6 Unusual Ways to Find Time to Write

Who has time to write? We all have busy lives filled with much higher priorities than writing, right? And how can we write if we’re away from our keyboards?

Social media yanks on our earlobes and shouts like a devil, “C’mon! Do a little scrolling. Check out what’s trending on Twitter. Watch a quick video. Go down the rabbit hole on TikTok. You deserve a break!” And you wondered why your ears were ringing.

Think of how much time we waste. My phone’s data can be alarming. 

But you can do this. You got this. When you’re taking a break, only you are in charge of you.

Do you listen to music? Podcasts? Watch videos? Then you may have more time than you think, and your phone can be a useful tool.

Yes, the very same instrument of the devil can save your writerly ass-ignments.

Bronze clock to remind us that time is slips away

We aren’t always sitting at a keyboard, but we almost always carry our phones.

Many times, a brilliant idea has popped into my pointed head, but I didn’t always take the time to write it out. Days later, I wracked my brain but couldn’t remember. Now, I type ideas into my phone.

Note to reader: All of my forgotten ideas were brilliant, I’m sure of it.

Here are 6 unusual ways to carve out time to write!

Stuck waiting for an appointment?

I wrote the inspiration for a 360-page book while waiting for a haircut. The same scene appears in the climax of my novel. I never know when an idea will flash in the dim light of my imagination. Truthfully, my imagination is a pretty wild place. That incredible feeling of excitement never lasts, so type it into your phone no matter where you are.

It’s a great way to bide the interminable time for doctor’s appointments too — When I finally sit on the cold examination table in my backless gown, I continue to tap on my phone.

Warning: You might be in a spacy state of mind when the doctor finally arrives and interrupts your scene, where your heroine is about to parachute into a dark fortress to rescue her bridge club held captive by a maniacal travel agent. 

Time flies and this clock is set 12:00

Do you hike or take walks?

I hike on trails with my dog to let my brain percolate. If an idea comes into my muddled mind, I stop to make a note or record a voice memo — hiking and typing can lead to tripping and falling.

Stuck in rush hour traffic?

Dictate your ideas with the microphone, PLEASE! Do NOT type them. 

Chilling after work, a workout, or playing too hard?

Tell yourself that you have one minute to write something on your phone. Add a few plot points or whatever comes to mind. Stream-of-conscious writing is a real thing. Unless it’s a grocery list — that doesn’t count. I bet you write for at least five.

Antique Wristwatch has been replaced by smart watches

Camping out to get the best seats for a Billie Eilish concert?

Record your new scene in a selfie video. When your book hits the shelves, post it on Instagram.

At a Bronco game?

While waiting for a TV timeout, pull out your phone and type a sentence or two. Any progress is progress.

Anytime you listen to music, a podcast, or click on social media du jour is the perfect time to write, even when you aren’t at home. Jot down YOUR brilliant ideas, or revise a plot hole or that awkward sentence that has been on repeat in your head since you woke up this morning.  

You can carve out time. Flick the devil off your shoulder once in a while. You will be surprised by how much you accomplish. You might even look forward to your next doctor’s appointment.

The article is credited to the Susie Lindau blog. Susie Lindau divides her time between Boulder and Breckenridge — the Rocky Mountains, a stunning background for many adventures and misadventures.

Virechana benefits, 1 Ultimate guide in panchakarma

My experience of Virechana benefits and therapy, one of the vital Panchakarma therapies, Virechan Therapy has a long history in Vedic and Yogic Science. However, what modern allopathy is called, I really don’t know. Therefore, it is the most effective and proven treatment for many diseases nowadays.

Virechana Meaning is simple, it cleanse your body at the cellular level and important thing is Virechana benefits a lot to the body. I have discussed my treatment in this article. When one start Ghee intake as per prescribed by the doctor, the cleansing at Cellular Level starts. Thus, last comes, post Virechana diet Plan, which helps body to complete back to normal.

woman with glass of water after shower after virechana benefits a panchakarma health benefits
Virechana benefits: Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com

What is Virechana

As per Ayurvedic theory, Panchakarma is a field of natural medicine as per Ayurvedic and Yogic philosophy. It is widely used in the Indian subcontinent as an alternative to medicine. Around 80% of the population in India and Nepal use natural medicine. Ayurveda There are three elements in the body of which it consists; the entire nervous system. It is prescribed by the doctors when an imbalance between them happens. Based on many studies and observations, it came to a conclusion that panchakarma (five) Ayurvedic treatments help the body restore its original state of constitution.

