Nazim Hikmet (b. 15 Jan 1902 — d. 3 Jun 1963) was a Turkish poet, scriptwriter, director and memoirist and his statement which always appeared in lyrical flow gained popularity in 20th century. Most of his work translated into English by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk. His writing most of the time deeply concerned about the view of social and political and few of his verses find woman as an obstacle in career of men. Hikmet also acknowledged publicly that he shouldn't have been married.
Some of his poetry stands out in differentiation of love, which has two repelling sides. He Always appreciated for rhythmic flow of his statements.
In 1930, his definition of realism proved one of the best as following,
“The misery of mankind cannot be seen personal tragedies of the individual. We, writers have to deal with this in particular. Moreover, a person who live through no personal tragedies, who does not suffer for personal reasons cannot possibly suffer for the misery of mankind. And such a thing is not possible in actual conditions of the world. It would be artificial to introduce such a character in a literary work.”
Nazim received many criticisms not only from homeland but also from abroad. His romantic poetry has opposition sides. According to Hikmet there is much difference between Love in Theory and Love in traditionally. The theoretic love has human solidarity thus traditional love depicted as obstacle to inspiration of poet. His thoughts mostly focussed on the love of universe and kind people of the planet.
In one of his poems, addressed to his second wife Piraye during he was jailed in Bursa Prison. He wrote to his wife that all the humans on this earth have the same love story like you and me but ours is not that harsh.
They have taken us prisoner.They have locked up. Me inside the walls, you outside the walls, but that is nothing. The most is when man carriesknowingly, or not the prison inside him. Most people have been madeto live like this. Honest, hard-working,good people who chosen to be loved as much as I love you
People out there had more harsh treatment than the couple (poet) had in their life but those are carrying prisons inside them. Nazim directed his poem of love and showed many concerns about them. While in jail, he wrote a letter to his wife.
Poem: “Letter to my wife” by Nazim Hikmet
My one and only your letter says:
“My head is throbbing, my heart is stunned!”
You say: “If they hadn't you,
if I lose you, I'll die!” You'll live,
my dear- My memory will vanish like black smoke in the wind.
Of course, you'll live, red-haired lady of my heart:
In the twentieth century, grief lasts at most a year.
Death — A body swinging from a rope.
My heart can't accept such a death.
But you can bet if some poor gypsy's hairy black spidery hand slips a noose around my neck,
they'll twilight of my last morning I will see my friends and you,
and I'll go to my grave regretting nothing but an unfinished song.
My wife. Good-hearted, Golden, Eyes sweeter than honey — my bee.
Why did I write you do they want to hang me?
The trial has hardly begun, and they don't just pluck A man's head like turnip.
Look, forget all this.
If you have any money, buy me some flannel underwear
My sciatica is acting up again. And don't forget,
A prisoner's wife must always think good thoughts.
This poem circulates a warm, deep feeling of love and the poet showed no fears. And someone could call it the power of love. Nazim don’t want his wife to do suicide. He convinced his wife that grief lasts a year, hardly in this twentieth century. This poem at the end give us good message to those wives of prisoners who are feeble hearted. It is a booster of long-lasting love and care.
Vinoba Bhave (b. 11 Sep 1895 ― d. 15 Nov 1982) was an advocate of non-violence and human rights. Bhave was born in a Brahmin family at the village of Gogade, Kolaba (now Raigad), district of Maharashtra. He was raised in a typical Brahmin family named as Vinayak Rao Bhave, and took his last breath in Pavnar, Wardha, India.
Vinoba Bhave's writing place.
The man who brought Bhagavat Geeta in Marathi (Geetai) to every Marathi lovers. He was the one who transformed himself completely from its teaching not only but perspective of life different way. Indians considered him a national teacher of India, being a spiritual successor of Mahatma Gandhi, MK Gandhi himself accepted his estimate and assumption of being Vinoba’s father.
The man who always crave for good and good things around him, the source of positivity from every corner of his body and fragrance. Moreover, he used to stand for the truth and always stood against evil people and its karma.
