Indira (b. 19 November 1917 to 31st Oct 1984) was 3rd Prime Minister of India. And was the first female who had become India’s President (1966―1977 again in 1980―1984). The president who was very much bound to her promise that had never refrained from under the pressure of someone. Even a threat from her blood. She had a shower of blessings from her beloved father and had learned to make her decision.
There was a passionate letter exchange between Indira and Jawaharlal Nehru. The words of wisdom and powerful learning at an early age. The politically stabled woman once had gone for war with Pakistan and returned with a victory. The war had resulted in formation of nature and waterways into Bangladesh (one of the populated countries) with the existence of Padma and Meghana rivers.
There are two types of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group, there is less competition.
Indira Gandhi
Indira was well-groomed at an early age, Indira and her mother Kamala Nehru. In fact, she was a freedom fighter used to meet Mahatma Gandhi frequently. However, she was always surrounded by political thoughts in and out of her mind. Those included, Poverty, Freedom, Republic, Independence, Our country, our people. These are the words she used to familiar since her younger age. She had soon built her strength, overcame the weakness and stood-alone taking her decision.
Mrs Indira Gandhi was one of the leaders who believed in secularism and got married to Feroze Khan. A man who left his studies for the country’s freedom and joined Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi‘s Independence movement in 1933. Firoze’s last name on the legal document was Gandhy(Who was born to a Persian family) changed his name to Firoze Gandhi.
The reason why Indira Gandhi Married to Feroze Khan
This result was of purely based on loving Mr Gandhi. And his powerful thoughts who had already won the hearts of many Indians. The reason for becoming Firoze Gandhy to Firoze Gandhi is still unknown except above.

Before they fall in love, Mr Feroze Gandhi had already made his first thoughtful attempt putting his proposal to well-known member of India Independence Movement, Kamala Nehru for her daughter, Indira, but it was rejected saying she is too young to marry. A skilled girl when abandoned when Kamala Nehru died in Switzerland. Those days Indira and Firoze came closer more that time. And both emerged out a rhythm of love together in the political wounded hearts.
Important Note About Marriage
Both tied a knot in a furious decision going almost against everybody including her father (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru) in 1942. The wedding took place at well-known Regent Street, London. This marriage happened exactly five years ago. However, when the country was about to get independence and partition between Hindu and Muslim. The exact motto of being secularism in Gandhi’s family was nothing but a constant comparison between Hindu and Muslim. But finally, India broke into two separate continents.
But Mr’s Gandhi believes in secularism as one of her quoted words is still the evidence. However, proves her that her marriage was just a true love changing her life for both India and her marriage. In one of her interviews, she was asked some uncomfortable questions. And would like her to become president of India again in this interview. (1978 by Jonathan Dimbleby.)
Even if I died in the service of this nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood contributes to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic.
Indira Gandhi
Indira Gandhi’s Interview In 1987
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