The impact of artificial intelligence is growing rapidly, and we are losing control and the power of the superhuman brain.

We are living in the digital age. Literally every inch of our lives experiences the vitality of this digital age. Absolutely nothing in our day today exists anymore where we can’t give space to technology. We are so surrounded by it that we cannot imagine even a single person without it. The basic needs of a human being do not limit themselves anymore to food, shelter, and clothes. The fourth pillar that has been added is our technology.
From getting in touch with an old friend to keeping track of different work aspects, from keeping ourselves updated to getting half of the daily tasks done, technology is all that we need. This is just the surface that I am mentioning here. The level to which technology is impacting us would take me days to write about.
A very new advancement in the digital age, a very hot topic that has been a topic of discussion on a wide scale, is artificial intelligence. The new wave of the digital era is here and is already marking its territory.
We all know the basics of this technology and how it works. Believe it or not, this is one of the most wonderful advancements that humanity is going to witness, and there is nothing wrong with it.
Now, if we talk about AI, a very basic idea that we have is that AI is basically a machine projecting itself as human. Replicating locomotion and other basic human functionalities, AI is nothing but superhuman. Being able to act on commands, follow instructions, be programmable, and definitely take way too little time to get a task done makes it more and more acceptable. Face recognition, biometrics, digital assistants, Google Books, and many more have already secured their place in our lives and are completely inevitable now. The job these AI tools are doing is very efficient, and with advancing time, they are also necessary. We are less dependent on manual power, resulting in less operational time and more efficiency. Basically, it holds the power to transform humanity like never before.
Artificial intelligence is definitely a raging wage, but at what cost? Let’s explore the detrimental effects of AI. Yes, we are advancing with this technology with passing time, but again, this is not all this new technology is doing. AI is not only making space but also replacing it. The entities that are getting replaced are paying a very heavy price for this advancement.
AI has given us many wonders, but again, there are many things that this technology is removing, and the first and foremost thing that is getting replaced is manpower.
Who would invest extra time and effort into manual functioning if it is possible to accomplish it in way less time? Those people who have been handling their jobs for so long are now all going to be replaced by new technology, and it is definitely alarming. This is just a drop in the ocean. Imagine if a technology is all skilled and equipped to replace tonnes of humans and holds the capacity to take away their jobs. One side of our society is already fighting for jobs, and on the other, if a certain set of jobs is all set to be done by another machine, then what would happen to our citizens? So, the bigger the problem we are already facing and is about to expand its wings in the coming future, the more it leaves people unemployed. What does that look like?
People are not only depending on it for a certain number of tasks; in the coming decades, it would not be a surprise if we saw AI making its way into our day-to-day lives.
So many applications are already on the market that are available for their users to connect with them and share their thoughts and everything that goes on in their minds whenever they want. So, basically, this AI is also extending emotional support to the users, which we know is not healthy, but it is so addictive that it is hard to take your focus out of it. Do you think it is the right approach to directing your emotional health? We are blindly following the instructions provided to us, keeping aside every other thought. So where are we headed as human beings? We are meant to share our feelings and emotions with our loved ones or any other human being, but this new advancement is cutting the chords between us. We are all together, but deeply isolated. We are losing that human touch, that heart-to-heart talk. We are no longer able to trust each other; instead, we have developed a connection with this technology and relied on it.
With the type of dependency we are showing on AI, it is not very hard to imagine the situation in the next decade where all of us would have more connections with AIs than human relations.
AI is acting as machines working as humans, but looking at the condition, it is not hard to imagine AI replacing actual human beings. The problem is that we are forgetting the limit of indulgence, and that is why slowly and slowly this technology is eating us up.
It is fine to develop ourselves technologically, but we should know when to stop. We have to be aware that this technology should not get so much power that it has the capability of removing the human race.
The human race is getting replaced slowly, from jobs to dependency on various things. We should know when the situation is transforming into an alarming condition. The situation that I am seeing today is that we are bringing this technology so much into our lives that now this technology holds the power to master us. Imagine someone telling you in your workplace that you are not needed any more, but now we have a new tool to do the job that you’ve been doing for many years. Something that we have developed for ourselves is not taking charge of her. In the coming time, what if we get to know that our existence is under a big question mark?
We humans are defined by emotions, and it is definitely not possible for any advancement to replace us. No technology or any other entity can question our entity and replace us. But we should be aware that we are more than our feelings, and those aspects of who we are should also have a significant role in defining who we are; nothing should be able to take their place. So, yes, it’s high time to identify the difference between using something and getting used to something.
We should use artificial intelligence by using our original intelligence, and we should learn how to control it.