Vinoba was an ocean of knowledge who could easily available to every ordinary people, indeed, he was a man of living his life for ordinary men. Bhave was not only a brilliant student but also a great source of combination of learning, spirituality and compassion for plebeians. This exceptional man took the biggest U turn in his life when he met Gandhi when he was searching for Kashi (now it is called Banaras) and Himalayas.
Their first meeting happened at Kochrab Ashram(the ashram was gifted to Gandhi by his friend Jivanlala Desai). The meeting was occurred after few exchanges of letters between Gandhi and Vinoba. At that time MK Gandhi was impressed by Mr. Bhave and his intuitive conversations.
Vinoba Bhave wrapped in blanket.
The below letter was written at his Sabarmati Ashram, Feb 1918. After reading this small piece, one could feel how the friendship between them was on the verge of becoming stronger and deeper. There was great expectation from Vinoba, Gandhi wanted Bhave should surpass him in all the aspects of his life as he was considered Vinoba as his son.
It is a curious phenomenon that God has made the hearts of the poor, rich and those of the rich, poor.
One of the letters of Gandhi to Vinoba Bhave is here
“I do not know in what terms to praise you. Your love and your character fascinate me and so also your self-examination. I am not fit to measure your worth. I accept your estimate and assume the position of a father to you. You seem almost to have met a long-felt wish of mine.
“In my view a father is, in fact, a father only when he has a son who surpasses him in virtue. A real son, likewise, is one who improves on what the father has done; if the father is truthful, firm of mind and compassionate, the son will be all this in a greater measure.”
“This is what you have made yourself. I don't see that you owe your achievement to any effort of mine. Hence, I accept the role you offer to me as a gift of love. I shall strive to be worthy of it; and, if ever I become another Hiranyakashipu, oppose me respectfully as Prahlad, who loved God, disobeyed him. It is true as you say that, though outside the Ashram, you have scrupulously observed its rules.”
“I never doubted that you would return. Besides, I had, your written messages, read out by Mama. May God grant you long life, and use you for the uplift of India. I don't see any need for changes in your diet just yet. Do not give up milk for the present. On the contrary, increase the quantity, if necessary. About the railways, no Satyagraha is required.”
“What is wanted is intelligent workers to carry on propaganda. In the issue in Kheda District, Satyagraha may have to be offered. I am something of a tramp these days. In a day or two, I shall have to leave for Delhi. More when you arrive. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you.”
Geetai Mandir in Wardha is a house where Vinoba Bhave’s photogenic exhibition displayed and his writings in Marathi (Geetai chapters) wrote on the special different types of granite collected from the different regions of India placed in the garden.
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Those sculptured stones in zigzag lines are nothing but the pages of eighteen chapters of Geetai (talks on Geeta is available on Amazon in English ― The Heartfulness Way Series) from the archives of Vinoba Bhave’s writing (translation of Bhagavat Geeta in Marathi).
A 20 years old, Anandi Joshi who had great support from her passionate husband sent to the US for medical study, she was the only woman and the first lady from India.
Story of Marriage of Anandi Joshi
Her story, she is one of the women has been inspiring millions today. She was a married woman at the age of 9, but the marriage done on a conversational bond between her friends, family. Her husband that she has to study after marriage and this proposal was from her husband. Therefore, Gopalrao Joshi got married on this promise only.
The ardent man, free spirit, zealous, and brave to go against the custom of India and people, especially in the matter of Indian woman’s education.
Birthplace of Anandi Gopalrao Joshi
Dr Anandi Joshi | Anandi Joshi was born in Kalyan and her real name was Yamuna (The name derived from Sacred Yamuna River).
Anandi Joshi was born in Kalyan and her real name was Yamuna (The name derived from Sacred Yamuna River). She was considerably from a rich family in her grandparent’s era. She got married to the person who was almost 20 years elder due to her mother’s forceful decision and choice. It did not happen only with her, as it was one of the traditions in India during the 18’s century.
