During Covid-19 in India, I was walking on the bank of a river in the morning as tired of living inside the house. However, no one would like to stay inside the walls for long. While the walk, something very different I saw that I never used to feel before. The chirping of birds on trees and thousands of them were flying, crying, playing, doing everything. However, doing every possible thing they could. I wondered why we are killing our birds and the reason is our comfort.
Why can't we continue human being's lockdowns not 100%? However, it has been about more than 3 weeks since tremendous changes is happening in our society. I'm feeling very positive in terms of the environment. I have never seen a cold wave in nature, in such a typical summer in my life. Furthermore, I have been taking a very peaceful sleep that I have never got before. As well as, I could remember my childhood that my father, and he used to come from the farm, first and the foremost thing that before entering the home he could wash his legs, hands with the soap and then used to enter the home.

Keeping his sleepers outside and the same time my mother used to light up the lamps. However, The Indians are also not allowed sleepers at temple strictly during the festivals. Without missing every evening dependably my mother used to lamp twice. One near a basil plant which is always used to be in the middle of coriander and one which is used to at a small temple inside the home. I wondered where the culture is, the culture of India, especially in the urban lifestyle. We are gradually forgetting them. Do you think there is a science behind the Indian culture? Yes surely, what is the logic behind the lighting up the lamp which was recently done by entire India on the special request of Mr. Narendra Modi, I am really thankful to him that he has made this happen to millions of Indians.
Indians are back on the track during Covid-19
As soon as I heard that that honourable Mr prime minister Narendra Modi has requested all the Indians to light the lamp on the 9th April for nine minutes, at the same time I went on Google and started searching, finding what is the science behind that? I came to know that this is a real truth that is what the science behind this is a source of an old Indian culture, trust me lighting a lamp there is a myth behind that. When you light up a lamp, the moisture, viruses or any other negative energy which has been carried by the person from the farm or from anywhere starts burning right immediately and makes our soul and air clean.
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This is only a reason and nothing else, but nowadays, Indians are just forgetting the ancient culture and don't even wash hands and legs regularly before entering the house. Now this pandemic COVID-19 has made every Indian back on track, every person nowadays washing their hands more than ten times in a day. Trust me, entering the home without washing legs, hands means that you are bringing diseases, viruses, negative energies from outside to your home and that is impacting the entire family. This is not my statement, and I am not saying this, it is the ancient culture of India.
Such COVID-19 is just one of the viruses that are attacking the entire nation and the world. But, it is not the end of the Corona, such types of viruses in the environment or on a body which are less impactful at the moment, Maybe in future another one will come into existence and will harm humans that time would more impactful, but it is up to us how to handle that situation. Please switch back to Indian culture. This is a request to you also if you are living in India and you have been watching your grandfather, grandmother how they used to drive their family with their popular cultural techniques, please do share with me. We have to learn from them and this is the right time before it's too late.