In the echo of slogans, a promise we weave,
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, a chant we believe.
In the tale is half told and the truth is not so sweet.
For safety exclusive where shadows still creep.
Success blooms bright, dreams take their flight.
Yet the shadows of dangers linger in the night.
Let our actions be more than slogans we say,
Let the world change to keep shadows at bay.
Changes must be more than words and page,
It’s time for a world where they’re safe at each stage.
A graceful girl just six months old,
With a princess twirl and story not so old.
Her journey begun with a gentle breeze,
Her tragedy so stubborn made her freeze.
Cuts on her body of regrets and reliefs,
This was the story her life briefs.
Not just one child but many daughters grown up,
Her struggle begins when he threw at her a cup.
Blood in eyes, not just tears,
It was the only time in life for fears.
He just plucked her like flower,
But what about her dream of becoming a star.
No one catches him… Why?
Why only girls leaving this world with a sigh?
We seek for justice and another murder,
Leave me please was her last scutter.
He killed her to be safe,
But one day of this life will just leave him like a waif.
Not all men but there’s always a man,
Why are there just a few left as gentleman?
The pain, the blood, the story of the cruel night, we will never forget,
This world needs to promise that every girl will be safe and set.
Clairaudience meditation: A special Gift
Have you ever heard about Clairaudience Meditation? Beings with clairaudience can hear divine messages and feel the presence of spiritual beings around them. It is a special gift that allows you to be in tune with the transcendental, receiving guidance and comfort in times of need. Clairaudience is like listening from the mind of the Universe to your mind, the words that at that moment your help needs for yourself or for others.

These special gifts, although often misunderstood or even questioned, are an important part of the human experience. They remind us that the world is much more complex and mysterious than we can perceive with our physical senses, and they invite us to explore the depths of our being and the universe that surrounds us. Because in truth, there are others (realities) that surround us, that sometimes we don't even realize, if someone doesn't say something about someone we know, they could help us on some occasion when we find ourselves on our paths.
Today what I want to talk to you with most fervor is about those anonymous people who heal, or rather they are channels that the Masters of the Universe use to heal a person. I have personally witnessed healings, miracles granted through a good soul to a person in need of healing. Normally these people prefer to be anonymous, although many times fame precedes them. I hope with humility that I have explained to you another side of life that surrounds us, one full of light and help that we can have at our side.
People who use Radiadthesia are those who use the pendulum, many listen with their minds to what they are saying to help others, others with yes or no, can also respond to reassure the person who needs it. In reality, when we were created, each and every one of us came with a Gift, some of us feel them and make use of them, others due to careers, life's problems, sadness or illness, do not realize them, so they walk their path without knowing it.
I hope I have explained this feeling of mine, and that you liked it.
Ask Life, poem that explain my feelings
The grandmother was already leaving, older with so many wrinkles on her skin that you could hardly distinguish those Sky-colored eyes that were still sick, they continued looking with that infinite tenderness that she always looked at.
He approached me, his mouth on my ear and said;
Ask my life (I don't have the strength), ask it how that path that I found when going down is going,
and also tell it (but with tenderness), that I would like to be worthy of spreading wings because you know?
They told me a long time ago that to return to Heaven, we have to unleash those wings they gave us.
What do you think, my love, my good daughter?
Do you feel that I will return as I came down with a tender soul?I looked at his eyes, tired of looking, scared, perhaps, by fear of what would happen, something in me burst out as if I were bursting into tears, as if Heaven were suddenly arriving, as if a sigh was drowning my heart, without being able to respond only with joy and pain.
They filled words from the depths of the soul that I managed to say there in his ear;
GOD speaks for me, and tells you that you are that beautiful, tender and quiet girl, the one who still maintains her wings.
!! Deploy them daughter!!!
My LOVE LOVES YOU.I kissed her on the forehead, I blessed her good life, and I swear that Three angels approached her, and spread their wings, with smiles and singing, with the light of Heaven shining, my grandmother said goodbye to me and closing those eyes of tender loves, merged with the Creator.
Julia Orozco
The poem weathered:resilience in twilight
The poem "Weathered" captures a vivid scene of nature's resilience against harsh elements, using imagery and symbolism to evoke deeper themes of fragility and endurance.

