In the echo of slogans, a promise we weave,
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, a chant we believe.
In the tale is half told and the truth is not so sweet.
For safety exclusive where shadows still creep.
Success blooms bright, dreams take their flight.
Yet the shadows of dangers linger in the night.
Let our actions be more than slogans we say,
Let the world change to keep shadows at bay.
Changes must be more than words and page,
It’s time for a world where they’re safe at each stage.
A graceful girl just six months old,
With a princess twirl and story not so old.
Her journey begun with a gentle breeze,
Her tragedy so stubborn made her freeze.
Cuts on her body of regrets and reliefs,
This was the story her life briefs.
Not just one child but many daughters grown up,
Her struggle begins when he threw at her a cup.
Blood in eyes, not just tears,
It was the only time in life for fears.
He just plucked her like flower,
But what about her dream of becoming a star.
No one catches him… Why?
Why only girls leaving this world with a sigh?
We seek for justice and another murder,
Leave me please was her last scutter.
He killed her to be safe,
But one day of this life will just leave him like a waif.
Not all men but there’s always a man,
Why are there just a few left as gentleman?
The pain, the blood, the story of the cruel night, we will never forget,
This world needs to promise that every girl will be safe and set.
Poem “Why Do You Live?”
If we all must eventually leave this world, why do we persist, set alarms, and strive daily? This evocative poem delves into humanity's unwavering hope, the pursuit of goals, and the belief in a higher purpose. Through vivid imagery, it reminds us that life is both a test and an opportunity to rise above challenges, defining our ultimate destiny.
Poem: Why Do You Live?
If we all have to leave,
Then why are we still pulling up our sleeves?
Why do we set the alarm?
When we do not even know if in the morning, we shall see the sun so warm.
Well, because there is hope,
The reason we just do not hang ourselves from the rope,
I keep living because I have a goal,
In this world everyone has a role.
We were not born again just to rest,
This life is actually a test,
Our actions decide whether we get heaven or hell,
Then again, we shall rise from where we fell.
Poem: They remembered
Already older, when the passing of the
times passed through their bodies,
And the winds came, sometimes tender and other times brave,
Until reaching that old age of body, which already hurt,
He and she held hands and together they returned to their childhood,
Even the light that filled his eyes with illusions, and that pure heart of birth.
Those feelings of lights without shadows,
that laugh without crying, remember.
That excitement for what exists, those brand new hugs.
They returned to the boat of their seas, to the beaches of their rebirth,
to the chaste kiss that sealed the path, that hug of crazy feeling, those lives of children who loved and discovered love, eternally felt like this.
And they embraced right there, their path, their lives, path and love,
And when they joined their lips, they felt, that there was someone next to them.
He blessed them with infinite tenderness.
God himself!!
Poem: When it is older
When it is older
I will wear heaven's dress,
I will fly through the air, tracing
colors and granting desires,
I will laugh with the clouds, I will play like
child with a thousand and one friends,
I will cross oceans and valleys.
I will climb like a lark to the peaks
higher, sowing hopes...
Ah, when I grow up, I want to be
lit butterfly, and then,
wake up and fly through the air, dancing
a thousand unimaginable dances,
and go up to the top, and go down to the bottom,
and all the summits have been reached….
Ah, when I grow up, I will fill my soul
of wisdom,
I will fill my being with beautiful feelings
that I will spread over the earth...
for sowing in her…pure love and
sweet longing
When I grow up, I want to continue dancing,
Even though my feet hurt,
Although my wrinkled skin refuses to let me move,
because my body will be old, but in my soul,
there in my soul, I will continue to be the reflection of the love of my God who walks with me, His Mercies,
His love gave me up,
and I flew with him forever.
I turned eternally to His love.
and so, next to Him, I was always,
when the times of life,
They made me older.
Eternally, God and I.
Ah…when I'm older…
Poem “I will do” celebrates love and gratitude
I will make your life cheerful,
may you walk forever in love,
I will fill your paths with flowers,
because you see the face of your God.
There is no other way to live than loving,
love the love of the verb to love,
without offending or mistreating,
always smiling when walking.
Why is it not living in tears?
or regrets,
walking is knowing how to walk,
with the faith of birth and the light of gratitude,
everything that life puts in front of you,
for it is the path that your feet walk,
and if sadness or great sorrow comes,
or maybe you'll get the feeling of not having,
feel son of my soul, my star,
that in every dawn and dusk
God, the Giver of Love,
will sow tenderness in your soul,
for loving you even more, my dear.
And with Him, as a companion,
your path will be water of love,
river of laughter and lucky life,
that you and me, me and you,
We will walk loved until the end.
Poetry analysis
The poem celebrates love and gratitude, emphasizing the importance of walking life's path with joy and kindness. It speaks of finding solace in faith and the presence of God's love, guiding one through sorrow and hardship. The imagery of filling paths with flowers and walking in love portrays a hopeful and optimistic outlook on life. Overall, it encourages embracing love and gratitude as guiding principles, leading to a fulfilling and blessed existence.
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone : You But New
For years, I struggled with getting out of my comfort zone. I knew it all along, there were risks I needed to take in order to find the sky where I really wanted to fly. I opted for jobs that kept my 'image' safe, safe jobs with no scope of failure because I was too scared to fall. I always wanted to write books, but my fear of judgment did not allow me to break my comfort zone. I was protecting myself from imaginary 'rejection'.
As a result, I ended up ghostwriting for people for years. Countless books written by me are available on Amazon, but none of them carry my name.
That's how fear looks like my friend.
You live with the pain of knowing the potential of possibilities trapped inside, locked under the lid of fear. But one day, I had enough. I decided to go ahead and write my first book under my name. And that day, I wrote this poem.
You But New
It's a process
Albeit a slow difficult one
You are so attached to the old you, the familiar you
Just the idea of letting go of everything familiar
Everything you once held onto like your life depended on it.
Everything that you called 'You'
You let go off
Sometimes willingly
Sometimes you are pushed into it
Just like some babies don't cry when they come out of the womb, some do
They are so used to living in the darkness inside that they cannot imagine the life that awaits them outside
The land of unfamiliar, scary, unknown
Most of us are scared to let go
We tend to cling onto familiar anchors despite not wanting to be in that position
Eventually, breaking down and realizing
They served their purpose and now it's over
Letting go of the familiar darkness for the unknown
Shit scary ? Yes
Worth it ? YESS
Cause how else would you meet the "you" waiting on the other side of this version of "you," beyond the darkness?
Real growth lies outside
Outside the womb
Outside the comfort zone
Like a phoenix burning everything you ever once to become something that's still YOU but NEW
It's time to leave your comfort zone, my friend.
Let go of the old 'you' to meet the new 'you'. It's a journey of embracing change, of stepping into the unknown to find the 'You' waiting on the other side.
You never know, you might be in for a lifetime of surprises, provided you are willing to break your comfort zone! If you'll never let go, you'll never know!
Bluebird poem Charles Bukowski’s Genius work
This is my one of the favourite bluebird poem Charles Bukowski wrote. Rhythm of the poem and lyrics make you wild and fall in love for his writing.
Read full poem: Bluebird poem Charles Bukowski