The husband with whom she got married was a glowing flame and sometimes cruel, asking forcefully for taking her education seriously. She said,
Sometimes he could throw books or a chair on me if I missed my study for the day.
Anandi Joshi
Family support and ardent behaviors of her husband
However, many times she had given a reason to say that she did not get time for study due to household chores. Still, her husband used to wake up early in the morning on his own and finish all the work of the house. He made her travel from Kalyan to Alibagh then to Kolhapur and finally to Calcutta (now it is Kolkata) for her study at an early age. Then only she learned Sanskrit and Marathi (These two languages were prime in the country, Maharashtra.)
Letter of Anandi Bai Joshi to Carpenter of Roselle 18th June 1883
Letter of Anandi Bai Joshi to Carpenter of Roselle 18th June 1883
Quote by Anandi Bai Joshi
No Man or Woman should depend upon another for maintenance and necessaries. Family discord and social degradation will never end till each depends upon herself.
Anandi Gopal Joshi
Her story was so inspiring, the couple got a spark and craze about studying medical science when their first newborn baby boy died when she was 14. She claimed herself held responsible for the death of her child. She said that,
If I was well-educated, then I could have saved my child.
Anandi Bai
Motivational factors of Mrs Joshi
Anandi decided that she wants to become a physician as she thought that there are many other women like her whose children are dying every day in India. She wanted to serve the nation as a doctor.
Gopalrao tried everything, knocked the doors of the city’s popular physicians, tried accepting Christian religion to that end but the couple was only facing criticism and opposition. Mrs Carpenters of Roselle from New York heard Anandibai’s story and sent her a letter and appreciated her effort and interests, and she also wrote that she is happy to accept her as a student.
The dream of the couple after receiving the letter from Mrs Carpenters was not so far, but it was two years’ degree, and she alone had to travel the miles to get there and complete education from the US. It was not possible for an Indian lady to go outside the home for shopping and going alone abroad was impossible.
Going against the society and her travel
Mr Gopalrao went against the society and sent her wife to another country alone to fulfil the dream of his wife. At first, she had denied going alone, but there was no option. Her husband had no job, and he had already said that if you are not going this time, then you will see me die. She was sent through a sea channel with boiled potatoes in her bag for her lunch and dinner and her necessary material for living and study.
She had not practised as a physician due to her health, and after she got her medical degree and became a doctor. Anandi Joshi died soon due to tuberculosis. Her biography is available on Amazon by Megan Callea the regional language book is also available in Marathi (her complete biography by author Anjali Kirtane)
Mahatma Gandhi said he was following Harishchandra when he was seven. Whoever it says, It would not be an ordinary person. Any child at this age either copy someone or lie many times. As a parent, some must have forgiven their kids. He also added that at that age, his sole companion was only his books and lessons when he used to go to school, he never used to talk to anybody, a very shy and own minded businessman.
When he was in high school, during the exam, he well narrated his experience of the art of copying. That art everyone must learn, upon learning it could help an individual succeed in his life. As everyone knows that there are always two sides, Dark and Bright. Choosing the one that is the art and when an inexperienced walk on the unknown road, it gives pure meaning for what he was travelling.
The incident had happened with MK Gandhi during his high school exam, he was misspelled the word Kettle. The teacher prompted him by pointing his boot at a neighbour's slate, but he did not prompt as advised.
“One of the words was Kettle. I had misspelled it. The teacher tried to prompt me with the point of his boot, but I Would not be prompted. It was beyond me to see that he wanted me to copy the spelling from my neighbour's slate, for I had thought that the teacher was there to supervise us against copying. The result was that all the boys, except me, were found to have spelt every word correctly. Only I had been stupid. The teacher tried later to bring this stupidity home to me, but without effect. I never could learn the art of copying.”
Mr Gandhi also stated another example, and he overrode all his elder’s advice and decided on his own to copy that person. The sorrow of Saravanan’s parent over the death still was looking fresh for Gandhi throughout his life. Such a developed mind at this age had brought the great leader to India.