Poem Weathered
An icy wind shook
Extinguishing the day
The sun cried
No longer with its blinding light
Dimmed to nothing
Woodland creatures hid from the silent storm
Beneath a double cape
For it was their only escape
Twilight breathed its spell
The air was calm as can be
Flowers drank the morning dew
Giving them a different hue
In the gaze of the waking sun
To bloom and nod in all their glory
For icy frost in the night
Would make them wither
In the pale moonlight
Analysis of the poem "Weathered"
The poem begins with an intense setting described by an "icy wind" that "shook" and "extinguished" the day. This imagery suggests a sudden and overwhelming change, where the typical warmth and light of the sun are replaced by a cold, oppressive atmosphere. The personification of the sun "crying" adds a sense of loss and vulnerability, as its once powerful presence is diminished to nothingness. The environment becomes hostile, driving woodland creatures into hiding beneath a "double cape" for protection, emphasizing their instinctual need for survival in adverse conditions.
As the poem progresses into twilight, there is a shift in tone and atmosphere. The air becomes "calm," contrasting sharply with the earlier tumultuous weather. This transition symbolizes a period of respite or renewal after the storm. The mention of flowers drinking the morning dew and taking on a "different hue" suggests a metaphorical rebirth or transformation. The flowers, now nourished and revived by the gentle morning light, are depicted as resilient symbols of beauty and vitality.
However, the poem also warns of the fragility inherent in this natural cycle. The flowers bloom and nod in their full glory under the "waking sun," vulnerable to the "icy frost" that returns in the night. This delicate balance between life and decay is emphasized by the contrast between the vibrant daylight and the chilling moonlight, which threatens to cause the flowers to wither.
Overall, "Weathered" explores themes of endurance, vulnerability, and renewal within the context of nature's cycles. The poem's imagery of harsh weather, protective instincts of wildlife, and the fragile beauty of flowers conveys a deeper message about the resilience of life in the face of adversity, while also acknowledging the inevitable impact of time and external forces on existence.
Poem Rainbow: Gratitude’s Radiance
In a Silver Moon night adorned by a thousand Luceros, a woman finds solace in the presence of her soul. Their dialogue unfolds amidst celestial wonders, as she expresses gratitude for the divine spark within her heart. This exchange, rich with imagery of stars, mountains, and oceans, reflects on the profound interconnectedness between the individual and the universe. Through the woman's words, we glimpse the transformative power of gratitude and love, as they weave a tapestry of light and resilience amidst life's challenges.

Poem: Rainbow
A Silver Moon night,
surrounded by Luceros, a thousand
the woman was found with
his soul,
and they spoke to me like this:
Do you know the soul of my soul?
I never gave you gratitude for
give spark of Heaven,
inside my heart ,
not even for being inside me,
and make it possible to be me,
that star, that star,
that field made into flower;
that mountain on fire,
that ocean water,
where are they going to stop me?
the rivers that I love so much;
that word of love,
when someone is
that Light that they need
those that darkness
they lived,
and at this, he interrupted
the soul saying,
Gratitude forever
to you,
for sheltering me in your
allow me, my beloved,
May you dress as a rainbow
as long as you continue living me,
and thank you (he told him),
to brighten all Aurora,
all night, all being,
Well, all your prayers
go up to Heaven like
wind and kisses the Face of
God, and come back to me
Poem Analysis
The poem reflects on gratitude, love, and the interconnectedness of souls. Through vivid imagery of celestial bodies and natural elements, it portrays a dialogue between a woman and her soul. The woman expresses gratitude for the divine spark within her, allowing her to blossom and overcome challenges. The soul, in turn, acknowledges the woman's role in nurturing it and vows eternal gratitude. The exchange symbolizes the reciprocity of love and the cyclical nature of energy and blessings. The imagery of stars, mountains, rivers, and light emphasizes the universal bond between humanity and the cosmos. Ultimately, the poem celebrates the symbiotic relationship between the individual and the divine, highlighting the power of gratitude and love to transcend earthly limitations.
Poem “I will do” celebrates love and gratitude
I will make your life cheerful,
may you walk forever in love,
I will fill your paths with flowers,
because you see the face of your God.
There is no other way to live than loving,
love the love of the verb to love,
without offending or mistreating,
always smiling when walking.
Why is it not living in tears?
or regrets,
walking is knowing how to walk,
with the faith of birth and the light of gratitude,
everything that life puts in front of you,
for it is the path that your feet walk,
and if sadness or great sorrow comes,
or maybe you'll get the feeling of not having,
feel son of my soul, my star,
that in every dawn and dusk
God, the Giver of Love,
will sow tenderness in your soul,
for loving you even more, my dear.