Virechana Benefits

  • Flushes out the toxins and improves overall the performance of the body.
  • It regains the entire equilibrium of the body.
  • Cleanse out the track of gastrointestinal and its disorders.
  • Improve blood circulation and skin related issues.
  • It helps remove coughs (for those who are suffering asthma).
  • It is a proven treatment in patients who had piles, acid reflux, ulcers, pitta dosha, vitiligo etc.

The flow of Virechana Treatment

I was given 500 ml of pure cow ghee with some instructions including my diet plan. The diet was very strict and must be followed. I was advised that ghee should be taken in the early morning. The quantity of the ghee is as follows.

Quantity of Ghee per Day

man holding clear glass bottle
Use of pure ghee in Virechana. Photo by Peter Fazekas on Pexels.com
  • 1st Day: 30 ML
  • 2nd Day: 60 ML
  • 3rd Day: 90 ML
  • 4th Day: 120 ML
  • 5th Day: 150 ML

I was given this treatment in the month of October. Here in India, it was cold and hence, the doctor had told me to drink only warm water every time. The reason behind this was simple. To melt the ghee inside and keep going into the blood vessels and to reach every tissue. The motive was simple. Purification and cleanliness should happen at the cellular level successfully without any hurdles. As the doctor advised me, my diet was very simple and light.

Early morning breakfast with oats or Upama (made from wheat grains) and dinner with lentils (split lentils like yellow pigeon peas, gram beans, green lentils only) with wheat chapati or sorghum Bhakari. Therefore in the evening, dinner should be made of rice with these lentils. This diet plan follows the next five days or until you see ghee coming out in your sweat or poop. After the result came as expected on the fifth day or sixth day. The intake of ghee should be stopped and the next five days following the same diet and warm water every time.

Virechana Purgate at the cellular level cleaning

The purification happens in the body and brings all the toxin back in the stomach during these next three days. During these days one has to go under oil massage. I used sesame oil. In my case, the 100 ml warm oil was applied on my body and massaged the entire body. If you don’t have this option, I have another option.

You have to apply the whole 100 ml of warm sesame oil on your body and massage on your own as much as possible and go for a hot water bath. Do it until the oil fills the pores of your body and wipe your body softly with a cotton towel. I did this for 15 to 30 minutes daily for three consecutive days.

On my fourth day, I went to the hospital early in the morning around 8:30 with an empty stomach but before that you have to completely fill the requirement for the treatment. I was instructed to carry a warm bottle of water, a cotton handkerchief, a towel for sneha and sweden (oil massage and steam bath) and a bottle of lemon juice. I was all set. Remember, you have to have an empty stomach to remove all the toxin away from the body through aus (through poop). Hence, emtpy stomach should be there on the day when you are given lexatives.

Suddenly, I was called into a cabin with a half dozen students and a doctor, who handed me five tablets (lexatives) and said, "Remember your God." For a moment, I was frightened. I was asked to sign a letter of no objection. Before I began, they said a mantra, and I engulfed those five tablets at a time without a hitch. I drank only three bites of water with the tablets. I felt nothing but rising tension about what would happen. I was sent to the massage department…

It was the last massage (snehan swedana) where two people massaged me with the warm sesame oil for five minutes. I really enjoyed the massage! Wait wait... They were not women, my bad luck, they were men. However, it was a more serious job, taking care of parts to parts and inch to inch, ensuring that all parts of the body were wet in oil. I just felt relaxed like never before. I suggest, one should get such a massage once a week or month at least. But when the purgation happened, you can’t imagine what had happened to me.

After exactly an hour, I was constantly monitored by the various doctors. Some used to come to keep an eye on my Blood Pressure, others were taking my pulse and putting the stethoscope on my stomach to check if the tablets had started working or not. To start inducing the power of the medicine, it took 1 and half hours. You can imagine, I had a total of 13 motions until 5:30 PM and before I was halted, I went back to my home which was almost 35 KM. I personally do not recommend travelling this much distance. As the motion could induce anytime and could cause a problem. However, I travelled. Therefore, what I did, you again won’t imagine.

