Saturday, 8.3.24
I have become aware of the satanic rituals at the Olympics ceremonies since the early 2000s. This video notes a scarab beetle as symbolism for ancient Egyptian gods and pagan beliefs. This scarab beetle promotes rebirth, resurrection, transformation, growth, and endless life in its symbolism. These Luciferian elites believe in the Sun god Ra, who moved across the sky, each day, representing the cycle of death and rebirth. That faceless figure in the beginning of the Paris opening ceremony who takes the torch from the monochromatic pink trannies appears to represent some kind of Sun god, leading the world toward its ultimate destination. He also looks like the grim reaper. He does use a zipline to move across the sky, from building to building in the cycle of death and rebirth. Such scarab beetles are often used with dung balls, amulets, burial chambers, heart scarabs, and mummies. It’s a ritual to promote power, change, growth, and progress because the Luciferian satanists desperately want to achieve their New World Order agenda for One World Religion—Luciferian, One World Currency--which is likely to be a microchip, and One World Government--likely AI, and One World Dominance over others as their slaves. It will likely be under AI surveillance, in smaller and controlled 15-minute communities.

Moreover, the horse symbolism in the Olympics symbolizes power, endurance, freedom, independence, luck, war, eroticism, and evil. The war symbolism has to do with achieving political dominance for others to win over battles, stealing more land as well as becoming wealthier and more powerful over others. Horses can symbolize demons and evil Zionistic elites using it as an omen for death. Horses can also symbolize destruction or victory. Red horses symbolize destruction, black horses symbolize death, and white horses symbolize victory, which sounds quite masonic.
During the Olympics, I did notice a white and a black horse running together, and the white horse had red blood on it, which looked masonic to me, maybe indicating that the freemasons are involved in all the bloodshed worldwide for One World Domination. Horses can also symbolize female sexuality and empowerment as well as the goddess of fertility, which explains all the trannie performers in the Olympics. USA has been obsessed with electing a woman president for a long time, promoting Hilary Clinton in the past, and now promoting Kamala Harris. They were also promoting trannie woman, Michelle Obama, who is really Michael Robinson. Transgenderism was all over the Olympic Opening Ceremony to promote the depopulation agenda so people will stop reproducing.

The green toy soldier also can symbolize love, connection, and hope. Since I found it by the playground sandbox, it can also mean soldiers at a desert. It appears to be positive, and I am hoping Iran and other resistance groups will, God-Willing, obliterate Zionist Israel to the Death of Zionism and Death of Israel, which will lead the earth to a peaceful future without those Zionist terrorist filth, which includes other complicit Zionists and Nazis, terrorizing the world for their New World Order agenda.
At the end of the Paris Opening Ceremony, the lighting of the balloon cauldron looked like a fire-like glow of an atomic bomb against the dark Paris sky. Moreover, the balloon also reminded me of the Wizard of Oz movie because this wizard was always flying on a hot-air ballon. It could insinuate that the elite witches/satanists will be involved in some bomb disaster. Zionist Israel Mossad used Ismail's iPhone to seek him out in Iran before bombing and killing him. They already implanted a bomb at the house where Ismail Haniyeh was staying and remotely detonated it to kill Ismail and his bodyguard because Ismail Haniyeh was a Palestinian peace negotiator working to liberate Palestine from Zionists, even though Zionist Israel refuses to accept any peace deal because they never wanted peace. Ishmail was likely ritually sacrificed in this Satanic Ritual.

While walking on a walking meetup last week, I found a small toy brown horse, which I picked up for symbolism purposes. Brown horse has to do with divine intervention and guidance. It also represents strength, a secure path in life, and humility. I think God and/or angels want to encourage me to embrace challenges with strength and perseverance. That same day, when I went on the internet, pictures of a horse popped up in front of me, to reaffirm the message. I think one was a white horse and the other was a horse statue. I was wondering why I kept seeing horses on that particular day.
Since brown is symbolism for earthiness, the brown horse counterbalance the negativity and darkness in the world, associated with all the wars for power, greed, control, and domination. So, the brown horse connotes a positive sign. Horses are also messengers from a high power—communicating with God via Divine communication. It is important to meditate on personal growth and self-improvement. The insights received enables a deeper understanding of oneself as well as helps achieve positive enhancements and goals.
Furthermore, the monochromatic gold performers in the Olympics Opening Ceremony symbolize pagan gods, posing as idols for the masses to follow, similar to the stupid celebrities promoting garbage to their followers and fans. This year's Olympics also displayed hypocrisy, such as not allowing Russian to compete for political issues, while still allowing Zionist Israel to perform, even though they have been occupying Palestine for 76 years, which includes terrorizing, torturing, abusing, displacing, and mass murdering Palestinians, as the Zionists continue to cover it up with endless lies, propaganda, distractions, and corrupt acts to legitimize their mass murders and destruction.
On Friday evening, while taking a stroll in my neighborhood. I walked by the playround and noticed a toy soldier by the sandbox as well as a small sticker on the ground of bright sunshine, double rainbow and the word “RADIANT.” I picked them up for symbolism purpose. I also saw three cute squirrels running around, and two had a walnut in their mouth, as they scurried up a tree, although one paused to look at me, maybe asking for scraps. Radiant is about emitting a bright, glowing, and shining light from bright sunshine as well as a bright future ahead, filled with hope, intense joy, health, love, confidence, and happiness.