There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.
There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
You want to screw up the
You want to blow my book sales in
There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever,
I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be
Then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with ours
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do
I wrote full analysis of this poem bluebird here.
Amy Levy who gave up her life at very young age but her poems and analytical skills is difficult to depict her melancholy life. Robert Stevenson was very passionate about travelling despite his bad health but his poem: “Autumn Fires” won hearts of many.
To The Next Station, where things appear to be more positive
Poem: To The Next Station

Will we make it over that stretch? Take each day as it comes, one day over is a day less, a stepping stone towards payday, like a heavy steam engine, puffing and chuffing over a rickety old wooden viaduct, wheel turn by wheel turn, the bridge begins to creak, will we make it across safely? Or will we plunge to our deaths? On the sharp rocks that’s down blow, what choice do we have? I keep my hand upon the throttle and my eyes upon the rails, I’m not a gambling man, I’m willing to throw the dice, and steam onwards with great care, towards the other side, where life seems to look brighter, where money is waiting at the next station.
Poem: When I tell you I’m a Poet
I am seriously telling you...

Read the poem | When I tell you I’m a Poet
When I tell you I’m a poet- please take me seriously don’t think I’m some cute girl who writes a few verses in her room about how your kiss is a new kind of heaven Poetry for me has a much deeper meaning, poetry is how I bleed out all of my emotions I hold within When I tell you I’m a poet- please don’t laugh at me or mock me don’t berate the simplicity of my words I weave into verse It’s how I make sense of my explosion of thoughts It’s how I express what I can’t say out loud When I tell you I’m a poet- don’t try to cure me of my poetic nature and prey on my insecurities and try to kill my dreams of making my art seen I know how the odds are stacked against someone like me I don’t do it to make it to the mainstream- I do it so other women like me can be seen, can be inspired to dream And finally when I tell you I’m a poet- Appreciate the artist in me, make yourself a sanctuary to put my poetry in- I’m not asking for endless compliments or an ego boost I’m asking for a safe space in you to love the poet I hold within
Waiting For Something

Poem: Waiting for something
Bring back that light, that used to shine inside of me, make me all a glow, I don’t want to feel like a robot, not anymore, my life is like pilot of a TV show, waiting for that long over due exciting incident, for the story to really take off, that adventure destiny has install for me, when will that be, I’ll never know, one thing I do know, I’ll be ready