The ephemerality of life can be seen in our own eyes, as the whole year has come to an end so swiftly. The warm memories we embraced with our beloved ones have, somehow, faded somewhere. Yet, the exquisitely beautiful moments still bring us overwhelming tears of joy.
Some people have given us doleful pain, and it might seem to us that life, in its chaos, is not a blissful one. But when the reminiscence of those rich and beautiful moments arises, we begin to believe that life is, in fact, a profound bliss.
Life is a paradox. Our mind is our constant companion. As Andrew Marvell said in his poem To His Coy Mistress, “Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near/And yonder all before us lie/Deserts of vast eternity.”
Life’s mortality is the only reason that helps us to appreciate each moment. The duality of happiness and sadness is an inevitable part of our life. As the metaphor suggests, the inexorable destiny—death has started its journey and is hurrying near. And when the self departs, the richness of life fades into unseen darkness, where no light would reach, and no memories would reverberate. So, it is important to be a man of moments—this is the Carpe Diem theory—seize the day.
Life is ephemeral, and the beauty of life lies in its fragility. Every day must bring a chance to embrace the happiness we have forgotten. Someone is worrying about another person, hoping for a little attention. Someone is yearning to get attention from others, and when it’s denied, pain and suffering rush in like the wind. Someone is wondering, why is this person not messaging me, not listening to me? But freedom is important for everyone. Everyone should have the freedom to choose. Let people live. Let yourself live.
In most cases, friendships don’t last due to misunderstandings between two individuals. One friend may assume that the other will follow the same path they take, but that is not the truth. If you are his friend, you must give him the freedom to make his own choices. A friend is not a puppet who will follow every command. The same applies to the other person as well.
For true friendship to exist, one must allow freedom. This holds true in relationships between couples, married partners, and everyone. Freedom is essential in every relationship. Without it, the bond loses its authenticity.
For example, a few days ago, I noticed someone writing unpleasant things indirectly aimed at me. In most cases, people would respond, sparking enemy-like conversations through social media posts. But I didn’t. Why should I? I simply appreciated her freedom to write whatever she felt about me. At least, let her write, let her live. If it brings her happiness, then it’s my pleasure to know that someone is finding joy, even if it’s through this.
So, the best course of action is to be yourself. It is the only way to live a truly happy life. Death is inevitably drawing near, and the controversies and quarrels within society will bring nothing but misery. Instead, let the world dance with you. Stay meditative in your thoughts, actions, and even in the simplest acts, like drinking water. Dance with the flowers, embrace the present moment, and let life flow in harmony.
Despite our life amidst the chaos, time, being an invisible poison, gradually reduces our lifespan. The whole year has passed, but how many of us truly embraced those moments of happiness and sorrow consciously? The consciousness of self is the greatest instrument that helps us find contentment in life.
As 2025 arrives, let’s take a resolution to relish the fugitive happiness and distress of life with a conscious mindset. So that we may drink the nectar of life as mere mortals, and naturally understand the deeper essence of life before death arrives with its orchestra in hand. Though it may sound strange, it is the way to arrange the pieces of life into a beautiful exchange.