But somehow my eyes fell on a book purchased by my father. It was Shravana Pitribhakti Nataka-a book about Shravana's devotion to his parents. I read it with intense interest. There came to our place about the same time it inerrant showmen. One of the pictures I was shown was of Shravana carrying, by means of slings fitted for his shoulders, his blind parents on a pilgrimage. The book and the picture left an indelible impression on my mind. 'Here is an example for you to copy,' I said to myself.
M K Gandhi
His great experiences teach us deep about life, one of his act of principle three monkeys are more famous. They briefly explain not to see evil, hear evil and listen to evil which are bad things.
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
MK Gandhi
Our eyes can hide the entire world inside us, it has such a power of mercy or anger. Or it is the only eyes that make us blind from the entire world from experiencing it if it has a different expressive attitude. Gandhi's principles of non-violence give in-depth meaning by one of his quotes above and have no one yet used as an example by any political leader. When we go anywhere, an eye first feels the presence of the place. Gandhi's family says that it is one of the real quotations by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Also read, Nathuram Godse:“I Would Like To Add That I Do Not Desire Any Mercy To Be Shown To Me, Nor Do I Wish That Anyone Else Should Beg For Mercy On My Behalf.” (who assassinated Gandhi)
After reading Jawaharlal Nehru letter to Indira Gandhi, father and daughter’s chemistry was seen as very friendly and inspiring to others. The letters were not personal, but they were educational, the subjects of natural and human history.
You know, sweetheart, how I dislike sermonising and doling out good advice.
He further wrote saying whenever he is stuck identifying what is wrong or what is not wrong. He never did a sermon and doling but by talking and discussing as the discussion is always the opposite of giving a lecture.
Jawaharlal Nehru letter to Indira Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru letter to Indira Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru wrote a letter to His Daughter Indira
My Dear Indira,
On your birthday, you have been in the habit of receiving presents and good wishes. Good wishes you will still have in full measure, but what present can I send you from Naini Prison? My present cannot be very material or solid. They can be of the mid and spirit. Things that even the high walls of prison cannot stop.
You know, sweetheart, how I dislike sermonizing and doling out good advice. I have always thought that the best way to find out what is right and what is not right. What should be done or what should not be done? But by talking and discussing, and out of discussion sometimes a little of truth comes out.I have liked my talks with you, and we have discussed many things. But the world is wide, and beyond our world lie other wonderful and mysterious worlds. None of us need ever be bored or imagine that we have learned everything worth learning and become very wise.
“I have liked my talk with you, and we have discussed many things, but the world is wide and beyond our world’s lie other wonderful and mysterious worlds. None of us ever be bored or imagine that we have learned everything wise” His endless advice makes people think beyond our natural power and the true things come out, following to such mindset the lie in this universe won’t exist.”
Moreover, the below one moreletter from Mr Nehru on her birthday gave a meaningful thought. Decide anything is always not an easy thing in this world. Desire to hide or do things secretly decreases our divine power and only felt is fear inside our soul. The afraid soul could die or vanish anytime.
Further, he wrote,
“It is not an easy matter to decide what is right and what is not, one little test I shall ask you to apply whenever you are in doubt. Never do anything in secret or anything that you would wish to hide anything means that you are afraid and fear is a bad thing and unworthy of you. Be brave and all the rest follows.”
Nehru's another letter to Indira Gandhi
However, this letter was written on her 13th birthday and was published publicly in the famous Indian collection, “Letters from a father to his daughter”. One of her brave replies to her father, her immense interest in the political world shows strong and seeking the best advice from her experience father. One of her reply,
“Bapuji is in prison, but the magic of his message has stolen the hearts of Indian, millions men and women, and even little children, came out of their little shells and becomes India’s soldiers of freedom.”
Have you got a question on how empty mind is devil's workshop? It is as simple as that when we are alone, it proves to be the most important.
