Are you a happy person? Do you wake up everyday excited for what the day has in store for you? Or does every little thing just make you want to burst into tears and crawl back into bed? Everyone has moments like these -- it’s just part of being human. But some people have them more often than others. And that can be kind of scary. What if this is as good as life gets? What if everything from here on out is just a series of unfortunate lows that will never again be balanced with even minor highs? This was the thought that made me question my entire existence. I know that probably sounds like a crazy thing to say, but when you really think about it, it makes perfect sense. Think about your happiest memories – what are they all centered around? People we love being around, places we love going to, things we love doing and trying new experiences that are exciting to us. Everything else is just so much struggle and pain, and while there are always good things about any situation, our actions don’t typically define us as a person but rather just the circumstances we find ourselves in at that time.
What is happiness, really?
Happiness is a feeling of contentment or satisfaction. It is a positive emotional state that is caused by a satisfying life and a positive outlook. There are many different types of happiness including happiness from love, happiness from humour, happiness from learning or doing something new, happiness from music, happiness from nature, and happiness from acts of kindness. Happiness is also how we feel about our lives. It’s our state of mind about how things are going for us – whether we feel good or bad about what’s going on. We can also talk about happiness as a goal we’re trying to achieve in life or as a state we’re trying to get into. Happiness is important because our lives can’t thrive if we’re not happy. It affects everything we do, the people around us, and the world we live in. We’re happier when we’re living a good life and less happy when we’re facing challenges and difficulties.
How we can find true happiness?
In order to find true happiness, we must first realize what it is that makes us truly happy. You may think you know, but do you really? Are you sure there isn’t something missing from your life? If you want to be truly happy, there are a few things you should do. First and foremost, you must learn to be content with what you have. Not only should you learn to be content with it, but you should also appreciate what you have. So many people are too quick to complain about what they don’t have instead of relishing in the fact that they have what they do. Being happy with what you have and appreciating what is already in your life will help you to be grateful. And being grateful is a huge part of happiness. When we appreciate the small things in life, they become much more meaningful and we feel more appreciative. Being happy with what you have will also help you to be more open to new opportunities and experiences.
3 Things That Will Make You A Happy Person
- Change Your Perspective - If you want to feel happier, you need to change your perspective on the things that are currently making you unhappy. You need to find a new way of looking at things so you can see them for what they truly are – not what you want them to be or feel like they should be. This can be extremely difficult to do and takes a lot of practice, but it is possible if you really want it. - Stop Dwelling On The Negative - If you want to be happier overall, you need to stop dwelling on the negative aspects of your life. Sure, things aren’t always going to be perfect, but that doesn’t mean we have to focus on all of the negative things that happen. Doing this will only bring you down and make you feel worse about yourself and your life. - Choose To Be Happy Anyway - If you want to be a happier person overall, you must choose to be happy. No one can make you happy. You have to choose it for yourself. No matter what is going on in your life, you have the power to decide how you feel about it.
2 Ways To Be Happier Right Now
- Change Your Environment If you want to be happier right now, change your environment. Go do something that will bring you joy or spend time with people who make you happy. If you stay where you are and continue to dwell on the negative things in your life, you won’t find happiness. - Change Your Outlook If you want to be happier right now, change your outlook. Focus on the positive things in your life and appreciate the things you have. If you allow negative thoughts and feelings to cloud your mind, you’re never going to find true happiness.
1. Change Your Perspective
If you want to be a happier person, you need to change your perspective on life. You need to view things in a way that will allow you to embrace them and make them a positive part of your life. Sure, some things are going to be more difficult than others, but if you approach them with a positive mindset, you’ll have a much easier time dealing with them. If you want to be a happier person, you must find the good in everything and everyone around you. You must learn to look past the things that make you unhappy and see the small things that make you smile. This can be extremely difficult to do and takes a lot of practice, but it is possible if you really want it.
2. Stop Dwelling On The Negative
If you want to be a happier person, you must stop dwelling on the negative aspects of your life. This can be extremely difficult to do, but it is possible if you really want it. You need to learn to let go of the things that are making you unhappy or are causing you pain and find a way to move past them. It is important to not ignore or dismiss the negative things in your life. Instead, you need to acknowledge that they are there and then move on from them. If you are struggling with anything in your life, you need to find a way to work through it. You can’t just ignore it and hope it goes away. But you also can’t dwell on it and hope that it gets better. You need to find a way to balance acknowledging it and moving past it. This can be extremely difficult to do and takes a lot of practice, but it is possible if you really want it.
3. Choose To Be Happy Anyway
If you want to be a happier person, you must choose to be happy. No one can make you happy. You have to choose to be happy for yourself. No matter what is going on in your life, you have the power to decide how you feel about it. You can choose to focus on the negative aspects of your life and make yourself feel worse or you can choose to focus on the positive aspects and feel happier. The choice is completely up to you and while it may be difficult at first, it gets easier with time and practice. Being a happier person isn’t easy, but it is possible if you really want it. All you have to do is change your perspective, stop dwelling on the negative, and choose to be happy anyway.
The article credited to Bulletproof Poet

Navy vet, Grey Witch, weekend Discordian, writer, poet who is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Retweet does not mean endorsement.