Before I picked up a local transport, I visited a nearest medicine store and inquired about a man's diapers. I wondered if I could get the one and if it is available for loose. When I asked, the shopkeeper said, buy in a pack. What would I do with them later? I had a question. I don’t want to write here what size sanitary pad I used to protect myself from loose motion.

So overall, I recommend this to all whether or not you have any diseases. This is going to help in many ways. If you have any questions, just feel free to ask me in the comment below. Find the below diet plan for the next five days.

Post Virechana Therapy Diet Plan

To get complete virechana benefits from this therapy, follow this diet plan

  1. Boil 1 cup of rice in 6 cups of water, filter it out and drink. For taste, you can give it a fry in ghee with cumin and coriander power and salt as per the taste. This diet is for the next 24 hours.
  2. Boil 1 cup of rice in 6 cups of water, filter it out. Plus, add half of the filter rice and full filtered water. Mix them together and have it for the next two days. Additionally, you can give it a fry in ghee with cumin and coriander power and salt as per the taste. This diet is for the next 24 hours or next two meals.
  3. Boil ⅓ cup of rice plus ¼ cup of green lentils together with 6 cups of water. Filter it out, Plus, add half of the filter mixer and full filtered water. Mix them together and have it for the next two days. Moreover, you can give it a fry in ghee with cumin and coriander powder and salt as per the taste. This diet is for the next 24 hours or next two meals.
  4. On the fourth day, you can eat a regular khichadi of green lentils and rice and on the fifth day, you can have your usual, favourite food.

Care About Your Characters | 3 simple ways

3 Simple way to make care about your characters

If I asked you why your favorite book is your favorite book, chances are high the reason will be because of the characters.Yes, a great plot and lyrical prose make for a compelling read, but it’s the characters we like to follow from page to page and revisit if they leave the right impression.So, how do we ensure we get this right impression? It’s actually a case of making readers care, and it can be easier than you think.

3 Simple Ways To Make Readers Care About Your Characters

Round Them Out With Relatability

Readers like to see themselves in characters. If they can relate to them, they will connect to them, and as a writer, you want that connection.Make your characters relatable with traits that are universal. It’s a good idea to throw in some quirks, too. You never know how many other people out there might like the same niche pastime that you do.You could also go the nostalgic route, adding that your character likes all the things you did growing up, like 90s rom-coms, cheese (who doesn’t love cheese?), puppies (who doesn’t love puppies?), or clowns (who doesn’t love… just kidding, no one loves clowns).Select a key relatable trait, a quirk, and something nostalgic to add to your characters and create fictional people that feel as real to readers as themselves.

Steep Them In Sympathy

There’s a reason Save The Cat! is a much-touted piece of writing advice. If you see a character, good or bad, demonstrating a moment where they’re worth rooting for, it ups the care factor.If you want such an endearing quality for your characters, it’s a good idea to find a way to do this.Dig deep for incidents that have made you feel sorry for someone, or tap into having others feel that way about you, and thread it into your characters and the situations you put them in.

Show Their Multiple Sides

Showing readers multiple sides to your characters not only helps play into relatability and sympathy but it’s also a great trick on its own!

If your character is one-note, always being the goody-two-shoes, the sarcastic side-kick, or the over-the-top-destroy-everything villain, they get pretty boring, pretty quick.

However, if you play in the gray, and show that your villain is over-the-top because they suffered a tremendous, life-altering loss, or that your hero’s goody-two-shoe act is in response to a promise they made to someone special, you’ve got multiple sides.

Layers like that add to the character rather than just that one be-all and end-all side, and this makes them well-rounded enough for readers to follow them from chapter to chapter, even book to book.

So, add all the sides you can and play up the sympathy and relatability as the base of your characters and sprinkle them throughout your story. Not only will you make that caring connection with readers, but some damn good characters too.

