Sudha Murthy quotes and thoughts impressed millions. I have seen people who run for money day and night and work hard to meet their daily expectations.
However, I have also seen a lady who got unique braveness, full of talent and adventurous woman. She is a chairperson of the Infosys foundation (to provide support in rural development, education, healthcare and destitute care) and wife of co-founder of Infosys, Narayan Murthy.

Her story of the courageousness reached to the millions over the night in the male dominated era when she raised a voice, “why only male?”. Therefore, she was the one who became the first lady to work in TATA. Egoistic man somewhere dump himself knowingly and inadvertently forever without making any difference to the society. However, those who work for social causes, live longer not only by personality but by name as well.
It was a time when she was unemployed and seeking employment in the newspapers. She saw an advertisement for Telco (TATA: one of the well-known automobile companies). Sudha said, “This made me furious." I decided to write a letter to the company about the matter, but since I didn't know the person to whom I had to address the letter, I wrote a postcard to JRD Tata complaining about the “only male” employees policy and stating my point that "women work better than men, and if they are not given the chance, they won't be able to prove themselves."
Sudha Murthy quotes
My inspiration is people of the middle-class and poor families
Sudha Murthy quotes
She was the only girl (female student) from her college and the university whom she received a gold medal. Sudha has also achieved the award as the best teacher. Moreover, she is an Indian writer and author of many books. Her favorite languages are Marathi, Kannada, and English. Apart from this, she is a notable social worker who gave many donations for social campaign. When Murthy decided to write a book, she claimed that she finishes her book within 45 to 50 days. Being a deeply supportive social worker, During COVID-19 crisis, Sudha (Infosys foundation) donated 100 crores.
With my experience in life. I want to tell you that having good relationship, compassion, and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, degrees, or money.
Sudha Murthy quotes
Sudha Murthy quotes, thoughts, and point of views looking at the life is extremely diverse. The woman who leaves her ego at a corner. Hence, due to her exceptional human touch and togetherness, Sudha has been awarded with R K Narayan and Padma Shri award in 2006. She was from a middle-class family, also, she has seen life's ups and downs closely. However, she also has experienced the importance of working and housewife women.
She believes that mother should be a continuous learner to run the family. Every woman should have a group where discussion of the family problems should be addressed by each working woman to ease the problems and get the solutions.
Behind the every successful woman, there is an understanding man.
Sudha Murthy quotes
She thinks that rural woman looks illiterate or less educated due to lack of exposure to the varieties of knowledge. However, they have the ability to make their own decisions. Sudha Murthy is one of the inspirational figures to every female. She gives a very best message that had taught by her mother. She says that “Every housewife should save money without knowledge of husband. However, that money should not be used for buying Sari, jewellery or other things. It should be used for medical emergencies or for something that is big thing which is really matters for the family.” Furthermore, read first Indian teacher Savitribai Phule and her work.