And with Him, as a companion,
your path will be water of love,
river of laughter and lucky life,
that you and me, me and you,
We will walk loved until the end.
Poetry analysis
The poem celebrates love and gratitude, emphasizing the importance of walking life's path with joy and kindness. It speaks of finding solace in faith and the presence of God's love, guiding one through sorrow and hardship. The imagery of filling paths with flowers and walking in love portrays a hopeful and optimistic outlook on life. Overall, it encourages embracing love and gratitude as guiding principles, leading to a fulfilling and blessed existence.
The Birth of a Poem
What spurs the birth of a poem?
What nascence it enjoys?
A borrowed spark or hired fire,
Or your own white noise?
Do old memories cast
A shadow on today?
And is the present born
Of past that's thrown away?
Or was the umbilical cord
Of present and the past
Not properly severed
So the ephemeral would last?
When inherently chequered
Like sunshine through the leaves
It often makes me wonder
What poetry achieves?
They tell me it is cryptic
But poetry, is life
Love at first sight, for some
For some, eternal strife!
Pasayadan Lyrics: Discover a source of positive vibes
Pasayadan lyrics: The whole text of Pasayadan is based on a commentary on the 700-verse Hindu literature known as the Bhagavat Geeta, which is a component of the Mahabharata. It creates positive energy if you do this prayer in your home. It has a deep meaning of prosperity, success, vibe of good friendship and bring confidence in one's life.
I still believe that when i was a kid, I used to visit the temple and attend the prayers, and at the every end of the prayer, there were always Pasayadan. The power of the poem Pasayadan and the lyrics is unbelievable if you understand Sankrit and Marathi. Also, the great actor Aamir Khan also talked about Pasayadan
Aamir Khan talking about Pasayadan Lyrics
Aamir Khan has explained it well in Hindi about the poem pasayadan and its purpose. The great saint Dnyaneshwar Maharaj wrote this poem and why, what was his motive behind writing the poem.
Today's youth must comprehend the significance of Pasayadan lyrics and why they were penned at the end of the novel Dynaeshwari. Learn why Saint Dnyaneshwar did not ask for anything in return, instead requesting a favour from the Almighty for all creatures but not for himself.
Pasayadan is written for all the creatures present on this universe who are living and non-living and the soul purpose is to spread love and humanity.
However, the interesting thing is, not only at the prayer in Hindu temple, but it is also being taught in schools of India whenever kids sit for lunch. This poem and it's lyrics attracts positivity in you and your family members. The vowels in the poem bring success, power, and peace in the family.

Meaning of Pasayadan lyrics in Marathi
आता विश्वात्मक देवाने,
या माझ्या वाग्यज्ञाने संतुष्ट व्हावे आणि मला हे पसायदान ( प्रसाद ) द्यावे. ॥ १ ॥
दुष्टांचे दुष्टपण नाहीसे होवो,
त्यांना सत्कर्मे करण्या मध्ये स्वारस्य वाढो.
सर्व प्राणीमात्रांमध्ये मित्रत्वाची भावना निर्माण होवो. ॥ २ ॥
पापी माणसाचा अज्ञानरुपी अंधार नाहीसा होवो,
विश्वात स्वधर्मरूपी सूर्याचा उदय होवो.
प्राणमात्रांच्या मंगल इच्छा पूर्ण होवोत. ॥ ३ ॥
सर्व प्रकारच्या मंगलांचा वर्षाव करणारे ईश्वरनिष्ठ संत पृथ्वीवर अवतरत जावोत आणि प्राणिमात्रांना भेटत जावोत. ॥ ४ ॥
जे (संत) कल्पतरूंची चालती बोलती उद्याने आहेत,
चेतनारूपी चिंतामणी रत्नांची जणू गावेच आहेत,
अमृताचे बोलणारे समुद्रच आहेत, ॥ ५ ॥
जे कोणताही डाग नसलेले निर्मळ चंद्रच आहेत,
तापहीन सूर्यच आहेत असे संतसज्जन सर्व प्राणिमात्रांचे मित्र होवोत. ॥ ६ ॥
तिन्ही लोकांनी सर्व सुखांनी परिपूर्ण होऊन अखंडितपणे विश्वाच्या आदिपुरुषाची सेवा करावी. ॥ ७ ॥
हा ग्रंथ ज्यांचे जीवन आहे,
त्यांनी या जगातील दृष्य आणि अदृष्य भोगांवर विजयी व्हावे. ॥८ ॥
यावर विश्वेश्वर गूरु श्री निवृत्तीनाथ म्हणाले की हा प्रसाद तुला लाभेल.