The article credited to — K.M. Allan

Book Review: The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond


Edie and Violet Bond know the truth about death and the beyond. The seventeen-year-old twins are mediums, spending their time traveling and crossing into death-- just like their mother. While Violet can open the veil between life and death, Edie can cross into the mist of the spirit world. But when it mattered their abilities couldn't help them when their mother died and their father wanted to have them committed to the state-run insane asylum.

Now on the run, Edie and Violet are a part of an act of traveling spiritualists show, of women that although has to demonstrate real abilities hide under the guise of communing with spirits. But when Violet's act goes wrong, on a night they need everything to go perfectly, Edie learns that the dark spirit responsible for the death of their mother is now taking other mediums. As they investigate the true identity of their mother's final client, they realize they've been set up, and they are next. 

My Thoughts on The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond

This story was so enthralling. As with most books, the synopsis sounded so good, I decided to pick it up. It was easy to follow and had me hooked from the first chapter. This paranormal fantasy was very original taking inspiration from the author's great-grandmother and her twin sister. I loved seeing Edie and Violet grow as they struggle through a society that was made to condemn, touching on things in current times like women's rights that of course were a struggle during the times.  You watch them be independent but still support each other, keeping the bond that they have tight despite the fact that they each have their own desires, and never truly want to be apart.  

This novel is definitely one you can sit and binge-read for hours without stopping. And I definitely did NOT expect that ending. The more I read the more nervous I got because I really wasn't sure what was going to happen. There were so many ways that it could have gone. I definitely was giving this a reread.

The book, The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond will be released on October 4th, 2022.


Cooking up a mouthwatering recipe for love in the main course.

Cooking on the grill. The outside fire, the flames, the smells, tingling your taste buds for something juicy and delicious. Firing up all senses is a dream come true for an author. Only if I could write to where you could smell each mouthwatering word.

Family! You can’t live with them or without them. And it's one of the most complex things in life: a marriage. We can't pick and choose our relatives. But you can choose your partner. No matter how you spice up life, there are complicated adult things we run into, like divorce. Not that divorce is the fix-all. When the bonds of marriage break, it is sad. Two people once in love fall out of love. Why can't love last forever? When the conditions for love are no longer met, the bond fades. A shared commitment between both partners can replace lost love and hold the relationship together for years to come. And then there are the couples whose bond is so strong they can't live without each other. Couples who have been married for 40 to 60 years or more are fascinating.

So what's the recipe for a long marriage?

The million-dollar question. From what I have experienced in life, the answer is, "Love fades and becomes a lost love." We crave to be loved. Love is a lot like basting a chicken on the grill, with a great chicken rub with all the right spices. I had to compare love with food, which we also crave. The universal meaning of love is always to baste your love with tender loving care. Studies have shown that we think love is in the heart, but it mostly comes from the brain. Romance does not have to fizzle out in a relationship. Maintaining a goal like all good things in life requires energy and devotion. It’s all in what you put into your relationships. Couples should strive to spice up with all the trimmings. When you keep the fires burning, it will never go out.

Treat your love like the main course, not the garnish.

Jackie Lynaugh

About the novella COMPLICATED, by Jackie Lynaugh.

First, yes, I am experienced in divorce. Once was enough. I know of many people with 4 to 5 divorces under their belt. I imagine the more the divorces, the more the complications. The story is about marriage, lost love, newly found love, children, family, careers, home, and the characters Lee and Scarlett. Not so much in that order, but the topics are about what we all share in common, life. I was married for 10 years to my first husband, and 40 years to my second husband. So far, so good. The second time around has been heavenly. I hope you enjoy the novella, COMPLICATED.


Blue Pyjamas

blue pyjama a short story

Blue Pyjamas

“Come on young man, time for bed.”

Mum called me from my newly decorated bedroom. The sun was disappearing behind our garden’s lonely apple tree. I padded barefoot from the bathroom, proud of myself. Two days running now, I have brushed my teeth all by myself.

“There’s a good boy, let me see.”

I opened my mouth wide. The minty smell of Colgate escaped, causing us both to grin.

“Good job. Do you want a story?”

I handed her my Rupert The Bear Annual, battered and old. It was my dad's. I not only loved those stories but more much more. I could remember dad reading to me. I sniffed the odd scent of aged paper and clambered under the new light-blue duvet. Everything was new, except Rupert and his friends.

