Poem Remember/Recuerda

A mother's love, a daughter's want, memories intertwine. Words of love, timeless bond. Remind me, dear, of life's light and love. Eternal embrace.
A mother's love, a daughter's desire, and memories intertwine. Words of love, a timeless bond. Remind me, dear, of life's light and love. Eternal embrace.


They were sitting
each with a
memory and a thought,
the mother, loving the
the daughter wanting the

And between hug and
between feeling and loving,
the mother said to her
daughter of her, you knew words
of love,
What breast, she made to sprout;

Remember my daughter
when years pass,
how now they have passed
for me,
remind me what you are
light of heaven, pure love
in feeling.
Remind me of this what
I say to you,
older feelings,
of life lived and kisses
remember forever
beloved love, love.

You were born under Mantle
of heaven,
the same Creator
granted, the lowering,
he gave you HIS breath
and your life began to
you grew up with roses and stars,
with hands full of light and truth.

So never cry for me out of fear,
not even in sadness,
because you are the same sun,
brightening lives with you

And those hands, wrinkled by time, became silky as at birth, and from her lips a love so great, so tender and beautiful, so full of light and love, that when that daughter looked at her, she saw a miracle happen, her body was that of a girl and her soul, as innocent and blessed, as it was at birth

Remember, in Spanish, "Poem Recuerda"

Estaban sentadas
cada una con un
recuerdo y un pensar,
la madre, amando la
la hija queriendo el

Y entre abrazo y
entre sentir y amar,
la madre dijo a su
hija, sabías palabras
de amor,
que pecho, hizo brotar;

Recuerda hija mia
cuando años pasen,
cómo ahora han pasado
por mi,
recuérdame que eres
luz de cielo,puro amor
en sentir.
Recuérdame esto qué
te digo,
sentires de mayor edad,
de vida vivida y besos
recuerda por siempre
amada amor, amar.

Naciste bajo Manto
de Cielo,
el mismo Creador te
concedió, el bajar,
te cedió SU aliento
y tu vida, comenzose a
creciste con rosas y estrellas,
con manos llenas de luz y verdad.

Así que nunca me llores por temor,
ni tan siquiera en tristeza,
pues eres el mismo sol,
alegrando vidas con tu

Y esas manos arrugadas por el tiempo, volvieronse sedosas como al nacer, y de los labios de ella, surgió un amor tan grande, tan tierno y bello, tan pleno de luz y querer, que al mirarla esa hija, vio milagro suceder, su cuerpo fue el de niña y su alma , tan inocente y bendita, como llegó al nacer

Definition of rich Person is to control your desire

smiling woman in fur coat posing

Does richness find satisfaction? Everyone wants to know the definition of rich person. It is something equanimity that we cannot buy by money and power. It is a hormonal balance achieved by ourselves from meditation. Furthermore, it takes a lot of experience becoming a perfect living human soul, and the one who control his sense of satisfaction after taking numerous efforts. The satisfaction start with or without wish. However, one is satisfied with his car or the same person wants another car of a better quality and brand. Or one has a bicycle, and he is satisfied with the service he is getting. All that goes with his or her wants. However, if you are not controlled with your satisfaction, it leads to questions on your happiness.

Being content with whatever we have is a kind of controlling your senses to a particular thing. Controlling that senses, I call the person has been doing meditation every time (while walking, talking, and sleeping). It means one has no other disturbing thoughts on buying or acquiring something or keeping any wish. Therefore, the person has no further wish or wants any more, need no money or a house. In short, he gave a full stop on needs and requirements and concentrate on his well beingness. Furthermore, he focusses on his life karma and felicity. The one becomes soft-spoken, loving toward the nature and human. Therefore, becoming a peacemaker and gets his final goal.

Control on desire vs money creates problem

Giving a control on desire is almost impossible for a common man. But giving some control on desire is a door toward a peaceful life free of problems and unnecessary tensions. Generally, money brings powers, and half happiness. If you believe it is wrong and the only money brings full of happiness. You are correct. However, it comes along with power and difficulties.

Aggravate desire is wrong definition of rich person, means money with power and difficulties

One has desire after another as it is coming from money. If someone is looking for a hike in salary, and finally, he achieved it. It does not mean you are getting rich every time you switch your job. However, you are increasing your bank balance even though, you keep increasing your desire for other things like a new home, bike, car etc. Therefore, that bank balance again came to the same situation you were at the previous job. Your satisfaction level brings it back to the zero level and want for earning money again stood up and start you crawling for another job.