या वराने ज्ञानदेव सुखी झाले. ॥ ९ ॥
Pasayadan: Eternal existence
This poetry is nothing more than a prayer to God and sacred sacrifices. Pasayadan is the hidden meaning of eternal existence, the poem of his complete Dnyaneshwari that is wonderfully summarised in front of Almighty, the creator of the universe. He said that pessimism should fade away, but not the pessimist, because the defeatist's disappearance will not erase negativity.
Pasaydaan with lyrics | पसायदान | Lata Mangeshkar | Dhyaneshwar Mauli
In a nutshell, it is a tribute to the Lord of all, who is hidden within the visible cosmos. It is He who causes the cosmos to emerge and He who causes it to vanish. When He is shown, the cosmos vanishes; when He is hidden, the universe shines.
Nanao Sakaki | You won’t believe 1 odd truth about him
Nanao Sakaki (1923–2008) was a Japanese poet who found himself loving and living around nature and writing about it. The aim of Sakaki was to give a positive message to the world: deserts, oceans, mountains, and forests are so beautiful that people should nurture them.
His poetry speaks about what he wanted to say about the nature of the mother earth, ocean, trees, and birds. These are the base of existence of mankind.

Nanao Sakaki awaken modern culture to the ancient ecosystem
The poetic senses of Nanao awaken modern culture to the ancient ecosystem, and in this life, humans should enjoy it.
His one of the best poems from his book How to Live On The Planet Earth that makes people fall in love for reading not ardent way, but conveniences through his poetry.
These emotions could only be brought about by the soul of a happy wanderer, and this is completely true. In the first line, the poet urges someone who does not read books to do so. The way he wrote in such a rhythm that mankind would easily think further and take the idle soul a step further to hold a type of book for which you had never set a genre to read before. There is no doubt that reading forms love for the things around you and brings harmony to life.
The book we set out to read is the actual product of the writer's thoughts over many months and years and the reader acquires that knowledge in just a few days.
The joyous heart then starts singing, dancing, and the poet Sakaki says at the end of the poem, “Sit at home” like any other soul with a content heart.
Nanao Sakaki poems “How to Live On The Planet Earth”
If you have time to chatter,
Nanao Sakaki
Read Books.
If you have time to read books,
Walk into the mountains, desert, and ocean.
If you have time to walk,
Sing a song and dance.
If you have time to dance,
Sit quietly, you, happy lucky idiot.
Other poetry of Nanao Sakaki (check out) also talks about another similar relation between the nature and human.
Soil for legs
Nanao Sakaki
Axe for hands
Flower for eyes
Bird for ears
Mushroom for nose
Smile for mouth
Song for lungs
Sweat for skin
Wind for mind.
Nanao Sakaki relationship with Jungle
In the middle of his life, his relationship with Japan's forest had been long enough; he had spent nearly three years there. He was in the jungle, walking through sometimes narrow or wide, slippery footpaths or roads. Nanao Sakaki walked enough to get his legs dirty, as he mentioned in his poems, with an axe in his hands (to defend or make a way in a crowd of dark wood). He observed wild flowers rather than the crowded roads of urban life. Nanao, while singing a song and oozing enough sweat for skin to get a bath, ultimately gets a cold wind for a fresh mind.
Beauty of Mother Earth in Nanao Sakaki poems
He explored the beauty of Mother Earth not only in his homeland but also in other countries too. During the three years, he wrote many poems, thanks to his creative soul, wrote down his feelings for nature in his verses.
Nature consciousness in urban culture in Nanao Sakaki poems
Sakaki's goal with his purposeful approach to the ecosystem was to instill a sense of nature consciousness in urban culture. His books brilliantly captured his joyful feelings of living in the dark woods and the quietness of the jungle at night.
In those active years of his life in the forest, he reached out to The Tribe and helped them build Banyan Ashram.
His friend Gary Snyder on his death on 21 Dec 2008 (Nanao Sakaki had completed 86 years) wrote,
“Last night I got word from Japan that Nanao Sakaki had suddenly died. He was living with friends in the mountains of Nagano Prefecture in a little cabin. He had stepped out of the door in the middle of the night to stargaze or pee and apparently had a severe heart attack. His friends found him on the ground the next morning. Christmas afternoon they’ll hold the otsuya (wake ceremony) and intimate friends drinking party in his room siting with his body and cremation after that. "He was one of my best friends in this lifetime.”