“Do you like your room?” She asked, flicking open a page.

I chose the wallpaper. It was cyan. At least that was what the man in the shop said. It was light blue to me. I had another shade of blue paint on the woodwork. Everything was blue, my dad loved blue. The desk was now covered in my artistic creation. A large sheet of paper with dark trees and bright green leaves in the background, a winding footpath with a scattering of red, yellow and orange flowers on both sides. Rupert was missing because my scissors weren’t sharp enough to cut him out of the thick cardboard. Mum had lent me her dressmaking scissors. They lay next to the bear. I will get on with that tomorrow. Then glue him beneath the tree, and it will be finished.

“Now, where were we? Here we are, Rupert goes to the woods.” She thought I wouldn’t notice her mouthing, ‘again.’

Looking around before I settled, my other books were on the shelf, teddy bears sat under them. My toy chest lid needed shutting before I could sleep. My mum caught my eye.

“Okay dear, I’ll close it before I go downstairs.”

Rupert’s adventure ended as my eyes closed. Mum kissed me gently on the forehead and crept out. She forgot to close the toy chest. My eyes were shut, but I knew.

Did I doze then fell deeply asleep, for how long? I did not know. I woke with a start as if Rupert had jumped on my chest. I turned and faced the wardrobe. The toy chest was still open. Naturally, I didn’t expect it to close itself, but my mum should have done it before she went to her bed.

Never one to fear the dark, and enjoy the gloomy glow of night. We don’t have flickering candles, just my nightlight. I grinned to myself. Should I close the lid? Later, before I sleep again.

It seemed darker than usual. I peered across to my dressing table. Yes, the dim light was still on.

A brighter light showed under my door as every night, mum always left it on in case I needed the toilet. What was that? Is mum still up, maybe she needs a pee. I chuckled at the thought. Straining my ears. Were the stairs creaking? Pulling the bedding tight to my throat, I hid under for a second before peeking at the light under the door. It darkens briefly, then lights again, as if someone walked past a light. Was it mum, not a peep from the bathroom? The hallway was carpeted; the floorboards were quiet. How come I could hear a creak? There it is again. Is someone there?

Where was my Rupert book? I needed its comfort. I dashed to the desk, knocking the scissors aside as I grabbed the volume, and hugged it tightly. Two giant strides and I would be safe. Taking one step, as a thought struck me, gently lobbing Rupert to my bed, I turned and reached ahead. Stretching my fingers, I flicked the toy chest lid down. At last, I breathed as I jumped into bed.

No more odd sounds from outside, no more strange light flickering under my door. A big cuddle from Rupert’s cover and then I could sleep.

After what seemed like ages since I was last awake, brilliant light flooded my room from a gap between the curtains. I looked at my clock, that’s odd, mum normally wakes me by now. I’d only just learned to tell the time, so couldn’t be one hundred per cent sure. Kneeling on my bed, leaning against the headboard, I looked out of the window as I opened the curtains fully. Beautiful, the sun was fighting its way through the tree branches opposite. No neighbours or delivery people ruined my view of my front garden, my stretch of road and my fields across the way. At least I could believe I was the king of all I surveyed. Grabbing my book, I offered Rupert the chance to be my prince. What a wonderful start to any day! The bear nodded.

Time to daydream, before mum comes in? No need to rush.

I cuddled the battered volume and dozed.

Time had passed. How long? I wondered. I could see the sun's bright glow. It was only at the top of the branches. Where was mum? The toy chest was still closed. Good to see it hadn’t opened during my sleep. I turned off my nightlight and replaced Rupert on the desk.

My blunt scissors were there, where were mums? I will need them. Did she creep in to borrow them earlier? A drip smudged my artwork. Oh no. Then another, the trees and flowers welded together. I have dark red paint on my arm. What? How? I looked at my paint set; the lid was closed. My hands were browny red too, wet and sticky.

“Mum,” I called as I rushed to the door. My feet were sticking to the carpet, and small footprints, and a slightly darker shade mottled the carpet. Looking down confused, I compared the size and shape of my own feet. They were the same. Grabbing the door handle and shouting louder, “Mum, Mum,” I bellowed as I pulled the door back.