Furthermore, another experience of problems is live and seen many times. Someone has enough money, and he has bought another vehicle. Therefore, travelling on the road with pride and power. However, the power brings power to the vehicle, if loss of control over it could cause difficult life in future. Because the power makes us wild and free, it takes no time to decide, lose control and vice versa.

Making friends, build credit in society, company of truth and compassion is pure richness

There is one universal truth. Our  friends and society, help us only when you have love and sympathy towards them. The friendship is a real wealth when you are in trouble. If you have money and living alone in a villa but no human assistance, that money is pure waste and does not make any sense to you. The real strength comes from not money, but our loved ones. If you have any other definition, please do not forget to comment below your thoughts.

Furthermore, read desire of soul: wish to see, hear and learn everything by Abai Qunanbaiuly and Seven deadly Sins by Mahatma Gandhi

Desire Of Soul By Abai Qunanbaiuly love everyone in learning

Cultural reformer and poet Abay Kunanbayev (b.10 Aug 1845 – 6 July 1904) from Kazakhstan renowned for his notable work “The Book of Words” there were two inspirational people in his life since his childhood, Mikhail Lermontov (Russian writer) and Alexander Pushkin (Russian Poet). His second name is Abai Qunanbaiuly.

His poetry represents Kazakh culture and folklore for his people and the country. He developed as a fine writer from Russian culture and literature.

His pen brought about socio-political and economic changes that resulted in over the educational and philosophical changes to the existing philosophers, whether it is from Asia, Western or Russia. From his magical writings native continued to adapt the moral of the stories from his writings.

His reading experiences were mostly from Russian and European literature that transformed his life. Abay worked hard for the liberty of people and bringing the education as well as making them free from poverty was his prolong motive. And drive the awareness of corruption in the country.

From the book “The Book of Words” these thoughts and wisdom are famous, read below.

“Sorrow darkens the soul, chills the body, numbs the will, and then bursts forth in words or tears. I have seen people praying; “Oh, Allah, make me as carefree as a babe!” They imagine themselves to be sufferers, oppressed by cares and misfortunes, as though they had more sense than infants. As to their cares and concern, these can be judged from the proverbs: “If you will live no longer than noon, make provision for the whole day”,
“Even his father becomes a stranger to a beggar”
“Cattle for the Kazakh is flesh of his flesh”
“A rich man has a countenance full of light, a poor man — as hard as stone”
“The dzighit and the wolf will find their food along the way”
“The herds of exalted men are left to the care of others, except when such men have nothing better to do”
“The hand that takes also gives”
“He who has managed to get rich is always in the right”
“If you can't rely on the bey, don't count on God either”
“If you are famished, gallop to the place of a funeral feast”
“Beware of a lake with no shallows and of a people that knows no mercy”
Such proverbs are legion.”

“Life is the source of well-being...” What kind of life is meant here? Just existing to keep body and soul together? But even a dog is endowed with such an existence. He who treasures such a life, who is plagued by the fear of death, becomes an enemy to life everlasting.”
[...] Fleeing for his life from the foe, he will be known as a coward; shirking work, he will pass for a ne'er-do-well, he will become an enemy of the good. [...] No, what the proverb refers to is another kind of life. One that keeps the soul alive and the mind clear. If your body is alive but your soul is dead, words of reason will not reach you, and you will be incapable of earning your living by honest work.”

A loafer and a sycophant,
A hanger-on and an impudent fellow,
Valiant in his looks but craven in his heart,
Has no sense of shame […]”

If you are like that, do not imagine yourself to be alive. A righteous death will then be better than such an existence.

Abai Qunanbaiuly

Abay said that an infant only required two things in this life and those become essential needs. First is food, drink and sleep. And the other is having intense desire and unending crave for knowledge.

What is that?
What’s that for?
Why is he doing that?

— Abay,

“This is the natural desire of the soul, the wish to see everything, hear everything and learn everything.”

A Poem by Abai Qunanbaiuly (The Book of Words)

When dying,
I will not lament:
Alas, I have not tasted
This or that joy!..
Not torturing me with
regrets about earthly things,
I shall find solace
In the life to come.
A good child is a joy,
but a bad one is a burden.
Who knows what kind of child,
God will bestow on you?
Or haven't had enough
of the humiliation you have
Had to swallow all your life?

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