It was a first time hearing A beach sound pleasuring me We had traveled distance long miles On that day I had bad intestine. We had five hours of journey Covered almost 150 km In three stopped by mini-bus with my office-mate. People were so much funny We had hired a house in a village Slept tired after eating local tasty veg Sleep was so calm. First time I had slept in the yard, I didn’t need a music for sleep. Ocean sound took me quickly to a dream deep Early morning tide woke me fresh. I turned and saw a huge sea Coconut trees had beautifully dressed. Without brush and without tea. In my short, half nude like a horse, I flee Necked legs had first time ran on the shore Those had only experience off the concrete floors. Salty water splashed on me, and up on the thighs We couldn’t resist and jump into the sea like splattered dice, We enjoyed till afternoon, had a lunch only seafood. While return we took strawberries, fought with a shopkeeper, like a dog sometimes rude.
The last night

You were in my dream Pinching my cheek like a kitten licking softly I woke up in the dream caressed her claws through my beardy face. Somehow I felt I was fishing. Suddenly I appeared on a camel Holding you tight in the deadly cold winter in search of more heat. Ultimately, I want to bath in the hot water and soak myself in the Indian sun. Your pinches still loved the most in and around the dream. Drink you like Spanish wine every time. I woke up early morning with my stinking breath and the dried mouth of my last night hangover. I forgot the dream and wondered what was the cause. I ran and ran and ran on the shore. Thinking about the last night, dig, dig, and brain bored I found one thing in conclusion, that i missed you a lot. Finally, it was my no more delusion. Come my heart close to me. I would like to share some more time with you and me. I want to build some more memories together, It’s time that is calling us together again. Let’s reduce the distance between our hearts No more days without you and far.
An Opened Door | 1 Simple poem of a Lonely dark house
The poem, "An opened door," It's an imaginary free verse poem. It is all about a girl who is just stuck between a dark house and a lake on the other end. They (a dark house and a lake) are somehow presentin' a two-fold story, as a melancholy fold, and on the other side as a symbol of hopefulness.
Poem: An Opened Door
A wood house in the mountains
Its view from the corner of the lake
A lake is flowing in its jollification
Reminds her of those freaking feelings
A ship was enjoying the waves
Waves of lake were running -
Directly against the course of ship,
She opens the door and entres in
Looks backward, ship was opposing the waves
There was darkness inside,
While shining light was outside there,
She was standing in the middle of door
Hers back was sparkling ostensibly
Her front was sinking in the darkness
Looking backward….
Her face was glowing back in the darkness
Her messy hairs were waving
And she was smiling...

Room was full of murkiness,
There was a piercing light-
Outside the room,
Twain profiles of the same environment !
She closed the door ,
Standing in the eye of room
Silence was all around her
Her pale face was blocking the melanism of her hairs
And the room…….
Silent darkness was supporting her
Someberness and dreary room were bracing each other
She turned her face ,
the door was opened
The opened door was of no use
There was a lake before the door
The brighter lake and the darker room
were signifying the selfsame details,
She was allying the lake and the room.
1 Poem on Beauty of girls | One Must read
The poem on beauty of girls, is carefully crafted, keeping unbeatable truths in mind.

Beauty | Poem on Beauty of girls
Your beauty is breathtaking-
fragrance Intoxicating -
Your presence, scintillating
Yet, your sparkle never touches others' soul-
Nor the radiance brightens up the
darkness around -
The inebriation in your spell fails to
mesmerize the rest?
Ever wonder why? - a voice asked softly-
"Look deep within inner self
"The answer my friend
Is blowing in the wind"
Absolve your heart, your mind of years of filth-
And your beauty will be etched - Within the soul of the Universe- Forever-for time
Whispers wink
in acrobatic
Twisting to breaths
on hopes you
As words leave
lips on gentle
Softness is hard
Language of
two, duets as
Harmony shines
just like the
If skies could
sing when love
The land would
catch all that