Sprinting, then stopping instantly, I tumbled over my mum. She was laying across the doorway, propped up on one elbow, head against the door frame, dressed in her nightie, soaked in blood, oozing from her stomach. She was clasping her scissors. I pushed myself up and away from the wound. I didn’t want to hurt her.

“Call the ambulance, go quickly,” she whispered. “My phone is by the bed.”

“Mum, what happened?”

“Oh, darling, can’t you remember?”

Dad forgot to close my toy box. It all came back to me. That was a sunny morning too. I’d better wait for some clouds before I make that emergency call. Smiling, I grabbed Rupert and turned the pages.



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Chakras in human body allow the best eternal soul to go

There are major conflicts and consequences regarding the chakras in human body and how it functions. Learn about how human chakras give unique information about human energy flow. The concept of chakras is rooted in traditional Indian medicine and is also used in various spiritual practices.

How many chakras in human body?

Ancient traditional Buddhist texts say there are five chakras, and Hindu culture says there are six or seven. The Chakra itself is a circle. A circle of life which has no escape from death.

However, there is a route from which we can escape this circle of rebirth. That chakra is the last one, which is located on the top of the head. After extensive studies, the modern chakra system now consists of mixing the study of old and new culture. Sapta Chakra, the book written by Charles W. Leadbeater in 1927. One of the illustrations from the manuscript, the esoteric correspondence between Tibetan psycho-physiology and subtle energy. In his book, Charles introduced seven colours, similar to the rainbow, for the Chakras.

Chakras in human body represent movements

These chakras represent the movements of our feelings, energy, and consciousness in the body. We have a lot of feelings and the major ones are jealousy, joy, greed, generosity, fear, hatred, and love. These seven chakras represent the energy level of the individual through their emotions. The seven chakra points are located exactly in the middle position, parallel to the vertical column.

Chakras in human body allow the eternal soul to go| According to the traditional belief, each of the seven chakras is associated with a specific location in the body and has its own color, vibration, and characteristic. The chakras are also associated with different aspects of human life, such as emotions, relationships, creativity, and spirituality.
Chakras in human body light man people woman showing human chakras | Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

The names of the 7 chakras in our body are Mulandhara Chakra, Swadishthana Chakra, Manipur Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddhi Chakra, Anna Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. The human body consists of nadis (blood vessels), and there are more than six trillion in our body, which ultimately form our body’s nervous system.

Furthermore, it is surrounded by hundreds of peripheral nerves that run through our body from one end to the other. The 31 pairs never leave the spinal cord and spread throughout the body, encircling the heart.

Studies of chakras in human body in Indian vedas is more than 600 years old

However, there are nine nerve centres that are considered prime and focused. But of these, in Indian methodology.The Indian Vedic Study, which dates back many years and uses literature from 600 years ago as its source. The seven centres of these nerves are called the seven chakras of the body, through which most of the energy transmits through the body. You may call it feelings or awareness of the body.

Each chakra is different and has different functions. However, according to Saint and many mystic gurus, the seventh chakra is a way to achieve a primordial state of self. It is the one thing that everyone tries to achieve in their life to get moksha. It is said that moksha is the goal of human life. However, humans are busy with other things. Some of them realised this later in life, and many others took their entire life. The one who achieves Moksha, meaning liberation from the cycle of rebirth,

Chakras in human body is one of the source of Moksha

There are years of studies on how to get the primordial self (Moksha) and there are many ways to achieve it. The everlasting truth of life is death, and no one has denied it. Every person has to pass through this phase. Everyone knows how difficult this life is. And nobody wants to live life in this evil world where nobody cares for anybody. Anyhow, everyone gets to know how short life is at old age and all the hard work goes in vain.

Thus, an old man wishes for nothing but good health and his inclination increases toward worship of the Gods. However, God has given happiness as well as sadness equally to human life. But, these mystic saints like Osho, as human beings, try to achieve their goal and get Moksha in life.

According to the traditional belief, each of the seven chakras is associated with a specific location in the body and has its own color, vibration, and characteristic. The chakras are also associated with different aspects of human life, such as emotions, relationships, creativity, and spirituality.