Especially when we have nothing left for the day or when we are completely done for the day or caught in when our mind goes the opposite. You trapped in a conflict between heart and mind.
How and why I call It empty mind is devil's workshop?
We always overthink that leads us a somewhere unwanted or forceful path. It has recently happened to me when I was empty or left with nothing to do. When a housewife has finished her daily chores early, she has a lot of time to spend. After doing extra work, somehow she starts doing or inclined to the negative part of thought because it's universal's law when positive time finished, negative starts for sometimes.
The empty mind is devil's workshop | Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on
The empty mind is devil's workshop
One of such a thing that had happened to me. You must be laughing what kind of it is? You must have heard firsthand stories from working husbands about how their wives will argue with them when they doubt them for no apparent reason. It happens because of overthinking. The thinking which has no sense or no limits.
You must have considered what I'm trying to say, or that you, as a corporate employee, have what kind of an empty mind and a house of evil? Yes, I too had, and I guess everyone has in their life. It is similar to when your wife and daughter-in-law stay at home all day and you or your son returns home to find them fighting over trivial matters.
So, here we go, in the quarter of my shift I was done for the day and my empty mind had started rushing on many thoughts. However, sitting in front of the computer nobody would like it after the shift hours. The same thing had happened to me. I locked my system in no time and walked out on the road. I was out just to know what is in our office's stores (shopping mall).
It was the 30th of January, already the end of the month, and I had no money. But the height of the moronic idea of a human has no solution. I went directly to the basement of Food Court 3 in my office. There are many shops, you can buy ice-cream, sweets, chocolate, tourist packages, groceries, and medicines. Almost everything.
I went into a supermarket, and my eyes started searching and exploring every nook. I was convinced that if this stupid mind fell in love with anything, I wouldn't be able to resist it. It would be difficult to refrain from doing so, and my expectation was met exactly. Guessing what I could have done, A box of pens caught my eye, and it was a Parker pen. Well-packed inbox.
When I started digging in there, I found very interesting pens, and they were of high quality and costly too. I fell for a golden one. I took that in my hand and turned around, I thought choosing a diary would be a great idea. As I turned around, I noticed the new year's 2020 calendars, which were very fancy. I picked the one with the violet cover. My mind thought of black-and-white days of me when I used to have my pen collection, that time, I was doing my schooling. I couldn't stop myself, even though I had no balance on my debit card.
Realisation helps us keep away our empty mind is devil's workshop
I quickly realized that my wallet was narrower after touching it with my index and middle fingers. Furthermore, I removed my fingers without taking out the wallet and kept the pen and diary. I had already crossed off my credit card expenses for the month. I remained there in front of the pen tray. I also took a deep breath and picked them up again, quickly entering them into the billing queue before my mind changed.
Many of my thoughts tried to convince me to revoke my decision in the crowded queue, but all the efforts failed. Fortunately, I was the only second person in line. The next person was a female who was holding only two items, and she was done within one minute. Finally, with many financial implications on my mind, I swiped my credit card. When the card swiped and the message came on my mobile, it gave me a shiver. It was more than I had expected.
The empty mind is devil's workshop | Photo by Wilson Vitorino on
I got back to my desk in ten minutes (I was not logged off yet) and had another 20 minutes to log out. Only one question was bothering me: what would my wife's reaction be? Have you come across such a situation ever? I was sure that she was going to shout at me when she looked at that expensive pen. I already know this, which is why I purchased a few preschool books for my daughter, who is 2.5 years old. thinking that it will ease her anger over the term "stinginess." I also had a thought, “I must hide the bill of shopping,” but all went in vain, and what had happened was unexpected.
When I got home, I took my shoes off and rang the doorbell, hearing my daughter playing in the hall and watching a cartoon on TV. I had already planned on how to react at home when I am at home. As soon as the door flung open, Reedha greeted me and gave me a smile. “Reedha! "Look what I bought for you.” I pulled the zip (can't wait to show it to her) of my bag down and took out a carry-bag in which all the shopping had been done. I glanced around, the closed bedroom door,
Oh, Swati is having a nap, I thought.
