6 awesome lessons you can learn from failure to success quotes

From these failure to success quotes, you better understand how to achieve the success. We often seek success, harmony, happiness, and love in life. However, we tend to achieve it ...

successful quotes

From these failure to success quotes, you better understand how to achieve the success. We often seek success, harmony, happiness, and love in life. However, we tend to achieve it with less time span. You cannot get fruit as soon as you planted a tree.

The same way, you cannot just get the best thing in life without struggles. And, that is a mantra in life for being successful. Upon anything we decide has particular energy, begin engaging to build it, form it or to accomplish it. However, It is never been a process of building it over a night. It takes an amount of time to check your ability and patience.

Success in life: The Hatred, condemn, struggles, confrontation | Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Look at my success. I didn’t achieve it overnight. It has been the product of many years’ struggle, and every year, my times have shown gradual improvement.

Mo Farah

There are particulars tools that require in those process to success. The success is not just a one in life, but they could be thousands to millions. Therefore, it defines as the way we want  (according to you only). Therefore, below are these are the tools which requires you to gain it.

Criticizer’s home must be nearby

We often hate neighbours being rude or not thinking synchronous. Therefore, we end up thinking that they are not our kind. Thus, finally hating each-other starts. All feel that we made a big mistake buying the house here. Hence, wherever you go, you must have caught in such situation. It could be your relatives, family, or friends. However, they could be triggers to activate our another sense to make us perfect. They become one for us to initiate and investigate our grey areas.

Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.

Roy T. Bennett, (book, The Light in the Heart)

Hate teaches us how to love

Hate is a great teacher what realize us to love and only love. When hate satisfied fully, the human understands that the next would come only love and while there is a no chance for hate. I remember, when I was a student, recently finished my studies and joined a corporate office. There I could meet new people, going out for trekking, roam in the city and I used to enjoy it. The reason behind that is not a simple one. I was living in a single room of 10×10, alone. My loneliness attracting to love and where my friends and happiness lay. One of such failures to success quotes I found is here.

Love and Hate are two strong words that instantly evoke intense painful emotions

Lokeish Umak

Confrontation spikes the Will-Power, Use one of these failure to success quotes

A straight road does not guarantee a long and beautiful journey, and neither gives it another opportunity soon. Suppose, there is a 100 km journey you are finishing in one hour by aeroplane multiple times. However, that does not make a memory to cherish. However, if you travel by bike with your friends exploring other things along the way once a year, makes you happy.

Take risks in your life, If you win, you can lead! If you loose, you can guide.

Swami Vivekanand

Therefore, if you do it on bicycle or on the foot will give you more struggle, happiness, and memories to treasure along with pain and learnings. On the other hand, you get more with hard work. Therefore, journey on foot or bicycle, you will get good memories, pain, learning, and joy.

If someone challenges you that you cannot do it and this would be someone your dear friends but an enemy. Such confrontation is pivotal in life. This fix the will power of the person.

To lose the power of confrontation is to lose the power of unity.

Matthew McConaughey, (from book, Greenlights)

Struggle makes the man stubborn

If the life is free of struggle, then it is simple, as the below quote describes us. Bernadette Devlin is an Irish civil right activist well said, Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today, I dare to win. Once you decided, it will make your mind strong and willed full. Abdul Kalam had many failure to success quotes. He used to read a lot of such quotes from the world's famous personalities.

Every pain gives a lesson, and every lesson changes a person.

A P J Abdul Kalam

Swami Vivekanand has given many lectures on successful life, he said, you are travelling on the wrong path if in your life there is no hatred, criticizers, confrontation, and opposer. It means that you should quickly change the path of your life.

Lokeish Umak

Lokesh Umak

Lokesh Umak writes about his favorite topics, such as essay, poems, health, fitness, nutrition, etc. He also invites guests on his podcast show.
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