Any of the government has to provide the three needs of the human, ignoring them, they keep petrol price high that is one of the shameful in Indian Economy. The Indian officials are lagging something, especially knowledge of the modern and poor society. Many India citizens are homeless in the metro cities, they are living on the rent, half of the salary gets utilized in the accommodation only. Where is the government focusing? They are busy making roads. But for what? Where the authority should focus on?

I got many questions in my head, what is wrong in the system and what part of India should be developed? A small guy can tell the basic needs of a human, then why the management does not know? There is only a main reason, either they are rich enough. Hence, they don't understand the problem of middle-class people.
Indian Economy is on The Edge
They must carry out one mission, provide a home for homeless people, with 80% of subsidy policy. But where goes wrong? They have land they can provide with lowest EMI to the public only for those who have no piece of land on their name. I heard about Gharkul (a scheme for homeless), it is for villagers, but there is no income source for farmers. If there is any scheme for urban middle-class, then nobody knows about it.
However, in India, it is wrong. In most of the cities, the only land is very costly, government rates are less (Just for the announcement) and those land buy other landlords and sale it with double or triple profit. It is illegal. Sale of land this way should be banned. Any of the state management should have authority to sell the land only, no other dealers.
PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Avas Yogana)
Therefore, in reality, it does not happen, these people (system and rich men) are making money and sucking the fresh blood of the poor. But somewhere it has to be stopped. The rules need to be amended, the constitution needs to rewrite. PM Narendra Modi offers 2.75 lacs for those who have no property, and it is for their first home (when you buy a flat). However, the home cost around 20 to 30 Lacs per 1BHK. It is just an amount of GST that the government is offering. What a shame. What I urge to feel that GST along with Subsidiary should be given.
Wrong System
The reason for the high price when we buy open plots are only because of the system. They shouldn't allow builders to sell at that price, or it should not go beyond that limit of dedicated slot price area wise. Shelter, Food and Clothes are essential elements of life and should be provided at a reasonable price. Buying a home nowadays is life's biggest task for the family member than marriage expenses. This thing should be considered by the government of any country and provide the best assistance in purchasing.
In the ancient time, once I had heard that, getting married and building a house was very difficult for the common man, that time the land was free even though, it was difficult. Now the land cost you more than the construction amount. We are not blind, we also understand that population is increasing and revenue of the system is also keep up (we are paying the taxes).
Useless expenses will ruin all the system's management of any country. There should be great expenses handling body. The authority is corrupted, anybody will easily say, looking at the condition of the middle-class people. The Metro train is waiting for people to serve better, the authority has spent billions, just for transport. What about home? They must invest in the home rather. How people will afford to travel on the train if they don't have their house. The management is fundamentally wrong here. Or else a common man will die without their dream home.
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In the many cities, they had set up BRT (special for rapid bus route transport) for speedy transport facility. Now they have broken that road and set up big pillars for Metro train. This is just a waste of money or what? Our money is just wasting for no reason. Nobody cares about it. Government hospitals are useless, they are not taking care of the patient. It has been built just to show that we exist to help you, but 10% of people go there for treatment and return losing their beloved in the hospital (many lost the death there). Everyone hates that hospital. This is the fact every single person knows, but there is no improvement. Take one more step ahead, Modiji.