I was pretty convinced that she must be awake and watching TV shows on her mobile phone. I gave a soft knock on the door and went into the bathroom to get fresh. She opened the door within a minute.
I made a mistake
When I handed books to Reedha, that time I had kept the other things on the sofa while she checked the bill. She came near me, resting one hand on her waist and the other holding the bill.
“You bought a pen for 500 rupees?” She asked in a surprising tone. I was looking into her eyes to measure the quantity of anger on her face. However, looking at my casual look, her innocent face started carrying anger.
“Lokesh, are you crazy? It's month-end.” “Yeah I know, but I couldn't hold myself back from buying these.”
She went straight into the kitchen, and I followed her dancing and convincing manner, but she didn't respond. She drank a glass of water and resumed her pending kitchen cleaning. I stood near her, watching her every move. She was not looking at me at all. Reedha was clearly enjoying her new books (reading Tiger, Lion, Deer, and so on). After more than three minutes of staring at my wife, she finally shouts.
“There are many things that I'm dreaming of, there is no quality mirror at the basin, no exhaust fans at home. I did not make any recent shopping, and you wasted 900 rupees today for nothing.”
Her anger was obvious, my dad had already lent me some money for January. Without a salary, I made this purchase. It was all justified because she was stormy. Was there any devilish activity going on in the workshop?
“You could have to buy some 50-100 rupees (range) pen if you even think that time.” She advised me.
This time she was calm down.
“Sorry for that, but…” What else I could say?
“Thoughts twisted my mind” I said again.
"You only are saying that you do not give us time after office hours. All-day you sit in front of the office PC and at home with your laptop. You don't give us time at all."
I took a deep breath and started looking straight into her eyes feeling myself guilty.
"Hence I decided I will minimize the usage of mobile and laptop and concentrate on writing part and that is why I purchased a pen and a notebook."
You are reading The empty mind is devil's workshop. Also, Read
She broke the glance, and I was clear that she liked my idea. She resumed her job—cleaning the kitchen. I went into the hall and sat on the sofa, unpacked my pen, took the diary, and wrote my name on the first page of my new diary. I was surprised when she came near me within two minutes, sat beside me on the sofa wearing a smile, and handed me a glass of water, I smiled too.
“Let me try this pen.” Finely she uttered in her sweet voice.
Before we go to conclusion on taking the decision, it is more important to know how to handle about the future. Being an empty mind is never accepted for a healthy mind.
Poem is the first thing to come into romantic mind when we fall in love suddenly. This is the feelings of the day and I took a step to treasure that moments into the words. However, not me but all human beings are the same. At every positive time, our mind receives with full of random constructive thoughts that inspires us and take us to take another next step. Thus, we start to make it happen true.
Catch them and treasure such time and days into something which keeps you inspiring into your future. Our life is full of ups and downs, but we should not forget to inspire and get inspired and that's I call the life. Keep moving on and never look back. The life is too short. Make it special. Love in your life is not too far, then. Have you got such a poem with you? Please do share in the comment below. The selected ones will be sponsored on i'mBiking.
Poem I got Engaged
Romantic Love Poem: I got Engaged
I got two more legs to walk together,
It’s not for only today or tomorrow, but forever.
Finely time has come, I had to wait for sign sum,
It had been told by my father and mum.
My smile never regrets people who have been good to me,
I think it was my fine and secure success of the key.
Melody smile, beautiful style for which I was walking for miles,
Met with a girl what I was waiting for just now while.
It was the happiest moment for the family,
I heard her name is Kamali.
She looked at me, I looked at her and both smiled each other,
I had just asked her a question, when we will be furthered?
Now it was a time to wait for marriage,
She was the only one of my life's carriage.
