It is a hard truth that whatever comes in life, we must earn to accept, at the end it becomes the part of the ultimate path of successful journey. Hispanic literary price winner and the great essayist Ernesto Sabato (24 Jun 1911 – 30 April 2011) was an Argentine novelist, essayist, painter, and physicist. His writing precipitated experimental in his lifetime work. Sabato had been behind the names of Latin America’s greatest writers, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa and Gorge Luis Borges.
The Novel “EL Tunel” (The Tunel) was the first published work of Ernesto in 1948 and the second successful work published in 1961 “On Heroes and Tomb”. However, both the novels received critical acclaim from critics and the other stabled fellow writers as well.
French writer, journalist and philosopher, Albert Camus who had won the novel price in 1957. As well as, German novelist, short story writer and literary critic Paul Thomas Mann who had won the Nobel Prize in 1929 critically acclaimed Sabato’s novels.
Although, Ernesto also had won the Buenos Aires Municipal prize for his essay “One and the Universe” in 1945. Furthermore, he had received the lifetime Miguel De Cervantes award in 1984
The last essay of Sabato “Spain in the Diaries of my Old Age” was published in 2004. Further, which it proved that his writing focused on the great moral dignity on constant timeless theme such as injustice, marginalized. However, it is a love some comparison between Spain and Argentina.
Spanish poet and translate, Père Gimferrer wrote on “Spain in the Diaries of my Old Age” of Ernesto Sabato:
Spain in the Diaries of My Old Age is a document of great dignity and a supremely artistic literary text. It sheds a singular light on a world in decomposition. His marriage of rounded expression, emotional force and ethical clear-sightedness makes it a testimony of extraordinary intellectual value.
Ernesto wrote almost more than 15 Essay books and his writing fascination that had been kept inspiring was ultimate crime fiction and at last it recognized as a noir widely.
The Reason Leaving Science behind was writing.
At the Curie Institute, one of the highest goals for a physicist, I found myself empty. Beaten up by disbelief, I kept going because of inertia, which my soul rejected.
Ernesto Sabato.
Ernesto Sabato as a scientist at the Curie Institute:
He was appointed as fellow atomic research in radiation in Paris. He spat out during those days how he used to spend his morning, afternoon, and evening. Spending all the day with Electrometers and cylinders and evening in relaxing mood in bars. However, loved watching surrealists and kept himself busy creating exquisite cadavers.