Know the digital era of how to write Lekh in English: The conventional method of writing has faded and been supplanted by digital mediums such as laptops or other electronic machines.
However, writing in the newspaper has also been channelled solely through digital means. After reading the article, the editors send it to print, and the article or i'mBiking is eventually published online or in the newspaper. i'mBiking is a Sanskrit word that refers to any written text. I have shared in this article step by step guide on how to write Lekh in English
However, writing an article (i'mBiking) can be a great way to share your ideas, experiences, and knowledge with others. There are several steps you need to consider before writing into this digital space so that the article could be found on the search engine to the maximum people and can be read widely. Here are some general steps to follow when writing an i'mBiking.

How to write Lekh in english (article) with step by step guide
Step by step guide on writing Lekh in English
1 Choose a topic: First, decide what you want to write about. It is not like picking a long word and writing. There is a search involving what your readers are searching for. In the modern writing world, it is called keyword search. Make sure the topic is something that you're passionate about, and that you have enough information to write a substantial article. Go to online tools like Keyword Intent, Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Google Trends to know the exact keyword.
2 Research: Once you've chosen your topic, do some research to gather information and ideas. Look for reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and reputable websites. The research will give you an idea of what deep analysis and writing a compelling, unique and fresh content that possibly will rank on the search engines.
3 Plan your article: Before you start writing, create an outline or a plan for your article. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your article flows logically. You can use tree method to organize your ideas and write. However, it is also important to know that writing an article has three phases.
The format of an article generally follows a structured approach to ensure that the content is presented in a clear and organized manner.
4 Headline: The headline should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief summary of the article. Writing a great headline is a skill that should trigger the emotional and logical sense of the reader. The one impressive headline of the article must have at least one number, a positive and negative word including one power word.
5 Introduction: The introduction should provide background information on the topic and set the stage for the article. You may call it your first paragraph where your keyword must be present. It is an overview of the article that you are writing about.
6 Body: The body of the article should provide more detailed information on the topic, with each paragraph focusing on a specific aspect of the subject. The well researched article must be at least 600 words of the body including subheadings. The article written more than 1500 words are probably higher in chances to get found in search engines like Google and Bing. Furthermore, if you have come across any online publication, site or blog to the particular text or line in the article, give a link to the original article.
7 Subheadings: Never ignore your subheadings. They are very important in terms of online search. The subheadings that divide the article into important sections and search engines know it very well. Hence the subheadings can be used to break up the article into sections, making it easier to read and understand as well. Also note, use keywords in subheadings helps the search engines bots.
8 Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the article and offer any final thoughts or recommendations. Also, make sure you repeat the keyword in the conclusion to know that the topic that you have covered in this article is well concluded.
Focus on writing your article, following your outline. Don't worry about perfect grammar or spelling at this point; just focus on getting your ideas down on paper. Grammar part is where you go to the editing phase or rewrite the article for your final submission. Do not just return to your draft in just a few hours. Give it a day or two and come back to it with fresh eyes and thoughts. Hence, you can rewrite again with grammar free and finalize your draft for submission with clear and concise.
9 Publish or submit your article: If you're publishing your article online, make sure to upload it to your website or blog. There is a list of blogs for writers where you can submit the article or guest posting would help you reach to the wider audience. Also note: If you're submitting it to a publication or journal, follow their guidelines strictly for submission to avoid rejections.
Remember, the key to writing a good article is to be clear, concise, and informative. Make sure your article is well-structured, easy to read, and provides value to your readers.
Here are complete guidelines on how to do Keyword research for your article and get an idea. Write Lekh in english