At the end of the 8th month of my wife's pregnancy, we were advised by our doctor to get an Ultrasonography report from our regular lab. We both were excited and eager to know our final date of baby delivery. After waiting for one and a half hours, finally our turn came. However, we were nervous, and we had done in max 10 minutes. After we got feedback, we were relaxed and went home. Upon hearing the final date of our warm welcoming baby. It sounded safe and worry-free. The doctor had said that,
The foetus has adequate liquid and everything is normal.
After revisit of our doctor, he also confirms that all is well, and it is going to be a normal delivery. Thus, we got relaxed, we withdrew all the clusters of enmities. As well as the regular habits what we were doing from the 1st month. The long-awaited day came soon and minor check-up done. After two days delay of the actual due date. My wife couldn't push further, all she was doing, crying with pain. Every time fails whenever specialists visit her and try their level best. After two-three trials they neglected and called me to their cabin asking.
We need to go for scissor immediate, let me know your decision within half and an hour.
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These words left me completely lost and excreting. The reason was the only one,
There was no enough liquid.
Listening to Doctor, I was surprised. Only one question I had was, why we had stopped our daily routine? That we had stopped on the 8th month onwards. It was including (Watching daily intake of regular water, coconut water twice-thrice in a week, careful exercise, strictly no ride on the bike).
Thanks to God, when the baby was delivered safely, the doctor said, "The Baby was strangled by the umbilical cord." What I wanted to say here is, don't wait for such surprise, waste your time and money.
Good habits for kids is essential for our kids today. What kind of nerves that send sensation to the brain of a child of 12 months old. I had experienced for the first time in my life. Being a literary blogger I was not convinced that handling a baby at home is not only a difficult task but understanding them is a bigger part. When we feed the child apart from mother’s milk, they soon become familiar with types of food and taste. And such one of the things recently had happened to me when I visited a shopping mall with my wife and 12 months old baby daughter.
What is Essential for Good Habits for kids today?
Since I do not stay at home in the afternoon, I was unknown about most of the activities. And our neighbours take her to their house for a bath and lunch. They live with an elder son, and one younger son lives away in Ahmedabad. They love her so much and feed her from fruits to Daal-Rice. We never restrict my daughter taking her to their house, and now she has become a piece of their life. Whenever we go to our native place, they keep calling us and talk to my daughter through a video-call.
What Food a Kid Needs?
At the age when she was 6 months old, she was getting all the kinds of fruits in her lunch, and thus she got a taste of fruits like Apple, Kiwi, Strawberry, Grapes etc. That day when we were going shopping in the mall, she was on the trolley enjoying watching different people, smiling looking at the different faces, children, babies etc. First, we had started the clothes department, we brought curtains and a few floor mats. Then headed to supper market things, Sugar, Rice, Salt, Wheat, Soup, Oil etc. and then lastly we appeared into Vegetable and Fruits department.
Think before Incorporation of Good Habits for Kids
We had seen many children under the age of 2 years with their parents in that section and few were still buying. We passed through a bunch of Apples, and she saw it. When we were going away from the Apple stall, every step of her ahead she couldn’t take away her glance from it. When she got to know that we are going away and away only then she cried louder. It was then we got to know that she wants Apple, she was trying to jump within a second and was not giving a chance is for taking a turn. My wife holds her into her arms, and we reached near the bunch. Before I could take them for weight, my daughter held my wife’s hair, gave a few scratches on her cheek.
You are the One (Parents) If, Who was the First Culprit to Your kids
I got 1 kg and gave one to her, she did not allow for a wash either. I shocked surprised completely that she was so crazy for it and buzzed almost the entire floor with her strong voice. Many of them were laughing at her and some got irritated. The market staff allowed our baby to eat inside the mall. Then we headed to the Electronic section. We had placed her again on the trolley, she was eating that Apple, falling down, and again she was crying and giving her back. Again and again. She as doing it and if I did not allow her eating, then she could cry louder and make people irritated.
