have more to do. They only have two eyes to monitor several of these institutes, and they also see it as very difficult to approach the institutes.
They will watch out. Imagine if the institutions disappeared due to their control. How will they make their money? The mortgage on their house also must be paid, and their boss always says: “Dear employees, you are doing a good job, we should not be too strict, otherwise, they cannot do their work properly.” This means that something is often overlooked. All these institutions receive subsidies that the citizens of the countries in which they are located pay through taxes, which logically increase more and more, after all, your wages also increase.
The institutes do what they always did, because who knows now what they do or why they were ever founded. The CEO believes he has a lot of responsibility and increases his salary every year. His New Year's speech is always about the colors that can be used within the lines, and the employees continue to color. Do you also see the things that I see? Which institutes or foundations do you see in your country that might be better off closing their doors? Just think of what can be done with all the poorly spent money in the world. Oh, yes, many directors and supervisors could probably disappear.