Furthermore, one of the ways to achieve primordial self is to do fasting on Ekadasi. Especially if Ekadasi falls in the month of Margashirsha, which is known as Moksha Ekadasi. Another way is “worship of God”. expressing our feelings for God through songs. However, Karma has given the first preference in this case, and once one’s consciousness reaches the final door (chakras), he will get Moksha. The chakra is called the Sahasrara chakra. It is also known as the crown chakra and is considered the seventh primary chakra in the Indian yoga tradition.



icarus short story

All he could hear was the roaring of the crowds below him and his father’s warnings on how to control the instrument. Though his vision was fine he was blinded by the beauty of the clouds and mesmerized by the feeling of the wind of another atmosphere that no one had experienced before him. All of this was never planned but soon had to be because of his father Dedalus’s gift and the thought of losing his son. Even after jumping off the cliff with a perfect diver’s arc, his father kept on shouting and warning him not to fly too high or too low. All Icarus could think about his father was that He was confident about his new instrument, but not about his son. Funny!

Icarus did pay heed to his father’s warning until he felt his coral pendent flutter, which made him open his eyes to the reminiscence of its past owner. Chryses, he thought, how she would have looked right now, how her hair would look with the Hyacinth set on it, how this pendant would look on her petite frame, and how beautiful her golden eyes would look. Her golden eyes, he yearned to see them again like any other day, and like any other day, he looked at the sun. The only difference he could see was that it was bigger than usual. As he went on flying, he closed his eyes for a moment just to see her and only her in his memories. He had first seen her by the Hyacinth Garden picking the flowers and was as if struck by lightning. Her existence itself had left the young Icarus with such an impact that although they never exchanged words of greetings, he knew her likes and dislikes, her foes and friends, and her thoughts and wishes. Although he was never acknowledged by her he was happy with his unrequited love, but not for long. The very essence of a creature like her made the boy resolute in marrying her no matter what.

But who knew that fate had other plans, who knew that on the very day of her eighteenth birthday in the town square asked to marry her and before she could respond engulfed her in his embrace, that she would be called shameful, that she would leave him forever. It rained as if Nature were mourning the miserable fate of Icarus. As the raindrops falling on his face caressed him with pity, he saw his beautiful Chryses getting dragged out of the sea, her eyes still golden yet dull. With the unbearable suffering of grief and loss, he went on a hunt like a mad lover to look for those eyes. Those eyes that did not lack life and warmth in them, those eyes which would regain his sanity and his sunken heart back from the depths of the abyss. He did not care for the screams or the beggings but only for the love, he had lost. Soon declared murderer no less than a monster for blinding many a few women he was sentenced to death. But his search was still not over and thus he planned to fly out of the city to the other places in search of the golden orbs to befit his dead bride.

As Icarus opened his eyes to reality he realized, he was close to the only object that reminded him of Chryses and he could not stop himself from nearing it. His father’s shouting, the gushing of the wind, and the crashes of the sea, all went dull along with his senses as he went on flying close to the sun while unsheathing his dagger with a longing heart. Now even closer how beautiful it looked to him and how much more enchanting it would look on his Chryses. The thought went on and on until the wax melted. The next thing he saw was the vision of the glowing sun growing smaller, barely visible now under the veil of tears, tears of separation from his beloved woman who was hiding behind the feeling of failure. It all ended in a few seconds with a splash and the surfacing of the panting breaths of the boy who knew that although he was far away from the sun, Icarus knew that he could no

longer live and welcomed life’s friend with open arms. With open arms, a smile on his lips, tears of relief that were not visible and only one thought in his mind, Chryses. After that centuries passed and the tale about ‘The fall of Icarus’ was changed throughout history as passed down from mouth to mouth. He was the boy who flew too close to the sun but alas! Not for his arrogance or his foolishness but for his longing. His longing for love.

The Benefits Of Writing, Not Typing, Your First Draft

benefits of writing not typing

The Creative Benefits of Writing Your First Draft

Writing the first draft of my novel longhand is something I’ve begun doing over the past month, and I’ve found it has a number of benefits. I began it because I had stopped writing my novel for a while (I had been reading a book about story structure instead) and wanted something to get me started again.

