The fire that gives us heat can also destroy us. it's not the fault of the fire.
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda
8 best positive life quotes: Learn Compassion, Truth, And the Way To Peace life
Positive life quotes from these Seven People Had Ultimately The Same Meaning, Looking At Peaceful Life. Their Words Are Not Less Than Any Magical Wand.
This is with the reference to the book “Dnyaneswara — A Mantra for the new Millennium” edited by Proof Vishwanath Karad. He is founder and president of World Peace Centre.

Here is a collection of positive life quotes that are evergreen and thought provoking.
Development of knowledge with wisdom compassion with love and moral characters only will lead to the well-being of the entire humanity.
Gautam Buddha
Lord Buddha (563 B.C. to 483 B.C.) ancient Indian philosopher also called as Gautam Buddha who lived through 5th century is still an embodiment of a truth, love, and compassion.
Development of knowledge with wisdom compassion with love and moral characters only will lead to the well-being of the entire humanity.
Gautam Buddha
Spiritual Jesus Christ was the first century Jewish preacher and religious leader also considered the son of God said,
The spirituality is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
India philosopher and greatest saint Dnyaneshwar (1275–1296) also called Mauli who wrote the worldwide famous eternal wisdom of Dnyaneshwari who also wrote Pasaydan. It had written in the 18th chapter of Dnyaneshwari, representing a prayer in the form of a verse as a holy offering to God at the end of Dnyaneshwari.
The god has no form, colour, and shape. I have seen and experience closely through my own inner eyes.
Dnyaneshwar Maharaj
The light which Dnyaneshwar had seen was Devine light of knowledge. The God is moderately the ocean of knowledge. No other thing than divine knowledge is virginal.

After reading these positive life quotes, everyone can acquire such divine knowledge
The one who is a true believer in the selfless action with a sense of devotion. And practices of transcendental meditation can acquire this knowledge over the period of time. Leading to this, the faithful person who has complete control on organs of the senses. However, the one acquired it attends the supreme state of peace of mind and the life full of bliss.
I’m the smallest of the smallest of the small particle of this universe, which can encompasses the entire universe — meaning thereby I can take the minutest form even smaller than the item, but I am all-pervading.
Saint Tukaram
Saint Tukaram (19 March 1650) was a 17th century poet (Poem Vrukshavaalli Amha Soyari Vanchari By Saint Tukaram Maharaja) said,
There is no other happiness like peace, everything else finds only sorrow. Peace in life is an ocean full of happiness. All the sorrow and worries will go away, and you will sail smoothly throughout the journey of life.
Indian monk Swami Vivekananda (12 Jan 1863 – 4 July 1902) who spread the message of truth and love through his lectures.
Purity, patience and perseverance overcomes all obstacles.
Swami Vivekananda
According to Vivekanand, rare people possess the state of perfection. And it can be achieved through extensive love of God, Yoga, and Meditation.
Spiritual relationship is far more previous than physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul.
Mahatma Gandhi
The famous non-violence resistance leader, Mahatma Gandhi (2 Oct 1869 – 30 Jan 1948) was an Indian lawyer. He was such an obedient student to dutiful father of the nation. His seven social sins are famous worldwide.
When each time I sit and think, a thought occurs to me, how much I have borrowed from society, nature, and my parents I doubt if ever I could repay this debt in my life.
Albert Einstein
However, Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) who was the all-time greatest physicist had the same conclusion. He said that we keep borrowing from others but often sometimes forget or unable to return it.
All these great people bow upon the principle thought somehow related to each other similarly. They taught humans from the eras a way to successful, smooth and obstacles free life.
10 Ways Swami Vivekananda Books Can Improve Your Life
Swami Vivekananda books and lectures shape you to prepare in life. However, those are based on Karma of life. On reading this, you will quickly learn how we can get the most of it from them? These life living formula helps every individual on this earth planet.
Modern Life Is Going More Through Technically And Thinking More Like Machines Than Human. It Is More Likely Using Emoticon, Away From The Real Touch of manlike And Writing On Electronic Devices Than Pen And Paper.

Indian monk Swami Vivekananda (b. 12 Jan 1863 — d. 4 July 1902) is well-known for his lectures on Karma. “The senses of humans, gradually, would no longer be in use. Still, the modern man feels that when they acquired a luxury life, then they think that we are modern with considerable knowledge, thinking this way is completely wrong.”
Swami Vivekananda books has manifested it with a representation of good examples in his lectures. The Swami’s lectures and books transcribed by his stenographer, Joseph Josiah Goodwin, in one of his books, Karma Yoga (available on Amazon).
The lectures had conducted and delivered in his rented rooms at 228 W 39th Street in December 1895 in NYC with his friends and supporters. In this book, he covered the concept of Karma and Yoga. Swami said that Karma and character interlinked together, the word Karma born from the Sanskrit. Furthermore, the word Kri ー in his lectures based on Karma and how its effect on the human body. What is Karma? And how it relates to our character and how positive and negative life goes, that purely depend upon our Karma.
Swami Vivekananda books and lectures says action is Karma
It is simply defined as doing all the action is Karma, our body language, tone, and anger. Our thoughts travel through and give a product that is called action. The action simply states equal to work. The pleasure and happiness have an end, it is always temporary, and the end has already decided.
Poverty taught more than wealth; it's only blows that brought out their inner fire more than praise. What he used to believe that, “knowledge is inherent, no knowledge comes from outside. It is all inside”.
Swami Vivekanand
The man with his all the efforts whatever he knows he comes out with a definition. However, people call that and label it with discovery or unveil. What man learns what he discovered by taking actually infinite mine of knowledge by giving an example of Newton’s force of gravitation. Here is below which is simple to understand, was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for it?
It was in his mind; the time came, and he found it out. All knowledge that the world has even received comes from the mind. The infinite library of the universe is in your mind. The external world is simply the suggestion, the occasion which sets you to study your mind.
The falling of an apple gave the suggestion to Newton, and he studied his mind. He rearranged all the previous links of the thoughts in his mind and discovered a new link among them. Which we call the law of gravitation, it was not in the apple nor in anything in the centre of the earth.
He used to only believe that, the mind is the only mine of human intelligence and perfect time brings it up. All humans are doing Karma all the time, talking, listening, breathing, waking, and everything on the planet earth people are doing. That is Karma and that leaves its mark on humans. Small work aggregates into a big one. Swami’s fine example as followed,
If we stand near the seashore and hear the waves dashing against the single, we think it is such a great noise, and yet we do not catch it. It is the only big aggregate that we hear.
Swami Vivekanand
He also said in his lectures that to know one real character of a man, do not look at his big achievement, look at his small work. “A fool person can also become a hero someday or another that does not mean his Karma is good.”
Swami Vivekanand said, There is a huge power in the universe, and it is only man that attracts the power toward himself. Furthermore, that power sends off with a big current after fusing in the centre and such the centre is a real man and the almighty and draws the whole universe toward him.
The virus like Corona is you can simply assume the product of a human action and I call it black fruit of Karma which is now harming the universe.
The secret of Karma yoga which is to perform action without fruitive desire taught by Krishna in Bhagwat Gita
Swami Vivekananda
Furthermore, read about seven deadly sins by Mahatma Gandhi