To send the RFQ in SAP MM, first we need to find suppliers or vendors who can supply goods with fair amount of price and delivery date. And when after we receive the quotations from the multiple vendors, then we can decide from whom we can procure the material. Sending RFQ to a single PR and multiple PRs is a trick to save time and get the reply from the manufacturers and vendors.

Source of Supply
There are three types of transaction where you can use SAP T-codes to send RFQ in SAP MM to the selected vendors. Before sending RFQ, you need to create Material, PR (purchase requisition), Vendor, and Purchasing info.
- T-code ME41 is to create RFQ with desire vendor.
- T-code ME47 to send any changes in RFQ.
- T-code ME49 to compare pricing from multiple RFQ request. Here you can reject, accept the quote request.
- The selected vendor become a source of supply.
One of the best effective ways of sending RFQ in SAP MM is from ME57 Transaction
When you run your queue of the fresh requisitions, and when you got the vendor. You go and assign manually the vendor to the particular PR. Once you assign the vendor manually, select the PR line and do “without vendor”. Therefore, the selected PR shows “flagged for RFQ” when you go to assignments, the PR shows assigned for the vendor with “flagged for RFQ” Follow the below procedure to RFQ from the same screen (ME57)
- 1. Double-click on the PR.
- 2. Put the date for which you need quotation (quotation deadline date).
- 3. Follow the selected line.
- 4. When you finally landed on the vendor details, save.
The RFQ to the selected vendor sent and a RFQ number gets generated. However, without exiting the screen, you can put another vendor number, enter and save again. You will get another RFQ number for the same purchase requisition and so on. Therefore, you can send multiple RFQs to the many vendors or manufacturers from the same screen until you exit and go back to the ME57 assignments.
Furthermore, read Basics of SAP ERP (MM Module) for SAP Consultant.