However, it is difficult for maintain good habits for kids at an early age. I know that it is normal and babies do it often at that period of age. But what I had observed was something beyond my thinking and never experience anger. I pulled out my mobile phone and dialled my father. I just wanted to say to him that Reedha did something different today — it was not that bad or not a that good thing but sharing with him was quite fun for me or a bit of shame. On the call, I asked my father that “What if I was not capable of buying something she wants then?” My father gave me a very fine answer, and I was impressed.
Does Poor Child know Everything?
I never had a single thought of it. It was elementary, he said,“The poor child does not know that is Apple and if there was a baby who had never seen that before then she wouldn’t have asked or cried for it.” It was obvious, my daughter had seen the Apple many times, and she had to try it several times too. This was the reason that she recognized it quickly and shook the entire floor by her cry. This story was just Apple but what about the important decision in life or when you talk to your child about anything, then it is an earnest topic that we have to be alert while talking with our kids? It is a fault if something bad had happened with our child, it is because of our culture at home. If something goes wrong in front of them, they learn from our mistakes, and they do it knowingly in their life.
I saw an immature baby welcome. I was tiredly slumbering when someone I don’t know all of a sudden knocked the door. The door was not that strong, nor it was locked inside. I was in ICU at Jiven Rekha Hospital, Pune at that time, and it was midnight. All I saw through my blurry vision was a caregiver asking me to pull the nebulizer.
However, she was the same nurse who was taking care of my daughter all nighttime. She again asked one more thing, incubator. As soon as I pulled the curtains and opened the door. A group of doctors and nurses came in front of my room, not even let me allowed to pull the things she had asked.
"I saw an immature baby girl came on this magical land earth, but common the man could not afford the post treatment. However, I felt the thrill in the family of the infant. What made Indian civilization wrong?" | Photo by TUBARONES PHOTOGRAPHY on
All of them entered into my room holding a tiny premature baby girl wrapping a thin layer of blood and water. She was humming and looking like a newly born bird’s baby. I adjusted myself at the corner quickly and let them allow their work in progress. Furthermore, all of them suddenly ran into my room. I was surprised at first looking at that undeveloped baby. Switched on the incubator without taking them outside my room, two nurses started wiping her body by cotton and one doctor quickly took a lead. He lifted scissors from the pan the other nurse was holding. And cut her naval cord. The baby cried in pain. My eyes had shrunken in danger. I was completely shocked at the incident when I heard that the baby was born in the 8th month which was in dangerous to survive.
Moreover, she had a breathing problem. My heart beats went dancing inappropriate manner and sleep flew away. Patient’s grandfather appeared at the spot with a confused and worried look. The doctor in his 32 came out and stood in front of his dirty hand gloves on.
His glows stained with blood clots and stopped near the doorway. The floor already littered with blood stains of the patient.
It’s female, the baby was born premature and has a need to keep her under incubator and need an oxygen supply.
The doctor said nervously.
The grandfather of the patient looked at the doctor’s hand gloves were still proof whatever he was talking was making the sense.
Grandfather, saying no words, just nodded and stood dumb stuck. The man was in 50s, dwarf and was standing showing his fat stomach. He was dark and speechless. I was sure by that time, he was from a poor and innocent family. Later, I got to know that he works as a housekeeper in flats. The father of the baby girl had not yet turned up at the hospital.
If you can pay Rs 7500 per day, then we can proceed, the mother is fine, but now you have to think about the baby.
The old man simply put the hands together and begged, nodded and disappeared.
I thought for a while, how difficult it was to manage the money for that family only they can understand that. The man who could hardly earn Rs 8000 per month. It was entirely difficult to pay the whole month salary in one day. The mother of the baby girl was at her father’s place.
In India, all the pregnancy expenses done by maternal. That becomes too difficult for them when a couple plans their baby immediately after the marriage.
Who made these rules? This was the first question had come in my mind.
I did not utter a single word, I simply let the baby stay in my room for the rest of the night though we were disturbed. As the family did not afford the charges for ICU. It was an unfortunate baby taking her breath in the difficult situation. God bless that child and let her welcome peacefully in the world of magic and miracles.