Writing longhand is linked to journalling, a private occupation. You write only for yourself, and you write whatever you feel like writing. It encourages the link between thinking, creative brain and hand, a link which has been a part of us since we first learned to write as children. 

You may enjoy the process more. It’s a good way to tell the story to yourself. It has the advantage of making sure you focus on the story, not on its possible future readers. The first draft is for you alone. You are its writer and its reader.No-one else ever needs to see it. It’s an example of Stephen King’s often quoted advice abour writing the first draft ‘with the door closed’. 

The informality of writing by hand in a journal encouraged me to jump in and write the characters and scenes I felt like writing, rather than writing in a linear fashion as I had been doing. Having already lived with this story for a long time and written about half of it, I found this easy to do. I found I was spending more time in the minds of my point of view characters, and learned more about them, and their backstories, as a result. I enjoyed the writing, and my wordcount crept steadily upward. I didn’t write every day, but I haven’t missed many, and the progress that I’m  making is encouraging. 

There’s plenty of opportunity to discover new ideas in the writing. Though this kind of discovery writing can be especially effective if you know what you’re trying to achieve in a scene or chapter, i.e. if you’ve already written some kind of outline. That way if you have a new idea, you will know whether or not it will fit into your story, and often even exactly where it will go and how it will nudge the story in one direction or another. 

The quality of what you write doesn’t matter at all in this draft. It can be as messy as you like. (Though make sure you can read your own handwriting!) You don’t have to worry about finding the ‘right’ word or about the quality of your sentences. That means you can write faster, and get more words down. A draft written in this way will arguably have more cohesion than one that has taken a year to write.

There’s an editorial benefit too: you can do a little editing while typing it up. Though you can speak the words too, if your dictation software is good enough to make it worth your while. Not so much if you keep having to stop to correct errors manually.

Other Benefits of Writing, Not Typing

If ‘work’ to you means sitting at a screen, and writing fiction is not your job, why would you want to sit at another screen during your free time in order to write your novel? If you get yourself a notebook and pen you will be able to feel that you have taken a break and you will be in a more relaxed state of mind, whether you are sitting in a café or at home.

Your posture will be different (if not actually better; you will probably be hunched over the desk!)  And you won’t be adding to your risk of repetitive strain injury from keying (though we did use to talk about writer’s cramp.)

It felt at first like going back in time to when I wrote my fiction as a teenager, but as we all now spend so much time repetitively tapping on keyboards in front of screens, it seems like a good idea to change our posture now and again, and who knows, maybe change the way our minds work as a result.

You can keep your handwritten novel in one notebook (or a series of them). It’s lighter to carry around than a laptop, and easier to open. (You don’t need a password. No batteries either.)

There are even smart reusable notebooks, The best smart notebooks for 2022 | Digital Trends you can buy from which you can upload pages and save them digitally. 

If you have not created anything for a while, or even at all, and would like to, I would recommend reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Home | The Artist's Way (theartistswaybook.com)  and its sequel, to get you started. It contains inspiration and exercises to get your creative spirit moving again. It has been translated into many languages, and sold millions of copies, inspiring people all over the world.

So, have you considered writing a draft of your novel longhand? Or do you prefer the benefits of your keyboard?


It matters what your outlook is towards life. You cannot possibly pinpoint what actually shapes your outlook towards life. People are different, and therefore they have different outlook towards life. But if you are one of those who view life as a puzzle you are yet to comprehensively decipher, you are not alone. Not everything in everybody's life can be perfect, perhaps that is what I feel. What I have felt is that people in general mask their imperfections behind a veil of perfections that is socially recognized. Appearance, focus on looks being a prime example.

But what I have also felt and that has made all the difference in my outlook towards life is imperfections need to be worn on our sleeves, not to be hidden but to be seen to everyone. The true positive outlook then is to embrace those very imperfections and yet try to achieve something beyond your expectations. That is a worthy experience. After all, we are not here to create our perfect self, we are here to express our authentic self with all our imperfections. An extension of this is having faith in positive outlook, it basically means your authentic self by default should be positively inclined because authenticity means being your best possible true version. And tell me which version of you loves being a pessimist.