He has been called the “Godfather of Japanese hippies” and “Japan's first deadhead. As a Nanao’s friend, Gary Snyder writes in the forward to his book How to Live On The Planet Earth “developed a grand sense of nature, dissected the workings of social systems, and kept a steady focus on craft and art.” His collection of eco-poetry made him a formidable pet in Japan.
Furthermore, read Kipling’s Poem: “The White Man’s Burden” On Colonial Control and Alexander Pushkin’s Tender, Selfless Love Life And Poem
Vrukshavalli amha soyari lyrics evoke Ultimate inner friendly soul
The meaning of Vrukshavalli amha soyari lyrics is eternal, and the lyrics were written by Saint Tukaram. He was a 17th-century Hindu poet and saint from Maharashtra who is most known for his devotional poetry and Bhakti movements. He is the author of the poem Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari.

Vrukshavalli amha soyari lyrics with meaning
There is a lot of meaning hidden under the poem Vrukshavalli amha soyari
वृक्ष वल्ली आम्हां सोयरीं वनचरें ।
पक्षी ही सुस्वरें आळविती ।।
येणें सुखें रुचे एकांताचा वास ।
नाही गुण दोष अंगा येत ।।
आकाश मंडप पृथुवी आसन ।
रमे तेथें मन क्रीडा करी ।।
कंथाकुमंडलु देहउपचारा ।
जाणवितो वारा अवसरु ।।
हरिकथा भोजन परवडी विस्तार ।
करोनि प्रकार सेवूं रुची ।।
तुका म्हणे होय मनासी संवाद ।
आपुला चि वाद आपणांसी ।।
You may also like to read about exposition of the poem Vrukshavalli amha soyari
Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari Meaning: Unconditional Truth behind the poem
Vrukshavalli amha soyari, meaning is eternal and The poem Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari was written by Tukobaraya (Tukoba—Saint Tukaram), a 17th-century Hindu poet and saint from Maharashtra known for his devotional poetry and Bhakti movements. Many movies are made on his life and bhakti songs.

Poem Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari meaning in Marathi
The poem "Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari" explores the meaning in Marathi from Sanskrit
वृक्ष वल्ली आम्हां सोयरीं वनचरें ।
पक्षी ही सुस्वरें आळविती ।।
येणें सुखें रुचे एकांताचा वास ।
नाही गुण दोष अंगा येत ।।
आकाश मंडप पृथुवी आसन ।
रमे तेथें मन क्रीडा करी ।।
कंथाकुमंडलु देहउपचारा ।
जाणवितो वारा अवसरु ।।
हरिकथा भोजन परवडी विस्तार ।
करोनि प्रकार सेवूं रुची ।।
तुका म्हणे होय मनासी संवाद ।
आपुला चि वाद आपणांसी ।।
Exposition of the poem “Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari meaning” and it's Meaning in English read in Marathi here on Saptahik.
The forms of god and the presence of its creatures are represented by birds, trees, and animals. The birds give their melodious, rhythmic love to the entire world. For all of us, they are our blood and flesh.
Tukoba, who used to go to quiet places and meditate under a tree. Feel the enchantment of nature, birds, trees, air, and the entire universe as a family.
People who love such quietness feel happy, and thus this beauty of nature, the chirping of birds, brings no merits or demerits. And let no one come close to you or touch you. The viewpoint on others is consistent and brings equality.
This infinite sky, with all of its stars, serves as our collective roof. My heart and soul dance to its rhythm.
Tukaram treated himself thusly in his real life. He had a house, but he spent most of his time outside, singing his poetry alongside birds and animals.
We only need enough clothes to walk around in society, water that Kamandalu can hold, nature, and pure air if one wishes to provide therapy to their soul or inner-self. These are the most effective ways to treat and cleanse your soul.
After you set yourself up for meditation, you need no food. I consider this meditation my meal of the day. The air, water, meditation, the sky, and this holy earth are enough for me to live.
Tukoba says a vital line at the end of the poem, Vrukshavalli Amha Soyari meaning
Tuka claims that after doing these, your soul will speak to you. It lets you know who you are and what your purpose is for living on this holy land.
The poetry of Tukaram turned millions into devotees who fell for his remarkable writings in Marathi. Moreover, read about Saint Kabir Das, Searching For Crook I Met None, I Looked At me, I Found the one